HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 27-53RESOLUTION NO. 27-53 ,A RESOLUTION T0 SUBMIT APPLICATION TO THE STATE ALLOCATION BOARD FOR STATE ASSISTANCE TO REPLACE THE CITY HALL ,UNDER ~HAPTER 21, STATUTES 1952, SECOND EXTRA SESSION. - 1 .WHEREAS,. the City Hall,' located at Bakersfield, California, was damaged, by earthquake subsequent to July l, 1952, to the extent as outlined'in the .attached application and .supplemental information pertaining there.to, all of which is made a part hereof; and 2. . WHEREAS, the State of California, under Article 'b...5. of Chapter Par.t I of Division 2 of Title ~ of the Government Code, as added by Chapter 21, Statutes of 19~2, Second Extra Session, referred to as the Earthquake Relief Act,' has .appr6priated funds to provide for financial assistance to local agencies for the replacement, repair, and recon- struction.of public works and facilities, damaged Or destroyed by. earth- quake subsequent to July. l, 19F2; and 3. :':' -WHE.R_.I~AS, the City of Bakersfield," hereinafter designated as the Local 'Agency,' desires'to apply '£0r a loan of State funds for' the re- placement .and reconstruction of public· works and facilities under the provisions -Of Chapter 21,' Statutes, of -19~2, Second Extra Session, referred .to as the Earthquake Relief Act; and 4. WEREAS, 'an application .to the State Allocation Board by the Local Agency for such a 10an has-been prepared and presented to this legi'slative body for cOnSideration; and \ 5. WHEREAS', provi~i0n has been made fo~ repayment of said loan ,from' the State of. California.-'tn accordance with the schedule as appended to the -application; 6 NOW, THEREFORE, :. BE IT RESOLVED: That the' Local Agency submit the aforesaid application t'o the State Allocation Board for State. Assistance undeP Chapters-:21, Statutes of .19~2, Second Extra Session, in the am6unt of ·Eight Hundred Thousand.Dollars (.~800,000.00), or so much thereof as may be approved.by the State-Allocation Board for the replacement and reconstruction S'F"public works and-facilities as de- scribed in the application; and 7. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That Local Agency hereby certifies that the total estimated cost for the replacement and reconstruction' of said public works and facilities for which Local Agency is making application under'-the Earthquake.Relief Act is Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand DOllars (:$9~0,000.00);. and 8. BE":IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That' the Local Agency ·certifies that it has made provision for paying that portion of the cost not requested as a loan from the State as designated in the application; and 9- BE :J[~ FURTHER RESOLVED:.--:That' the--Locsi ~gency execute an agreement with the State,' providing for assistance in the form of a State loan for the purposes as described in the application, which agreement shall contain such conditions ~s may be necessary under the provisions-of 'the Earthquake Relief Act; and lO.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE: That foP' the purposes of this application C. Leland Gunn Cit~ Manager P.O. Box 61, Bakersfield, .Calif. (Name) (Tite ) (Address be;and he hereby is, designated as Ithe authorized agent of ~ocal Agency, and is hereby authorized and directed -to sign the herein mentioned application ~of Local Agency and:to submit the same to the State Allocation Board, together ~with a certified statement Of tb~ total estimated cost to be paid for the replacement and reconstruction of the earthquake damage herein mentioned, and ~such other information as may be required; and said authorized-agent is further authoPized and directed as representative of Local Agency to conduct-. all negotiations and con- clude all arrangements with the State Allocation B0ard,I except the sign- ing of· the. loan agreeraent, but including requests for release of funds for payment' of the cost of replacement and. reconstruction of public works and facilities, which payments shall be covered in the State loan to Local Agency. ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foPegoi.ng Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day' of June, 1953, by the following vote: Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPR~22nd~ i953. MAYOR of the ~'~ity of Bakersfield.