HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-53 RESOL IO NO. RESOLUTION AND !ORDER ESTABLISHING VOTZNG PRECINCTS, APPOINTING PRECINCT ELECTION OFFICERS AND DESIGNATING POLLZNG PLACES FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO 'BE HELD ON THE 2~th DAY OF MARCH, 1953. ' o BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of lhe City of Bakersfield, as follows: That for the purpose of holding the' general nominating election in the City of Bakersfield, and-for electing two members of the Board of Education in the Bakersfield School District on-the 24th day of March;-1953, the following voting precincts' are hereby established, election officers appointed, and polling places-designated: WARD NUMBER ONE Consolidated Precinct No. 1 Consolidated election precinct number one shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers one and two. The. officers to conduct said election in and fdr said last named precinct are hereby appointed .and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Mrs. Elizabeth L- Lifquest Marie S. Brown Mabe:lj Sterner Margaret A-Cornstock The polling place shall be at Carl Ste~:ner's Garage, 1531 Monterey. (faces Willisms ). -----o0o- .... ' Consolidated Precinct No. 2 "COnsolidated election precinct nu~mber two shall consist of . The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby: appointed and' designated as follows: INSPECTOR Norfine McMichael JUDGE May Foley CLERK Ma~y F. Griffith CLERK Anna S · Hobson The polling place shall be at Mrs. Anna S. Hobson, s Garage, 121.5 Niles Street, in rear. - -o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 3 Consolidated election precinct number .three-shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers five, 'six and seven. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby a~peinted and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Nell A. Gibson JUDGE Iva G. Clarke CLERK Nina, M. Holladay C/.~.RK :~ M ari e' C a s t The polling place shall be at the B. R. Harding garage, 827 Pacific Street (faces Beale). - - .... 00o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 4 Consolidated election precinct number four shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers eight, nine and ten. The officers to conduct ~aid election in and for said last named. precinct are hereby appointed and designated'as follows: INSPECTOR Edna M. Stroble JUDGE Florence L. Catlin CLERK 'Ftos sie Reddig CLERK F.ay E. Unger The polling place shall be at'~!rs. Flossie Reddig,s residence, -;~09 Monterey Street. ..... o0o---~- Consolidated PrecinCt No.' Consolidated election precinct number five ~shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers eleven, twelve and thirteen. The officers to conduct said election in and for s~.id last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR LUCy-A. Vivian JUDGE Barbara A- Cook CLERK Lena 01ga Flores CLERK Mamie E. Frye The' .polling place shall be at the Fire station, 716 E.,~'21st Street. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 6' Consolidated elec'tion precinct number 'St,x shall consist of precincts Bakersfield. numbers 91 and 93. " The office'rs:~.tO; conduc~; said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as' follows: INSPECTOR Dorothy M. JohnsOn JUDGE M~ Frances Fortier CLERK Genevieve B. Estorba CLERK May D. Bagsby IThe polling place shall be at the Liberty Baptist Church, 210 Clifton. -----o0o ...... Consolidated Precinct +No. 7 Consolidated election precinct number s~ven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers eighty-eight and ninety. named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: . INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Daisy King Ermastyne Hatper Juanita'Price Marie Louise Holliwell The polling place shal'l'Li~e at the Otha Robinson residence, 626 South Owens Street. ..... o0o-,--- Consoil'dated Precinct No. 8- Consolidated