HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-53RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING AND DETERMINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES TO BE PAiD TO CERTAIN CRAFTS AND TYPES OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED ON PUBLIC WORK iN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,. CALIFORNIA, AND AIMENDING .RESOLUTION NO. 96. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield .did, on the 8th day of January, 1951, pass and adopt Resolution No. 96, ascertaining. and determining'the prevailing rate of wages to be paid to each craft and type· of workman employed on public works in' the City Of Bakersfield, California, and. ' WHEREAS, since the :date of said resolution, the prevailing rate of wages in the community for certain crafts and types of .workmen .has ..Changed. :_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by. the 'Council of the City of Bakersfield~ California, that it has ascertained and does here~y determine that ~he general prevailing rate of per diem wages for-the below-listed crafts and type of workmen is as indicated, and that said Resolution No. 96 be .mended aCcOrdingly: (See attached list) V~AGE SCALE DATE CRAFT ASBESTOS V~ ORKERS BOILERM~LKERS BOILERIVLAKER HELPERS BRICKLAYERS BR IC KLAYER .TENDERS CARPENTERS CEMENT FINIS.HERS ELEC TR IC IANS GLAZIERS HOD CARRIERS IRON WORKERS - Structural _Reinforced LABORERS LATHERS LINOLEUM M I LLWR IGHT PAINTERS p LASTERERS P LU'i~BERS AND STEA}~FITT~S ROOFERS SHEET METAL SCALE FOREMAN OVERTIME REMARKS e-~] ~ .~ Double ~ 8 hours ~ .90 ~ · ~ ~. , Double l 8 hours 2.65- Double 8 hours 'Double 8 hours Double 8 hours ,- ,, Double ~ '8 hours ~ J~ ~ ~ AsB ~ nrs 8 hours ' ol~.h~rA~,~b ] e I Double 8 hours " 3.10 Double 8 bouts , DOuble 8 hours Ornamental ~ .00 ~ .85 Double 8 hours ~..7s 5,09 , 9 ,~5 ~ .~9 ~ s hours Double 8 hours ~ ,~5 ~ .50 .. Double 8 hours a.90 ~.15 Double i - 8 hours ~ -~6 2 o91 1½ 8 hours S .S7~ ~ .8~ DoUble ........S, ;~o~ s, ~.12~ a..$V'~* Double S hours " f~.VO Z.~ z~ s hours t 2.a~ $.zo x~ shours TI~ SETTERS $'~ . $.~5 1~ 8 hours Travel t~e md 'subsistence as provided in by-laws of each loc~ 'I HEREBY CERTIFY that the'foregoing.aesolut'~on was passed- and adop~e~'by the Counci'l of the ~Oity of.~BSke'rSfield at a'regu- lar meeting thereof 'held on the 2nd. day' of NovembeF, .19~3 by. the :following vote: Ci ~n~ E '-Officio .Clerk of the a x Council of' the City of Bakersfield MAYOR' o.f the ~t/of Bakersfield.