HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 6-53RESOLUTION No. 6 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALLING A SPECIAL ~IUNI- CIPAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB- MITTING TO THE QUALIFED REGISTERED ELEC~.0RS A PROPOSITION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AND PROVIDING FOR THE CON- SOLIDATION OF SAID ELECTION WITH THE MUNICIPAL NOMINATING ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 24, 1953. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the 29th day of September, 1952, passed and adopted Ordinance No. 955 New Series, to provide for the inclusion of the property therein described in an R-2 (Two-Family Residential) District, and V~HEREAS, said property, which is more particularly described in said Ordinance No. 955 New Series, is situated in the Sunset-May- flower District and is bounded on the West by Owens Street, on the South by Tenth Street, on the East by Adelante Vista Housing Project, and on the North by California Avenue, excepting therefrom the northerly 150 feet thereof, and WHEREAS, a petition protesting against the passage of said ordinance, signed by more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the entire vote cast at the last municipal election at which all qualified regis- tered electors were entitled to vote, was filed with the. Council of the City of Bakersfield on October 29, 1952, and certified as sufficient by the City Clerk on November 10, 1952, and WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield provides that upon the presentation of such petition, the Council shall submit the ordinance to the qualified registered electors of the city~ NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER, as follows: 1. That a special election he held, and the same is hereby called to be held in the City of Bakersfield, California, on the 24th 0 day of March, 1953, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified registered electors of said city a proposition for the approval or rejection of the following ordinance, to wit: "ORDINANCE N0. 953 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DISTRICT MAP ADOPTED BY SECTION 2.1 OF ZON- ING ORDINANCE N0. 501 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure specified by the provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 501, New Series, the Planning Commission and City Council have held hearings on a petition to change the "Dis- trict Map" adopted by Section 2.1 of said ordinance, and V~YEREAS, the City Council has determined after due consideration that certain changes in said Map should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That the District Map made a part of Zoning Or- dinance No. 501, New Series, be amended by changing the district boundaries so as to include the follow- ing described'property in an R-2 (Two-Family Resi- dential) District; A parcel of land bounded on the North by California Avenue, on the South by 10th Street, on the West by Owens Street, on the East by Robinson Street and including Lots i to 15 inclusive, o~ Tract No. 1333, as per map of said Tract recorded April 9, 1947, in Map Book 6, Page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California; also including Lots 13 to 22 inclusive, Lots 26 to 31 inclusive, Lots 33 to 43 inclusive, and Lots 45 to 52 inclusive, all in Tract No. 1301, as per map of said Tract recorded May 28, 1946, in Map Book 5, Page 141, in the office of the aforesaid County Recorder and also including that certain piece of property bounded on the North by California Avenue, on the South by the prolongation easterly of the northerly right of way line of 10th Street, on the West by the easterly right of way line of Lakeview Avenue and on the East by the westerly 'boundary line of the existing low- rent housing project, "Adelante Vista Cal. 8-2"; excepting therefrom a str~p of land lying southerly of and contiguous to the southerly right of way line of California Avenue, said strip of land being 130 feet in width northerly and southerly measured at right. angles to the southerly right of way line of California Avenue and bounded on the West by Owens Street and on the East by Robinson Street and also excepting therefrom a strip of land lying southerly of andcontiguous to the southerly right of way line of California Avenue, said strip of land being 130 feet in width northerly and southerly measured at right angles to the southerly right of way line of California Avenue and bounded on the West by Lake- view Avenue and on the East by the westerly bound- ary line of the, "Adelante Vista Cal. 8-2" housing project. ' ...... o0o ...... I NEEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed. and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of September, 1952, by the following vote: Marian S. Irvin 'City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the ~City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 29th day of September, 1982. Frank Sullivan ~V~AYOR of the City of ~akersfield." 2. That said proposition shall be placed on the ballot to be used at said special municipal election in the following words and figures, to wit: ICITY 0F BAKERSFIELD REFERENDUM: An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amend- ing the District Map Adopted by Section 2.1 of Zoning Ordinance No. S01 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, Cali- fornia", rezoning that property bounded by Owens Street, 10th Street, Adelante Vista Housing Project and California Avenue, excepting the northerly 130 feet thereof, to an R-2 (Two-Family Residential) Ordinance District. For the Ordinance Against the 3. That said special municipal election be and the same is hereby consolidated with the regular municipal election to be held in the City of Bakersfield on Tuesday, March 24, 1983, and the precincts, polling places and officers of election for said special municipal election shall be the same as t hose provided for said regular municipal election. I HEREBY CERTIFY that t he foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of February, 1953, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAg(IS, SAU,NC.,ERS, SHU3~LEY, SMITH, SULL!VAr..1, V.~,NDERLEI, VEST Council of the City of Bakersfield. NAY of the City of ~akersfield.