HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 47-53 RESOLUTION NO~.7'53 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A COOPERATION AGREEMEN. T BETWEEN THE CITY 0F BAKERSFIELD AND THEHOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. WHEREAS, there exists in the City of Ba~rsfield a low- rent housing project for persons of low inco~e which was originally located and developed on a site outside of the City of Bakersfield, but such Project site was thereafte~· annexed to the City, and is being administered by the Hous- ing Authority of the County of Kern, a publi6 body; and WHEREAS, it is considered desirable and appropriate for the City of Bakersfleld to enter into a Cooperation Agreement with such Housing Authority in accordance with Section 15(V) (b) (i) of the U.S. Housing Act 6f 193V, as further amended by the Housing Act of 1949 and ~Sursuant to the Housing Cooperation Law of the State of California,- being more particularly Division 24, Part 2 9f. Chapter .2 of the California Health and Safety Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the above- mentioned California Housing Cooperation Law, the City of Bakersfield sho_ll enter into a Cooperation Agreement-with the Housing Authority of the County of Kern in accordan6e with the · above-mentioned U.S. Housing Act of 19~V as amended, which Cooperation Agreement shall be in substantially the following fo~m: This Agreement entered into this , 31st day of August . 19~. by. ~nd betweem ~he Housing Authority of '(heroin called'the "Local Authorlty")~nfi 'the City n£ 23akersfleld (heroin called the "Municipality"). witnessorb: ~n consideration of the m~atual covenants h~erslnafter set forth, the' parties hereto do agree as followas 1. Whenever used in ~his A~ree~ent: (a} ~ tarm aPteject" shall ~nean, ~i~t low-rent hous- Ing'~owned by the Local Authority and ~nown ~s "Adelante Vistas, Project No. CAL-8-2. consis~in~, of-~O 'dwelling unitS. which Project is now situated in the ~'~nicipal- i~y. 1~e parties to this A~reement acknowledge, (1) that the fro Jeer was developed and operated prior to March 1, !~, by the Local Authority pursuan~ to 'a Cooperation A~re~ment between the iA~Cal Autl~ority and the County of Kemp'-(2) that the Project was developed on lands in the unlncorporated area el~ ~.~ County of KernX and (~ t2~t the ~ite w~s ~ffectively annexed to the Munteipalt~y ~b~ t~ne term 'Taxing ~ody" skall ~ean the Sta~ne or any political subdiwislon or taxin~ unit the'~eo£ in which 'the Pro Jest is situated and mdltch would have au~horiSy $o assess ~ lewy real or p~r~onal property t~xes or to eertlfy each taxes to a ta~jn~- body or publ~ offlooP to be levied fc~ its use ~nd 'benefit wi~h respect to the ProJec~( if ~t were net exempt from taxation, (C) T~':teX~ 'Shelter tlent" ~11 ~:an th~ total of ,all charges to aXl tenants of th~ Project for dwelling rents and non-dwelling rents (excluding all oth~r IrAcome of the Project), less the cost to the Local Authority of all dwellflag and non-dwollin~ utilities, 2, :,:~ Local Authority represents ~ro~ee~ was developed with the financial assistance of the !~ubllc Houain~ A~ministratton (heroin called the "Pi~") and ~t the Project is subject to a valid ~d subs~s~tn~ Contract fo~.Fin~- cial A~sist~ce ~th t~ P~. ~e Locsl Au.