HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-53 CONS. PREC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' ~EsOLTrI~ON DEc~ARzN~ R~.strzT 0~ IN T~ B~RSFI~D SCHOOL DISTRICT, ~S- PECTI~LY. :. :- ~EAS, a no~nating m~icipal election+ was duly t~ City; of B:~ersfield on the 24th day. of M~ch, 1953,' for the p~pose of electing co~cilmen in' t~ First., T~rd, Fo~.th '~d Seventh W~ds ~d for -the purpose of voting on~ fo~ propositions; ~d in the B~ersfield School District for~' t~ election of two meters of t~ Bo~d.of Education in~ s~d B~erSfield School District, ~d ~ ~WEREAS, ~ter notice d~y given as ·required by law' said election was d~y held ~d conducted on t~ af0resaid' date, .~d the ret~ns of said election 'have be~n c~Vassed by t~s Co~cil. NOW, T~FO~, in compli~ce with Section 9919 of t~ Elec- tions Code of ~t~ State of California,~ this Co~cil does ~reby determira ~d decl~e the 'results of said nominating· m~icipal election to be as follows PREC. IN CONS. NO 1 and2' 5,6&7 8,9 & 10 11,12,13 '91 and 93 88 and 90 VOTES CAST! . COLLINS 14e . 118' 171. 210 233 312 11 6 74 185 151 WARD NO. 1 -. COUNCILMEN M~HRAY I:BHURLEy.: -47' 137 74. s7 EMBERS OF BOARD OF ED. TATE BELLINGEH lo5 .lo4 82. 83 233- 226 108 10B n3 12l .76. lO0 1'27 39 89 ~ 2 17 - 27 . 78' lo 39 eS -, TOT~I, 1,720 ABSENTEE VOTES: ~. 6~7 378 550 / / 3 :',"~t~i' ~.~ lit' 883 A 962 Vc ,4- CONS., PREC. lO ll 12 13 14 15 PREC. ' IN CONS. NO. ~4' and 15 16 and 19 17 and. I8 20 and 21 22 and 23 24 TOTAL' VOTES CAST 121 126 i14 99 713 CONS. PREC.; IN PREC. CONS. N0. 16' 26 and 28 17 27 and 2~ 18 30 and 31 19 32 and 35 20 33 and 34 VOTES CAST 227 123 86 172 TOTAL 652 ABSENTEE VOTES: CONS. PREC. IN II VOTES PREC. CONS. NO. CAST 21~ "36 and 43 60 37-A , llA~ 38 and 39 2?0 25 4o and 4~ 26 [[2 and l~ 27., 45 and 46 WARD NO. 2 TOTAL ABSENTEe. VOTES: W~D NO.. 3 COUNCILMEN C ARNAKA S 124 8O 107 55 56 NAIL 97 64 16 28 15 422 22o / WARD Xo. 4 ' Co~cILE BROCK 16. 39 76 59 82 '15o :=" "':" ~ ....Zi3' 157 60 90" · 87 35' 49 .b,-5 16 26 882 375 o( j EMBERS 0F BOARD OF ED. MELLINGk'H 37 9o 80·. 85 88 88 39 81 83 93 153 ..... 101' 69. '52 ~2- EMBERS OF BOARD OF ED." T ATE BELLI N GER 164~ 93 79 j MEMBERS 0F BOARD OF ED. T ATE BELLfNGEI~ 30 ' . ' 31 '94 94 115 '112 115 64 65S 209 1-16 65 '29 656 CONS. PREC. IN PREC. CONS. NO. 28 29 3O 31 32 33 47 and 48 49 and 50 51 and 52 53,54,55~, 561 ana"57 58 and 59. VOTES CAST; 50 94'- 37 '~26 TOTAL ABSENTEE VOTES :- CONS'. PREC. 35 36 PREC, IN CONS. NO .' 60 and ~1 VO~ES CAST 62 and 63-~ 88 76 and-.?7... ,....... 