election precinct number eight shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers eighty-nine and ninety-two. The-officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Johnie Parker JUDGE Cf.F. RK Roberta Jordan Mrs. Tommie 0. Williams CLERK Callie Carter The polling pl.a~e shall be at the Mayflower Service Club House, 1215 Mu~dock. ..... eOe-~.;f . WARD NUMBER 2 .... Consolidated: Precinct No. 9 Consolidated election precinct number n:[ne shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fourteen and fifteen. The officers to conduct said election in and for' said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Mary E1 Eyraud 'Gladys Kuwahara 01lie Seeget Gina Uhal t The pOlling place shall be at the Manuel MartineZ garage, 52t' E. 18th Street. " --..,.~o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No, 10 =~ Consolidated election precinct number ten shall 'consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers sixteen and~ nineteen, The offic~ers to conduct~said election in ~and for said last named precinct .are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE ~CLERK CLERK Stella CLauser1 Helene J. Whitney Mrs, Frankye A- Andrews Ida M. Oikas The polling place shall be at the Frank Fidler garage, 218 Nevada Street, Consolidated Precinct No, 1i='' Consolidated election precinct number eleven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield number~ 'a.~Venteen' and eighteen, The officers toI'IConduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designs. ted as follo~.~s:' INSPECTOR JUDC~E ! CLERK CLERK .. Ins .Walton Mae E, Safford Nellie, O. Brewster Allie Callagy -precincts Bakersfield. numbers t~enty and twenty-one, The polling place sha!=! be at the Knights of .Pythias Hall, 604 Lake Street, .i Consolidated Precinct No, 12 -ConsOlidated election precinct number twelve shall consist of Ethe 1 A - De ~mond Jessie J. Greene Ruby C. Bayle Ss Pauline Hatton INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK The officers to conduct said 'election in and. for said last named precinct are' hereby appointed and' designated a.s. follo}~s: 1600 Kern Street. The polling place shall be ~lat Pauline Hatton, s garage, -i .-o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 13 ConsOlidated election p~ecinct number thirteen shall consist of precincts BaKersfield numbe,~s twenty-two and twenty-three. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby .appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CT;~.RK Martha J. Young Gertrude Frazer Gertrude A- Kirby Caroline Duns The polling place shall be at Ray Beggs' garage, 600 Flower Street. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 14 Consolidated election precinct number f~teen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield number tWenty-four. ~'IThe officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Eileen Coleman Alice G. Taylor Marjory A. Brown Elsie L. Shedd The polling place shall be at ~s. W. Cornelson, s garage, 21~ Irene Street. ..... o0o ...... of precinct Bakersfield number twenty-five. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and. designated as follows: INSPECTOR~ CLERK CLERK SchOol, 12 Lincoln Street. Mrs. Kathryn W. Balfanz Mrs. Letty M. Nell o Mildred Rapp Josephine Cole. The polling place shal~ be 'at the Longfellow Elementary -----o0o, .... WARD NUMBER THREE/ ~ ....~':~ "' Consolidated Precinct No. 16 Consolidated election precinct number 'sixteen shall consist- of precincts' Bakersfield numbers twenty-six and twenty'eight. The officers to conduct'~Isaid e!ection in and for said last named. precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK ~ddie· M. Fleshnet Jennie E. Carlson Helen C. Hawkins Nina J. Robinson 715.30th Street~. The .polling place shall be at the A. P. Strasner garage, ..... p00 ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 17 Consolidated election precinct number seventeen shall ·consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers twenty-seven and twenty,nine. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Mildre d S · Berry JUDGE - .. -; ............ : ....'.~.ifrs. Alena Hughez CLERK Ruth B. Che smote CLERK Gladys L, Stephens The polling place shall be at the' Bryant Radiator Service, 7. 2426 K Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 18 Coneolidated election precinct number.eighteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty 'and thirty-one. 'The ,officers to conduct said election in and-for~ said last named precinct are 'hereby appointed .and designated as follows: Go'Idle Crawford Juanita PattersOn Mabel- Lure 'INSPECTOR JUDGE Hallie Bowman The po'lling, place shall be at the Lee Ban garage, 907 22nd Street, in r. ear. --'--o0o .... ' " Consolidated Precinct No. 19 Consolidated election precinct nbunber nineteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty-tWo and thirty-five. ~The officers to conduct said electionin and-for said last named precinct are~ hereby appointed and designated as follows,:' INSPECTOR ~ - - · CLERK Ada A. stoc~kton Mael Harps Rachael .Rosenhahn CLERK Hazel M. Tatter' The polling place shall be at-Joseph Franceshi' s 'garage, rear of 300 20th 'Street. · Consolidated Precinct No. 20 Consolidatedeleq.tion,p~eCinct number twenty shall consist · O'f p~6i~C~aL~e+~sfield 'n~e~ 7thi~t~thr'~e imd"th~rty~rour.~ The officers to conduct;~.aid. election in and.for said last 1 named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Violet'M. Gribble ~ JUDGE Elsie Walter CLERK Mary Malone CLERK Mildred T. Sherer ~ The polling place shall be at the Schweitzer Garage Show Room, 110! 18th Street. ...... o0o ..... WARD NUMBER FOUR Consolida,t'e d 'Pre Cinc t 'No ~ 21 .Consolidated election pFe.cinct number .twenty-one shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty-six and forty-three. 'The officers to conduct said election tn end for said last named precinct are hereby appointed sa~d designate~d a,s follows: .... INSPECTOR Frankie Hall' JUDGE Ethel Smetzer CLERK .... Ethel G. Coker CLERK Mrs. Lee Briggs The polling place shall be at Adams Pontiac Garage Show ~Room, 1815 24th Street. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct 22 COnsolidated election precinct number twenty-two shall consist of precinct Bakersfield number .thirty-seven. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Lillian McAdams JUDGE ..... ~ _~ . Flor,~eence M. West CLERK Virginia L. Errea CLERK Dora L. Brown 2433 Bay Street. The polling place shall be at Fermon W. Benedict,s garage, - .... 00o ..... - Consolidated Precinct No. 23 . Consolidated election precinct number twenty-three shall consist o£ precinct Bakersfield numberI .thirty-seven. A. The officers to conduct said election in and fOP said last named precinct ape hereby appointed and designated aS follows: INSPECTOR Freida M. Kieinhample JUDGE Monta L. S~mpson ' ' :'~ CLERK '- ~' ~ · :' ' EileenEllison CLERK · % Johnnie. Wo Thomas ' The polling place shall be at Mrs. Charles M. Quarre,s garage, 2479 Spruce Street. ~ Consolidated Precinct No. 24 Consolidated election precinct number tWenty_four shall consist of precinct Bakersfield numbers thirty-eight ~and thirty-nine. The officers to conduct said election in and fop said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated'as follows: INSPECTOR· Anna M. Matlock JUDGE CLERK CLERK Florence C. Simpson Gladys W. Knight Gtadys L. Kofahl The polling place shall be at Mrs. D. L. KofahI, s garage, 2130 Cedar Street. --'-'o0o ..... - ~--'~'--' '. ..... ConsolidatedP~'cinc~,~No.,'25:, ......... · Consolidated. election precinct number , twenty-fi~e shall consist of. precinct Bakersfield numbers forty .and forty-one. The' officers to conduct ~ said'election in and for said last named precinct are hereby app6inted and designated as foliows: ~INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK