HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 16-53RESOLUTION CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITYOF BAKERSFELD TO BE· HELD ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1985~ FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A · COUNCILMAN ·IN THE FIRST WARD,· AND ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS, APPOINTING PRECINCT ELECTION · OFFICERS AND DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES FOR SAID ELECTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of" the City of Bakersfield, . as follQw~s :- · That a general municipal election is' hereby called to be held in the City of Bakersfield, on Tuesday, the '14th day of April, I953, fop the purpose of electing a councilman in.'the PiPst Ward fop a full term of four years. The candidates entitled,. to have their names placed on the' ballot are as follows': · · NOMINEES FOR CITY C0O~NCIL -FIRST WARD .. HENRY H. 'COLLINS .'" JAMES W. SHURLEY That.· there shall be'eight cons61idatSd election precincts as hereinafter 'designated within said Fir~St Ward of'the City of Bakersfield for the puPp0se of holdi~ng said general municipal elec. tion. Said consolidated precincts shall·conSist of the precincts heretofore last established by the Boa'Pd Of supervisors of*the County of Kern fop the holding of general state elections and the same are ~hereby consolidated into eight consolidated eIection precincts for the purpose of holdi~ said general municipal election. A~ majority of the-CounCil of the City of Bakersfield hereby determines one in- spector, one judge and two'clerks-a sufficient precinct board in each consolidated precinct. The numbers of the respective consoli- dated Precincts and the officers to conduct said general municipal 1. election in each of said consolidated ~precincts, and the polling places for 'each ,of said consolidated precincts, ar-e hereby~desig- hated as follows: . WARD NUMBER ONE Consolidated Precinct No. 1., COnsolidated election 'p~cinct number one shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers one .and two.' 'The officers 'to conduct said election in and for said last named' precinct are hereby appehted* and .designated-~a,S follows: INSPECTOR ~! ~'~' M~s. Elizabeth L~ Lifquest JUDGE I~ Grace Hastings CLERK .~,- Mabel Ste~ne_~_- . CLERK ., Margaret A.', C0mst0ck The polling place shall ~be at Carl Sterner"s Garage, 1551 Monterey~ (faces Willjams). Consolidated Precinct No.. ~ .. ~. "'~C~o~solidated election precinct number two shall consist of Precincts Bakersfield numbers three. and fours 'The officers. to conduct said election in andfor said· last named precinct are hereby appointed anddesignated as follows: INSPECTOR Maryj'F."Griffith -" JUDGE May Foley CLERK ".Agnes C. Renfree The polling place shall be at' ~Lus., Anna S. Hobson~s Ga~ag'e, 1215 Niles Street, in rear.~ Consolidated PrecinCt.No..3 ~Consolidated election precinct 'number three'shall consistof precincts BakerSfield numbers five,.Six, and seven. The officers to conduct said election in and for. 'said~ last named preCinctsare hereby appointed'and~designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Ruth Armstrong Marie Cast ~ The polling place shall be at the B. R. Harding Garage, 82V Pacific Street (faces-Beale)., '=.'..,'-~ ...... O00--m-' ',.' -: ' Consolidated Precinct'No. 4 : .Gonsolidated election precinct. number fou~.shall consist of precincts Bakersfieldnumbers, 'eight, nine. and ten. The officers to. conduct said election inand.for,satd last named precinct are hereby appointed'and'designated as.follows: INSPECTOR · .Edna Mi Stroble gOg Monterey Street. JUDGE ..Florence'.L. Cat!in CLERK -FloSSie Reddig " ~' ~* CLERK Susie Prioe ..- " The polling place shall.be at.Mrs. Flossie Reddig's residence, ..... o0o ..... Consolidated election precinct-.number+five shall cOnsistof precincts Bakersfield numbers eleven, twelve and ~hirteen. The officers to conduct said. election in and. for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Erailia Souza Ceclye S. Calkins Lena Olga Flores Frances Bent'on The polling place shall~be at the Fire Station, 716 E.-21st Street. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 6 Consolidated election precinct number six shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers-91 and The officers to Conduct said election in and for saidlaSt. 'named precinct are hereby. appointed-and ~designated as follows: INSPECTOR ~ DorotHy M. Johnson JUDGE Tiny' ThompsOn CLERK GenevieVe B. Estroba CLERK ~. May D. Bagsby~ The polling place shall be at t~e-Liberty Baptist Church,. 210 Clifton. .. ~% ' ~ .... . o 0o-- - - - Consolidated PreCinct No. V 'Consolidated' election precinct number seven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers eighty-eight and ninety.~ ......... ~The officersto cenduct~said--etection-f~-and-~for said ~as~ named-~precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR · Daisy King · jUDGE Ermastyne'Harpe~ · CLERK Juanira Price- CLERK Marie Louise Hoiliwell 628 South B~own ~treet, .-The polling place shall be at the 0tha Robinson residence, ' · 'Consolidated Precinct No', B ConsOlidated election.precinct ~number.eight shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers eighty-nine and~ninety-two~ T~e officers to conduct said election in and.·for said last named,preCinct are hereby~a~pointed and designated as ~fbliows: INSPECTOR -Johnie'P'arker ' JUDGE Roberta Jordan" " . CLERK Mrs, Tomrole 0, Wiiliams CLERK Callie Carter The polling place shall be at the Mayflower Service Club House, 1215 Murdoc'k. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City~ Clerk be and she is hereby prdered to give notice of said election as provided by law, ........ 000 ...... '~- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing.Resolution wa~ passed and adopted by the Council of ~the City of Bakersfield at a regula~ meeting 't~he~eof held on the 30th day of March, 1983,-by the follew- ing vote: City ~e~rk'~~i'c~f the Council' of the City of Bakersfield.