86 37 38 9 '4~ 78 and 81 79 and-79-A 80 'and 80-A 82 and 83 86 'and 87 TOTAL - ABSENTEE VOTES: CONS. PREC o 120 176 124 125 115 986 PREC. IN VOTES CONS. NO' CAST 64 and ,65~,, 110 66 and'67 109 68 and 69 +- 208 47 74 and 75 213 48 84 . -- loo 49 85 a'B7-A - 166 45 70,71, 72 263 TOTAL 1,316 I' ABSENTEE VOTES: CROES 5o 113 126 128 66 791 WARD r -WARD N0. '6. ~B~s OF BOARD oF TATE BELLINGER 29 33 71 72 78 123 79 407 408 MEMBERS OF BOARD OF ED. TATE BELLINGER 62 66 -'98 .93 3341 98 96 WARD NO. 7. COUNCILMEN' SMITH 571 , - ' 112 ',' .16 75 32 ,490 86 ' 733 / .'7 ,t '/ MEMBERS OF BOARD OF ED. TA~I'..'' BELLI NGEH 2 55 lo~ 877 76 176 6~ 1 2 TOTAL CONS. PREC. 1 2 6 7 8 TOTAL' 1127 ABSENTEE VOTES: 169 162 223 MEASURE N0. I YES .... ~ N0 :107 27 90: 25 107 61 123 33 31 13. 20 221 VO~SSCAS~ · 39 · :70 68 55' 65 338. OUTLYING PRECINCTS NOS. 1-6 EMBERS OF BOARD OF ED. TATt~ · 30 65 50+ 4o ~ELLANGEH 35 -70 57 56 3o8 WARD NO. 1 MEASURE NO. 2 YES NO 8O 56 164 74 84 87 8O 108 733 · 40 95 67 63 MEASURE NO. YES '63 33 168+ 91 63 69 85. 57 .791, 45 88 36 123, 38 ,.758,4o5 MEASOmZ No. 4 FOR AGAINST 56 3~ 102 43 111 93 .~o5 138' ·'·679 76 76 175 101 59 33 35 607 CONS. · MEASURE NO .. 1 PREC. YES+ NO 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 TOTAL ABSENTEE VOTES: 56 12 8O 38 48 t5 83i '2'7 .-92 13 9o .i8 79 16 -528 139 cons. PBEC o 16 17 18 ~9 20 MEASURE NO. 1 YES NO ~05 28 53· 45' TOTAL 4601 112 ABSENTEE VOTES: · CONS.: MEASURE NO. 1 PREC. YES NO · 21 '33 7 22 23 27 : 92 17 116 30 -~ · 29 12 TOTAL ABs~.~E~ VOTES: 645 ~54 WARD NO. 2 MEASURE NO. 2 MEASURE NO. 3 YES NO YES NO 35 29 .. 65 46 32 24 33 27 66 -.43 ·35' 61 45 75 77 53 394 37 31 2'49. 7o ~9 EASUH~ NO. 4 ,FOR 33 2O 32 28, 25 '~9 ~88 AGAINST 84 39 79 92 83 74 486 WARD N0. 3 MEASURE N0. 2 MEASURE N0.3..~ YES NO YES NO ~o9 ....84 nl-' ,65 56 45 45 7~ 47' 41 22 39 21 45 14 '43 15 MEASURE NO. 4 .FOR 7O 54 3o AGAINST. 1~8 3~ 3o5 ~AS~ NO. 2 YES NO 27 17 63 40 68 60 221 331, 188 wARn~o. 4~.. MEASURE N0.3 YES NO 2~ ~5 71. 31 241 MEAS~ NO. '4 FOR AGAINST 93"47' 53 23 11 91 49 46 69 18 19 35 81 83 --1e5 .... .102 61 28. 45o 311 498 260. 5?5 CONS. 28 29 3o 31 32 33 TOTAL ABSENTEE VOTES: CONS. PREC. 36 37 38 39 TOTAL ABSENTEE VOTES: CONS. 43 45 4e 47 4e 49 TOTAL ~oBS~_.TEE MEASURE NO. 1 YES N0' 43 5 82 12 27 '6 100 19 .90 · 14 124 24 ' 466 80 MEASURE N0. 1. YES 126 75 65 102 149 --. lo8 93 98 8~6 NO 23 29 -13 .!30 -YES NO 72 18 , .,~65 24 so .. n 133 22 '988 197 , : WAHD NO. 5 MEASURE NO o 2 YES NO 75 22 12 64 '41 63 38 96 47 351 168 MEAStmE.:N0. 3 YES 72 69 68 101 365 NO 1~ 18 I0 4o 33 ~56 MEAS~-N0. ~ FOR 10 33 13 35 172 ~GAZNS~ 38 56 87 70 97 370 _WARD NO'. -6 , .:.. MEASURE NO. 2 MEASURE N0. 3 ~: YEs No YES NO MEAStn~ ~0.4 FOR AGAINST S7 59 81 32 ~-o9 ~- 87 30 72 46 76 22 95 54 7~ 92 76 70 :' 49 61 22 ,27 45 58 41 89 56 74 76 74 6O8 MEASURE NO.' 2 64 56 NO ¸' 28 28 80 181 301 -'627 280 WARD, NO. 7 - ' MEASURE NO. 3- YES- NO 63- so 50. 