Cr.F, RK Kelpia P. Yokum Lorra E. Briscoe Lennie L. Renfro Beulah 0. Hudson The polling place shall be 'at Mrs. Kelpia P,' Yokum,s residence, 2416 19th Street. ' .. ,----ooo ...... .. ConSolidated PrecinCt .No. 26· Consolidated election precinct nLunber twenty-six .'shall consist~ of precinct ' Bakersfietd numbers .forty-two and forty-four. ,The officers to conduct sa~d election in and' for said last named' precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Laurena D. Kilbourn Millie G. Munsey France s D .. Kasline Winnie B. Benz The polling place shall be at Millie G. Munsey,-s residence, 1826 21st Street. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 27 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-seven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers forty-five~ and forty-six. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed an'd design~ted as follows: INSPECTOR ," . Esther Johnson+ ............ ~ .....J-UDC_zE '?' --"-'.-'--' ............' Thomas F.,-. Ca~l~e---' .....'- - - .= -:-'- - CEERK -Lizzie E. Riley' CLERK . . Helen' Bm~roughs~ T~he polling place shall be at Camp and Bar.rows Tent., 21st, ll. and H Streets. WARD NUMBER FIVE Consolidated Precinct No. 28 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-eight shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers forty-seven and 'forty-eight. The officers to conduct .said election in and for said last na~ed precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INS PE C T OR Nelle Parker JUDGE Helen K. Smith' CLERK Minnie B · Long CLERK Edith Eva Reynolds -The polling place'sHalI~,be at R. E; Darke_,s garage, rear of 200~ Truxtun Avenue. ..... o00 ..... ' Consolid'a~e-d Pr~ecinct No. 29 Consolidated election pr'ecinct number twenty-nine shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers forty-nine and fifty. The officers to conduct said election in and for said'last named precinct are hereby appointed and desi.gnated~ as follows: INSPECTOR Lois S. ~are JUDGE CLERK CLERK Diamond B. Brewer Emma J. Armstrong ';:'~:~ ~ · D-orot'~y W. Mountain The polling place shall be at C. R. Co~ad,s garage, 2401 · Truxtun Avenue. --~'~-'ooo ..... · :' -~' - ...... Consolidated Pr-e. cinc~ No. j~O-..~:- Consolidated election precinct number thirty shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fifty-one 'and fifty-two. The officers to~Iconduct said election in and for said last named precinct ape hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Elizabeth Wells Emma A. Bergman Elizabeth F. Saecker Etta Ke ~m The polling place shall be at the C. J. Wells residence, 181~ 16th Street. ..... o0o ..... ConSolidated Precinct No. 31 Consolidated election precinct numbsr thirty.one shall consist of precincts' Bakersfield numbers fifty-three, fifty_-four and fifty-five. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct ape hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK 1800 Orange Street. Myrtle ~. Hudson Phil.a E. Fox Q. Esther Medlock Nellie ~3:~ Jones The polling place shall be at the Q. Esther MedlOck residence, ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 32 Consolidated election precinct number thirty-two shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fifty. six and fifty-seven. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Alice M. Chaplin Mayme E. Blunt Je an Elk:ins Winifred E. Ketchbun The polling place shall be at C. B. Kaley, s gapage, 2400 San EmidiO Street. ..... o0o ..... t ~-~ilI!~, Consol~idated Precinct No. Consolidated election precinct number thirty-three shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbe~s fifty-eight and fifty-nine. The officers to ~conduct said eleCtiOn in and f,or said last ns~ed precinct are herebye!appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK 0LERK ..Roberta C. Anderson Alice L. 