HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 63-52 RESOLUTION NO. '- RESOLUTION' OF THE COUNCIL .OF,,THE .CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING. RESULTS OF SPEOIAL MUNICIPAL-kV2EOTION .,HELD I~-SAID CITY NOVEMBER "4, 1952~, .WI4EREAS, this Council, by Resolut.ion'~.. calle'd .and-provided for ~he holding of a special' election wi.thin' ths City of-Bakers~ field on November ~4, 1952 for the purpose of submitt. ing to the qualified 'Voters of Said City/the following propOsition~:.~ - · "BAKERSFXELD CHARTER. AMENDMENT: 'Shall' section - +. '135 of' the 'Charter. of the. City-0.f B'~k~rsfield'- :-.. _ be amended to authorize'. that'--any contract may ., provide for progressive .payment ~of not more - than ninety per cent of ~he value of the-'-_!abor done, and materials furnished oP-placed on~,the site of the work, or unde~ ~the control Iof said " City, before the completion of '.the .Job?.'! .I....... 'WHEREAS, by resolution of said City and. b.Y' order of the 'B0aPd,lof.~ .Supepvls0r. s of'Kern County, -Said special -election was. ordered consolidated with the State general elec'.tion held' within' said city on' said date, and said Board of-Supervisors .was authorized' t'0 canvass the returns of said .special'electiOn and'.to certify the results thereof'. to ~this Council; and ' ' "~''- "... -- -' · - '~WHEREAS,_ said special eleCti0~'wasI.·duly held p~PSuant to said Orders of Cohsoltdation at th~ polling places ppeSCribe'd for said .State' general election,· and .th~ .votes cast =thereat were .c'anvassed and the returns the'Pool made as .prOvided.by law; and .- · ' .- WEEAS, tlm said Board of SUppervisors .and the Clerk ~thereof have duly canvassed the returns of said 'spe'Cisi election .and' have duly~'canvassed the 'aSsenteeoDalt e~si~as~. at 'said special election, 'and -S aid u'B o'ar d Df ! Sup e ~v i s6~ S~ -has~ -ad~pted~ ~tt 's-- re S o~ti on~ St ati ng .the ~resul~s of said special elec'tion and' ~he· Clerk~ of said Board has entered. in ~he 'records of said Board a~ statement of said 'results, and tt~e Clerk has transmit'te~d to'the Cle:rk 0f this. CounCil a certified 6opy offsaid resolution*'and**'a certified Copy of said statement, and the same have been prlesented**to this Council. NOW, THEEORE, the I.Council *of-the City of Bakersfield DOES HEREBY RESOLVE,-. DETERMINE, AND DECLARE as ~611ows." ...... :* "" ' ' ' , , - , , .. ~' .. - So'Orion le-. That from'the results of' said .special* .election certified' to this* Councll as aforesaid:,-'it .appears and thfs.'Counctl hereby. finds 'and dsclareS:'*that. the..~0tal. number of Votes- cast at the respective 'el'cotton p~eclnctS established:fOr skid special election:: upon the-.proposttton stated"',tn.*.the ~recltals hereof aZ~d for 'and:against said .proposition,' the:. to.tal"~numbe.r.';-. Of absentee *otes - ..- . .. · - . ,'~, .- ,-~' .~. ~., '~-' . ' , . ..."cast a~-.*satd 'elec'tion upon said proposition and for.'-and against" ' ~'. , ;-~ · . ~' . ~ . . said proposition, and the' to~al numbe~ of Votes ca'st in'said city ~,', .... '.., ..~ -. ' . .': '- upon sat, d. pr0pbsitton and for. and against.-Said proposition, are as set forth_ .in Said Resolution' of .the" B;6~rd of SuperViSors of Kern · COunty, California, Stating.].Result; of Canvass of-,EleOtion*Returns of Special Municipal Election."of Ci-ty of Bakersfield' Held*November Section .2.'I: .That the Clerk of the .- CbUnc'il is: hereby, instructed "' - .' T - to enter' in. f~il..on the minutes of this .Council, the aforementioned results aS set forth in-said ReSOlUtiOn .0£ the Board of'. SUper.visors of Kern .County. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the '-fo~egging .Re~olution was. passed and adopted by the ~Council of the'City of B~kersfield at a' regular meeting-thereof held on the 15th d'ay' rof~ December+, 1952, by 'the following vote: A~E~: CARNAIl. IS, SAUNDEBS, SHJ. IRLEY, SMITH, SULLIVAN, V'~:~"'..FI,' ty~~d erk of the Council of the City of-Bakersfield. APPR0~ED this 15th day of December,. 1952~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield,..