~rity ~lsO represents ~d Ce~tifles t~t ~ ~uivale~t Eii~Ination Preyislets of ~he said C~tract f~. Fi~cial Asaist~ce with ~e ~I~ ;~v'a been satisfied In f~l pTt~ to t~ execution of tMs Cooperation. A~reement. ~d' ~t no obll~aticn s~.ll' be Ir.lpose~ on the l~ci- pality for t~ ellml~tlcn ~ ~y m~e Or ~nsanitey dwelling units in connection with the Project. Under the constitution ar~i ,statutes of the s~ate of California, the Px~oJect is exempt' from all real and ~rsonal property taxes and special assessments is ~ied or imposed by any .Taxing Body. With respect to the Project, so lon~ as either such ~roJect ~$ owned by a lxxblic body or ~;overrnnent~l z~ency and ~s used ~or low-rent houstn~ purposes, or (ill s~ay oontrsct be- tween the Local Authorit~ a~d the i?IIA for loans cr armUal contributions, or both, .in tenreaction wi~h such ProjeCt remains in force and ~ffect, or (iii~ any bonds issued ~n cormscrOon with such FroJest or any monies due to the ~'.~ ~n connection with ~uch ~roJect remain unpaid, wMc~ever pe~i,od, ts theion,jest, the M~nicipality a~ees that it will not levy or impose any veal personal property taxes or special assessments Upon such P~oJect or. upon the LoCal Authority w~th ~.$speot thereto, Co~raenclng ~s ~o~ed In Paragraph ~(b) ~reof and,'du~InE ~e ~.minder of the' ~T~od described In the preo~tn~ .sentence, the ~al Authority s~ll eke ~nual ~~ts (~rein called .~ey~nts in Lieu of 'r~es~) tn lieu of ~Ch taxes ~d special ~sses~ents ~nd ~ ~nt for ~e public settees ~d f~cIlitiss ~xfi~hod ~om t~ to ti~e ~thout o~ cost or ch~;Zs for or with ~s~sc~ ~o t~ Project, ~b) E~ch ~ch ~1 Fs~en~ in LIeu of Taxes shall be ~de .after ~e end of ~he fiso~ y~ar established f~ ~!~e Project, ~d a~ll ~e in '~ ~o~t e~l ~ either (i) ~sn-percent (10~) of t~ aggragate S~lter Rent charged ~y t~ .~'cal Authority in re- ,p,c~ to t~ Project ~rtng ~ch fisc~d year or (il) ~$ muount pe~mf~ ted to be. paid by ap?lfcable s ~a%$' law .in] s!'?leCt.' on ~he date .'such.paint fsmade, whichyap amount IC ~llo Iowe~; p~ot'~dod, 'shall relate to ~he ,Shelter Rents .ci!~rfipd dur!n,U ~J~_e .k~inc,~l 'yoa~.. promptly ~. tile ~c~ Autho~ty after .ti~' .sxecu ~ion' foi~ this '. ' C~pera ~ion A~eemSnt b~' ~th '~,,ties, : " -. Li~a of Taxes "~ong t~ Tax~g BO~aS'~ t]~ ~>~o~ortion which. the ~ea!' p~oper~"tmx~s. ~l,ch would ~e ~een p~Id.to sack ',~EXing .. Body fo~" mob' ~a~ if the ~roJeCt wer~ not axe~ipb from taxation' be~s t~ tI~ tot~ real proper~.. ~axss. ~hiCh .would. ha~e. b~sn' paid to alt of 'ti~ T~ing S~les' for ac~'~a~. ~ ,~he Prc jv~:ct exempt. from ta~tlon; P~o~ded, ~-~~,. Fb~C no ;?a~nt for Year. shall be 'rode to ~y T~' ~dy in 'excess ol~ the S~;~oHn-~ Bo~ .fcr Such 'yoar tf the Project ~ere not exempt ~ron~ ~xat~on,-. Pay~e~ iR Li.e~ of .Tins, nO lien a.~;ef~t tne"j'~uJec~ or assa~: of the ~c~ Au~horlty sh~l attach, nm? sh~l ~F' IntereSt oP. .~n~l'ties accrue or attach on account th.ereof,~ . "' .. "~ ' 4' D~i~ tM peri~ comencing:with the daue of the ~.e~acton to 'the ~eip~ity of Ion .sk'te 0f ~e continuing.an lo~.as elt~r (l)the ~i~rojscc Is ..o~cd by body o~~ governrental a~ncy aM Is used.-for.io~Pent i:ousl'ng poses', or .( ti ) ~. ~ntract- batten the Local .AuCho~-t'~.y snd'ths P!IA for lo~ns' or ~ual contPi~a~ons, 'om. bo'~h, in with-.t~ .Project remlm in rome ~d affect, o~' .