'Hislop Georgia,J. Gardner Adelaide 'E. Bain 'The polling place shall .be at Emil C.. Rced's garage, 3001 Sunset Avenue. ..... o0o ..... WARD NUMBER' .SIX Consolidated Precinct No. 34 ConsOlidated election precinct number thirty-four shall consist of precincts Bakersfield.numberls sixty and sixty-one. The officers.vto Conduct Said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed 'and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Mrs. 0pal G. Sutton Pearl A. Oiddings .Eulaiie Massey Gladys F-. Powers The polling place shall be at C. A. Bevins, garage, 2327 Dracena Street. ' ' ' ----,o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. Consolidated election. precinct number thirty-five shall consist "of' "pre·ai cts ake rSfiel - u b *si t-y d .'and* .siX y: -th ee . The officers to conduct said election in and for-said last n~ed precinct ~e hereby appointed ~d designa~sed as follows: "INSPECTOR '. JUDG "· '' CLERK ~CL~RK Hentie tta D. Kn01e sz Mona H. Miller Maggie B..Sears Edna M. gShe The polling place shall be at thj A~ L-- Knoles .residence, 608 H 'Stree t~. - ..... o0o-,---. " .. ' Consolidated Precinct 'N0, 3.6- COnsolidated election. precinct number. thirty-six shall consist of precincts '.Bakersfie ld' numbers seventy-six- and -.seVenty-seven, The officers- to .conduct said eloCti0n in and-for said"last named precinct' are hereby aPpOinted and-' designated as. follows: INSPECTOR CLERK CLERK Joan A, Simon Ruth .P. Gartley Mrs; GraCe M. Lane nosie Hunter 310 01e ander. '.The "polling place shall be at Mrs. R0by P0tter"s garage, :. ' Consolidated-Precinct No. 37 " ': Consolidated election precinct ntmber thirty-seven shall consist of 'pr:ecinc~.s Bakersfield numbers seventy-eight and eighty-one. The. 'officers, to conduct said election in and for siid last named precinct are hereby appointed .and designated as follows: I. ,. INSPECTOR Hilda Edwsrds - JUDGE Pearl E I. Bi shop · CLERK ' Mild~ed Fern Smith_ .- The polling place s~all be' at Ivan. Robert ts 'garage, 1900 2nd. S~reet ,~ ConsOlidated-)recinc-t No.. · ' Consolidated election precinc.t-number thirlty-eight shall consist ~recincts Bakersfield 'numbers seVenty-nine and seVen~y-nine-A. The' ·officers to conduct -~said election-in and .~for-said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Anna B ~ Gr os s JUDGE _Opal J. Benson '·' ULERK · Vi.vian B. Shaw · CLERK Mr s, 'Be. le~n ' T. · Mi 1 ler · ';]The polling place shall be at M~s. ~nna B. G~oss'~ s garage, 2~17 Buena Vista Street. · ' .... ---O0o----- ' Consolidated Precinct No. .Consolidated election precinct number thirty-nine shall consist' of .precincts ~Bakersfield numbers eighty and:eighty-A. --ljT-he officers to conduct said election in and for said last named pre'cinct.-are hereby appointed .and designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK 116 0skd~ie D~..ve. Nona+J. Roberts Elpha ,Br0ok~ Hardy B-arbara'M. SuttOn .Martha:Bradley INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK ..... o00---.-- _ Consolidated P~eCinct' No. ~0 ~. ConSolidated election precinct_number forty Sh~ll consist- o.f. -precincts Bakersfield numbers eighty-two .and eighty-three. The 'officers to conduct said election in mnd' fOP said· last named precinct'-are hereby appointe'd' and ,,designated as follows: "" "Mrs.. 'T~ientze SCheuer- - Mrs. Su!a Batey Blanche., Ige 1 - Eugenia Robertson The. polling place shall be 'at'th8 Franklin K..Rhodes garage, The polling place shall be at Ostin+~Tr~gdon~ garage, 1521 Brundage Lane' ' - .... o0o .... ' Consolidated Precinct No. Consolidated election precinct number fOrty-one Shall consist of precincts Bakersfield nutabets eighty-six and"eighty-seven. The' offi6ers to Conduct said election in and for sai'd last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated, as'follows: .INSPECTOR . JUDGE CLERK CLERK The polling place shall be at Naomi Thdm'S~On LOuise P ,' Gribben' Ge6~gia M, Donnel Barbara GaPPie john Th0m~,;b' Earage., !OO1 ,South Che steer Avenue. ..... o0o ..... UARD NUMBER SEVEN of p~elCincts Bake~sfie!d numbep. s Sixty-four' and sixty-five. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last nsmed L·,precinct. ape hereby appointed and designated aS follows: INSPECTOR Fannie Gib0ney JUDGE Dorothea M. Cheney. Consolidated +Precinct No. 42 Consolidated election precinct .number for-ty-tWo shall consist CLERK Louise M. BPacchi CLERK - .Minnie Ann WOrkman The-polling place shall be at Lon J. Giboney,,s ,garage, Pear of 411 TPuxtun Avenue. ~' "' .... --,.o0o,~-.-- , ...... .. ConsOlidated election precinct..number-foPty-.three shall consist of · pre'cin0ts' Bakersfield numbers· sixty.-si~' and" sixty-seven, '~ '-* The. office.~s to conduct said 'electiOn 'in' and fop said last - INSPECTOR Gussie O. Headen JUDGE CLERK Ethel May Elliott Katie. J, Markie 'CLERK Mary L. 'Chitwood Th~'pOiling place shall be at Katie 2. Markle~s residence, 809 M Street. ..... o0o ..... Consolidated Precinct No. 44 . '· --Consolidated' election precinc.t._number fo~ty-.fouP shall consist of precinc:ts Bakersfield nUmbers siXty-eight and sixty.nine. -The officers to conduct said .eleCtion in and' for said last named'precinct areI.·hereby appointed and designatb'd as 'follows: "'- .-INSPECTOR " 'Nina~ L. Chandler .Cornelia J. Pifer ~ CLERK GladXs M~ Anderson CLERK- Sallie F~ Morgan Ths Dolling place shall be a~t. Nina L. Chandler ,, s residence,~ 1030 8th Street. -,-~-o0o .... Consolidated Precinct No. 45 Consolidated election precinct number f0rty~iVe-shall~consist of precincts 'Bskersfield numbers Seventy, seventy-one?and seVenty-two. The ..officers to conduct said election in and 'for *said last named precinctL ere hereby appointed 'and designated'as/follows: INSPECTOR' Cart ieE · B1 air JUDGE' CLERK CLERK 4th Street Alice .' C. - Harris . '. '~,--', ....',~ ~. ~.Li__-, _'j~ --..'.': ~ ,. -.~.~" May B. Bake r Ma~:' I · Up t on The polltn~, place shall-be-at the Eutheran ChUrch,' ...... 00o ,/ ...... OOD Oe(.}I': ~.C:~,f.Err'.:'-D DZG-'Z""~.' .-:;"f ' .~.'[c'." j':-~ :% rZ,3,,,:[5 Oo2Jcr Consolidated P~ecinc.t No. ~6 Consolidated election precinct number forty-six shall 'consist of precinct Bakersfield numbersseventy-three. The officers to condUct'said election in and for Said'last named precinct are hereby appointed and'-de'signated as* follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE Edna R. Lingo ESther B. Farmer CLERK Emma Mary Food · ' .' CI,F, RK Mrs. Ruby E. Barksdale The POlling place ~shall be at'.Icarl Schwab.,-s-garage, Donna-Street. - ..... o0o ...... Consolidated Precinct No. 47 'Consolidated election precinct fitumber forty-seven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numb'ers seventy-four and. seventy-five. The officers to conduct said election ih and for said last named precinct are hereby. appointed.and designs. ted as follows: ~ INSPECTOR -G01dena Trimell JUDGE CLERK CLERK Edna O. 0 ' Guinn :Helen S.tone Hilda Howe The polling place shall be at Goldena L. Trimmell, s residence, 1301 Chester Place. ..... o0o .... - ConsOlidated Precinct No. 48 Consolidated election precinct number forty-eight 'shall consist of precinct BakerSfield number eighty-~ouro named. precinct 'are hereby appointed 'and .designated as-follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK Marjori'e ~'!.' FliC'kinger Vera Rbbbe Ethel"C. Peterson -~. Crystal.L. Mills The. polling place shall be 'at Mrs. Wa-lter 'Ciark, s garage., 1140 DobPusky Drive. : --'--o0o .... -. Consolidated Precinct No.f49-' - - .Consolidated election precinct .number 'for~y-nino. shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers e ighty'fiVe 's. nd eighty_- seven-A. · ~-The .Officers to conduct said election in.' and for said last named precinct are .hereby appointed and .designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK r. '- .n-' DOrothy Manus. Mr~. Betty Myrtle· -Hall Mary Myrtle De abill . Venita Hughes:.. ~ · : "?'