HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 3-53RESOLUTION NO'. 3-53 ~'JTIEREAS, a petition was filed· with the Council of. the 'City of. Bakersfield. on the Ig~hday of January., 1983.~' ~questing that certain uninhabited territory therein descri.bed be.:annexed' and included within the incorporated limits 6f the City of Bakersfield, and'~' ~..~>tEHh~-~S~ said petition waSh signed by the' ov~ners- of not less than one'fourth (1/~) of the areaOf the land in s. Uch territory, and representing not' less than one-fOurth-(1/~)'of the assessed Value of Sdch' territory according: to the la'st.'pr'e.ceding equalized assessment roll of the. Cobu~ty of .Kern. " · " · NOW. Tk~,~-.i-I~FORE', in compli.anCe with. the provisions of the Annex. ation of Uninhabited Te~-ritory' Act of' 1989.'Sts~tutes of 1939, Chapter B9V, as amended: Big .iT Itl~SOLVED by. the Co.un~il "of :the City of Bakers- field as follox.~s: .- That the boundaries of the territor. y 'so propos'ed to be annexed ~ogether with a'portion of Myrtle Street, to the City of Bakersfield/~re' specifically de.scribed as: . Beginning at the point formed by the intersection. of ,. :. .the. easterly boundary--li'ne of Lot t of. t~rampton Acres, · , as per map thereof recorded in I~,:£ap Book e, 'Page ,: Official Records of t[ern County, California,. ~vith the . . .westerly prolongation of the soUntherly boundary line ' of ~nd (Second) Street as said. Street is shoWn.and de'lineated on the r.~ap of the. Geede ':T~act, recorded. in I~iap Book l, Page l~, ·Official Records of aforesaid ifel~n County, which said westerly prolongation is a portion of 'the corporate boundary of ~he City of Bakers- field, California, thence southerly along the aforesaid' easterly boundary line of said Lot I and southerly .. along the e.a.sterly .boundary line of Lot ~ of-said FramptOn Acres. said line being a portion of the cor- porate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield, a · distance of 20~.96 feet to a point,. whlc.h .is the true point of. beginning for this certain description; thence - - .~ southerly along the easterly boundary'line of said. Lo~ . ;,. ,. ...... n ..........iL"~-a:zdistsnc~-of 8~';-16 feet~' the'nee w~Sterly and p~alk'~'i  with the northerly boundary line of said Lot ~ a dis- tance of 20V feet to a point in the easterly bomdary ' - ~ line of Lo.t ~ 0f said Frampton Acres; thence .northerly along-Said easterly bo~dary lin,~ of Lot 3 a distance ~- of 56.16' feet to a point in a Currently existing cor' porate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield; thence easterly along. said corporate boundary~ line and. parallel With the aforesaid northerly boundary line of said Lot 4 a distance of 207 feet to the. point of beginning, containing 0.2068 acres of land, more or less; .That a designation appropriately identifying such territory is: ~FRAF.,PTON ACHES' No. 3. BE I'IT FURTI-~R i~E~0LVED that L~onday, t'he ~'~th day of FebrUary, 1953, a~·.the hour of eight o'clock P. Li., in 'the Council Chambers Carpenter'S union Hall, 911 20th Street, Bakersfield,~ California, is the time when and ·the place w~ere any person owning real property within such-territory~So proposed to be annexed and' having any objections to the· proposed annexation may appear be.fore the COunCil' of_ the City of Bakersfield'and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed, ...... ooo ...... -. I'HEREBY.CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the.City bf BakersfiOld at a regular meeting thereof held. on the lg~h day of January, 1953,-by the following vote: AYES: CARNAl{IS, SAUI'~DERS. SHURLEY, SIvllTH, SULUVAN, VANDERLEI, VEST .oES:. ..........h,L-n==,~._~ ............: .......... ............ ABSENT: .... i. .......~...~...',,., ..... '?"'~'.'"'--'--'"----' and E~-0fficio.'Clerk of the. Co.unoil. of the City of Bakersfield. AFi~ii0V~D this.:].lg~hday Sf January, 19.53. .I~YOE of 'the city of ~akersfield-.