(ili)"any bonds P,~ In Connection with the Project re~ain un,~ai~, (a~ l~miah or cause to be ia:tshed Co' the Zoos Autaority ar~ the ten~a .of ~roJ~Ct ~biiO t~ s~e extent aa are "f~r~.shcd froa ti~e ,~G. ti~e without cost or c~r~ to o~h.~r dwellln""s and. ird~bit- lawful ~ctXon or ways as ~ne L,~mic!p~l~t':/. ~-md . Aut~r~ty may find necess~i'. In c~,.eo~ion ~i~h m~atrat~on of such P~o~act;.provided, $h~t .~o~sian of this COoktattoo. A~:raa~ent sV~Hil ~e .con- "which Ha-~e not been ae~io~ted ~O ';O'u:~lic use ~AiCh 'dO. not ~nr~m to u~u~l s~;ndards of ~he :hAnicl- pali~y for streets ~, if by reason of t~ ~unic.~pailty's failure to f~nlah"or cause ~ be furnished facilities which it Mas .agreed.her~un~!er ~o ~ib,~liah tO be'f~ni~hed to ~ ~' Authority ot. to 'the-t-en~n:;s of the: Project, t~ L~al Authority inc~s ~Y expense i:o o"-~tain ~ac!~" services or fscilIties, ~en ~he ~cal ~nthor].ty n~y de~ct the ~o~t of such' e~nse from ~'.Z~s~asn~s ~n.Eieu ef .'t~axss,-due ~y ot~r Iow~ent h~lng ~o'Jec~s. owned'or o~rated 'by the ~c ~ Au~o~Ity; prodded... t~t nothint Zn. th~ $ Coo~e:~,'atlon A~Eree- sent shah 'au ~i ze t~ ~cal A~oPI r~y tO d~duct from any Pa~ent5 in'LIeu of T~ss due or to 6Scorns du,, to '~ne F4untcZPality in respect' =o t~ Project any ex(~enssa oi' the Loc~ A~thority i'oP the maintenance of streets on -.tho a~ro~ect, w~.iO.~L~.~._~>.o,~ boon defeated tothe 'public use a~ accepted fo~ s'~.ch ]~u~j;~;'oc:e by the '6. ~. lon[jl as any ~ntract be~we~an'tI~e LoCal the P}~. for. lo~ ( m:lud~ng preltmlna~y loan~ ) or ~nual contm~i- butions, or' both, 'in ~mectlon ~h '~he Projec~ rs~xalna !i~ force eel '~ %e ~nd 'efi':'ect, ·o~ so long as maF .l~nde 1stored tn ~m~e~1on ~1~h ~he ~oject orgy sontea due ~o the FHA in connectlon wl~'~. gallons of ~e ~nlclp~ity'hereunde~ ~h~ll. resin In full force . ~d effect with. megcut $o t~ Project ~o'lon~j '~as ~he beneficial ti~le to ~he Project Is held by. ~e L'oC~i Authority o~er public hodF or govsrm~nSal' n.gency, tncludln~i =~thorized by law to e~a~e in t~ development or. of low-ran= housing WoJecte, If 'at '~y .time the .veneflclal..ti~le to, Or' %~os~e'ssinn'of, t~ Project ts held .b~' suca o~her body or ~?'over~ent~ agency, i~iudln~% the ?ff~, the F~ro~!siOns hereof $t~ll inure ~ ~e bedfit'Of ,nd :n~.y ~e enf~csd o~her '!rob!it 'body or gover~ent~ a~.ff, ency,'inclu~inf~ 'tfxe h~v~ r~D~etivel'y sl~ned this Agreon~nt and osused..t,hefr seals to be affixed ~d 'attested as .of. ~he da~ ~;I~t year' first 'aooVe 'written, COUNTY Off Attest: That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute, in as many counterparts as may be requL~ed, an Agreement substantially in the form set forth in paragraph I hereof for and on behalf of the City of Bakersfield and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to tmpress~ the seal of the City of Bakersfield and to attest the same, Th~ Mayor is further auth- orized to insert in the executed Cooperation Agreement the date of execution thereof. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. -- - o0o I HEREBY-CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the-City of.Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 31st day of August, 1953, by the following 'vote: Ayes: Carnakis, Collins, Croes, Eveleth, Saunders, Sullivan, Vest ~oes: ~one Absent: None