~he polling 'place shall be at Charles W.. Hatl,s'garage, ll08 South Cheste~ ~'venue. ---'-o0o ...... Outlying Precinct No. 1 Outlying Precinct No. I shall consist of.precincts Dnury North,· Drury.. South, Kellogg Nor~h,Kel'logg Southe' Monte Vista No. !, Monte vista No. 2, Monte Vista'No.' 3, Niles NOrth, Niies~.South, Palm' and Nil shire. -. ' r · The officers· to conduct· said .election in 'and fop said' last named precinct..are hereby appointed and' desiSnated as follows: -. "INSPECTOR 'Elizabeth C. Peterson -~ 'JUDGE - . Euge ni a': MoPtey .......... " . CLERK ' ,MrS~ Maye RobertS CLERK . '.Firs . Ona M. 'Marsh ' The polling place shall be at 1,Lrs. EliZabeth. C .. Peterson~ s 20'. I . residence, 1712 Niles Street, ..... o0o--~-' Outlying_ Precinct No. 2 Outlying Precinct No.-2 Sh'all consist of~ precincts Petroleum, Standard, Ellwood, jewett East, Jewett West, Ksith No. l, Keith No. 2, Keith No.-3~ Keith No. 4, Keith No. ~, Keith No. 6, Keith No. 7, La Cresta North=, La Cresta South, Skyline East, Skyline .~,,iest, Ramona, and Beardsley. .I . .'-..The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Mrs. Edna 'B.- Tanner RiVer JUDGE CLERK CL~;RK Mrs.--Grace Beu3ger Mrs. !,)ei ter StokeSbury Mr's,. BSttye Lou James The polling place shall be at the RiVer Boulevard School, Boulevard and Columbus. ..... o0o---~- Outlying Preci. nc~ No. 3 .Outlying Precinct No. 3 shall consi'st Of precincts Adobe No. 1,' Casaloma East, C~aloma West, Jastr0 East, Jastro West, Union No. l, Union No~ 2, Union No. ~3: Union No. 4, Union hvo. 5, and Union No. 6. The officers to conduct .said' election in and for said last named precinct' ~e hereby appointed and'designated as follo~s: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK .Mrs. Mary Bratchef Mrs. ina Jaeger MrS..Robert ¥atts The polling place shall be at the Casa Loma SChool, Casa Ecma~ Drive. ..... o'00 .... ,21. .... ;o0o ..... Outlying PreCinct ,No. 4 -. Outlying Precinct No. 4 shall. 6onsist of precinCts Bakersfield South,. Bakersfield ~,Jest, Berneta,' Castro South, Castro. North, Castro, Stine', .Bbockdale No. l, St0ckdale No. 2, Fairhaven, Castro East.' The 'officers to Conduct said election in and for said last ne~ned precinct are hereby-appointed and' designated as follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK Arleta Bertrand.. Dorothy N. Roesle Jessie M.' Kopper Lane CLERK Edith Logs' The polling place shall be at the Castro Lane School, Castro INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK Outlying Precinct' No..~ Outlying precinct No. 5 shall consist of 'precincts Descanso No. l, .Descanso No. 2, Descanso No. 3, Descanso No. 4,. Greenhorn, Kern Canon', Magunden No. l, Magunden No., 2, McCurdy East,.~McCurdy West, McCurdy North, Primavera West,' vePnile,' Wa, lkers Basin and Hillcre st. The officers to conduct said .eleCtion in an~"'for said last.· named precinct s2re hereby appointed .and 'designated as.follows: Margaret? Mine tti Ruby BOwman " Ida M.~ McClain 301!?~-Csnt e P-St re e t .. CLERK Verna Bennett The polling place shall be at' the Sierra Junio~ High School, -~-:-o0o- .... "' Outlying Precindt~No. 6 -' OUtlying Precinct N0.6 shall consist of precincts Borgwardt North, Borgwardt ~.~est, Garden East, GardensWest, Mears, Virginia East, Virginia East - 1, Virginia West, ~and Virginia West'l. The officers to ·cond'uct said election in and for said last named precinct are 'hereby appointed and designated as *follows: INSPECTOR JUDGE CLERK CLERK · -Me lb a D~ke S ~Lrs. ·Harvey Ginn ~s. Mabel'Vancii' Mrs. Dorothy L. CrOss and Mt..' Vernon Drive. The polling pl ace- shall be at the Mt · Vernon School, Potomac I HEREBY CERTIFY.that the foregoing ReSolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City lof ·Bakersfield at a regular ~ meeting thereof held on the 2rid day of March,/ 1953~ .by the following vote Council-'Of the City of Bakersfield. · ApPRO ' th . ' , .... . . .