5o 32 93 6O 674 415 324 ,630 MEASURE NO. 4 AGAINST 49 50 42 "57" 85 '51 26 102 49 · 70537~ 61 86 58 132 ~67 . 79 ~o7 5~ 99 MEASURE N0.1. YES MEASURE N0.2 YES NO ' EAS~RE N0. S MEASURE N0.4 ~ES NO TOTAL 8030 VOTES 1033 I o:~ :'i~ 3515 2103 · 2278 3?23 BE IT F~RTHa~ RESOLVED that the'fo~lowing-p~rsons are hereby declared' to be elected to the office of City. Councilman for a full term of fou~. years, as follows: MANUEL J ,---CARNAKIS ~ ~Third Waz. d" '- THOMAS E, EVELETH - Fourth Ward · -. KENNETH ROBERT.CROES - Seventh Ward:- and the following persons are hereby declared to be elected to 'the' office of' Member of Board of Education of the Bakersfield School District, fo~ a full term of four years:. VIRGINIA C. BELLINGER W. P. TATE -BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that from the result'~ of said election this Council finds and declares 'that at said election a majority of- the qualified electors Ivoting thereat ·voted in' favor of ratifying and did ratify the following charter l amendments: NEASURE NO. 1: Shall Sections (166)4;' (169)5; (lvo)6; subsections (d), (f)and (g)'of Section.,.' · ~ (175)11; subsection (B) and (C) of Sec- tion (1V?)13 of the Charter of the. City of Bakersfield relating to "Relief and Pension Fund for Members of the. Fire Department 'of the C'ity of Bakersfield," .---.--:~:~_;... - .I ~be amended?. ...... .~_~ ........ ... :. ~..: ........ . ................. NEASURE 'NO. 2: Shall section 46 of the Charto's' of the City of Bakersfield be amended to permit persons other than officers or employees' of the city to enter into. t~ansactions or' contracts wit~ the city? MEASURE N0.3: Shall Section 136 of the Charter of the City· of Bakersfield be amended to be'. done' by. contract after advertising for bids, " and to permit leXpenditure of not to ex- . ceed $2500 when unforSeen necessity arises during .the .progress of-any public works ? and that a majority of the qualified eleCtorS voting at said election, did vote- against the following ordinance: ~ 'MEASURE NO, 4: CITY OF BAKERSFiELD REFERENDUM: An- ordinance ·entitled "An Ordinance Amend- ing the District Map Adopted by Section. 2~1 of Zoning Ordinance No, 501 New S~ie.s of the City of .Bakersfield, Calf- ._.-. ~ fornia", ~ezoning that .property bounded by Owens Street, 10th Street, Adelante -. Vista Ho-using ·Project and. California Avenue,' excepting the northerly. thereof, to an-R-2 (Two-Family Residen- tial) District, ........ 000 ......... I EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the .Council of the City+ of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day'of March, 1953, by the follow- ing vote: Cityc~~ a~Ex-Of~ici~ of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. NAYOR of the City of Bakersfield.