HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-52'E SO .UTIO OO OZ CITY OF B~RS~LD--.DECL~IN~ ~S~TS OF. SPECI~ BO~ ~OTION ~D IN SAID -f '~HEREAS, by said ordinance" 'and by order of the Board of Super- visors of Kern. County, said special election was ordered consolidated with' the state general election' held within said City'. on said date, and said'YBoard of Supervisors was .authorized to. canvass l.the returns of said' special election and to certify the l results. thereof to this 'Council; and ' WHEREAS, said special election was duly held pursuant t'o said orders . of:. conSolidation at the .polling places prescribed for said state general election, and the votes. thereat were +canvaSsed and the' ~' returns thereof" made as provided by law; - and WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors and the Clerk thereof. have* du~..y canvassed the returns of said special election and have _~ __ duly .canvassed. the absentee-ballo~-s~-'cas~--'at said"special election, '~'.~ and said Board of Supervisors has ..adopted.its resolution .stating the results of said special election and the Clerk of said Board .has and · "'WHEREAS, .this Council,. bY Ordinance No. 950 N. S., called and provided for the holding of a special election-within the .City of Bakersfleld on November' 4, 1952, for the-purpose of Submitting to 'the .qualified voters of said city t.he follo~ing bond proposition,. to wit: - : "BAEERSFIELD BOND PROPOSITION: Shall the · City ;of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal sum of $950,000.00 for the -. acquisition and construction o£ a certain muni- :.' '- ~' cipal improvement, to"wit."a City. Hall,. together with the acquisition of all' apparatus, appurten- ances, furnishings, 'equipment, and' other p~.operty, both real and personal., .necesSary therefor?? entered in the .records of said Board a statement of said ~esults, and the Clerk has transmitted' to the Clerk of this:~ Council .a certi- fied copy of. said resolution and a certified.' copy of Said statement, _ and 'the same. ~ave been presented to this council. NOW, T~REFORE, the Council Of 'the City of Bakersfie!d, Cali- fornia, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND DECLARE as follows: .I. .~ Section 1. That from the results of. said special election certified to this Council as .aforesaid, it .appears and .this Council hereby finds m.d declares that the total-number of votes cast at the respective election precincts established for said 'special election upon the proposition stated in the .recitals hereof and for and against said proposition, the total number of. absentee votes 'cast at Said election lupon said proposition and for and agains~tII. said proposition, and the total number of votes cast"-in said city~ upon said'proposition and for and against said proposition, are. as follows: Yes Bakersfield City . Precinct No. 92 8O 88 lo4 llS, 86 75 5o 103 78 17o 82 lo6 129 ... BakerS£ield No. 1 Bakersfield No. 2 Bakersfield No. 3 Bakersfield No. '4 Bakersfield No. 5 Bakersfield No. 6 Bakersfield No. 7 Bakersfield No. 8 Bakersfield No. 9 Bakersfield No. 10 Bakersfield No. 11 Bakersfield No. 12 · Bakersfield No'. ~ Bakersfield No. 'Bakersfield No. 1~ Bakersfield No. 16 Bakersfield No. 17 Bakersfield No. 18 Bakersfield No.. 19 Bakersfield No. 20 Bakersfie~td No · 21 ...... Bakersfield '~ NO. 22 Bakersfield No. 23 112 ...... 188 Bakersfield NO. 2~,Group 11~5 " Bakersfield No'. 24,Group 2 119 Bakersfield No. 25 196 NO Total 56 ~4 23 27 65 19 - 127 37 47 95 6o 197 n9 !o4 14e 155. ll7 75 77 126 lo4 71 lo3 171 ll9 139 192 ". Bakersfield City P~Ci~6t NO. 'Bakersfield.· No. 26 Bakersfield NO. 27 Bakersfield No. 28 Bakersfield No. 29 Bakersfield No. 30 Bakersfield.No. 31 ;' BakerSfield. No. 32 'Bakersfield 'NO .: ~. Bakersfield' No. Bakersfield No. 35 · . Bakersfleld No~ 36 Bakersfield' No ." 37" '.: Bakersfield. No. 33E,A "' Bakersfiel:d No. Bakersfield No, 39 Bakersfield No. 40 Bakersfield No~ Bakersfield No. 42 Bakersfield No. ~ · · Bakersfield No. ' '~ 'Bakersfield No. BakerSfield N0. Bakersfield .No. Bakersfield No. Bakersfield No. 49 Bakersfield No.+ 50 'Bakersfield No. 51 'Bakersfield .No. 52 Bakersfield No. 53 Bakersfield No.. 54 Bakersfield No. 55 Bakersfield No. 56 Bakersfield No. 57 Bakersfield' No. 58 - Bakersfield No. 59 Bakersfield No .. :-'. Bakersfield No. 61 Bakersfield No. 62 Bakersfield No, Bakersfield No. Bakersfield No. 65 Bakersfield No. 66 Bakersfield No. 67. -Bakersfield No.. 68. Bakersfield No.-69 Bakersfield No... 70 Bakersfield No. 71 Bakersfield No. 72 Bakersfield No. '73 Bakersfield 'No. Bakersfield No. 75 Bakers£ield~ No. ' 76 Bakersfield No. Bakersfleld No. Bakersfield No. 79 B'akersfield:-No. 79-A,Group 1 Bakers£ie!d No. 79-A,Group 2 -. · i' ' - Yes 122, ,, 119. ' 58 ' 53 39 69 59 77 2?5 292 171 154, lo7 69 65 61 52 83 1·91 '67 · 90 22 21 20' 17 18· 17 36 26 10 lO lO 12 23 132" 116, 105 126 229·, · 222 ,141,' 97 81 218, t57 94 ,210 29. 26 36~ 58 69 219 . 175 "' Total 163 157 172 9O 51 61 77 99 73 322 .356 .. '228 19o 132 133 ~591 .81 !,l, 62 98 ~29 . 255' 79' · ' 5e 79 163 26.9 · 179 , '183 126 76 ,. 91 83 77 ' 276 20'2 123 279 219 8 22 Z69 ~18 206 Bakersfield City Precinct No'. Bakersfield No. 80 Bakersfield No. 80-A,Group 1 Bakersfield No. 80-.A,Group 2 Bakersfield No. 81 Bakersfield No. 82 Bakersfield No. 83 · Bakersfield No. 84 Bakersfield No.-85 Bakersfiel~ No.-86 Bakersfield NO. 87, Group 1 Bakersfield No. 87, Group 2 Bakersfield No. 87-A Bakersfield No. 88 Bakersfield No. 89 Bakersfield. No. 90 Bakersfield No. 91,Group 1 Bakersfield No. 91,Group 2 Bakersfield No. 92,Group'l Bakersfield No. 92,Group 2 Bakersfield No. 93 Total Votes at Precincts: Absentee Votes Yes 25o 191 106 112 159 195 145 179 19-8 181 51 29 20 32 52 28 3O -- 36 31 21 19 11' !5 12~- 123 ~3,5 22 · Total 315 123 134 237 "79 ~45 249. 83 49 36 34 4o 75 15~o03 565 706 TOTAL VOTES iW CXT~: 12,046 3,66S 15,709. SectiOn 2. That the. votes of 'more than tW'o-thirds of. all of the voters-voting at said special election on said proposition'- were+ cast in favor of the adoption of said'proposition,. and. said propositionlis .hereby declared to be 'carried, and this' Council is authorized to issue bonds therefor as-prOvided'by lab Section 3. That the Clerk of the COuncil is .hereby instructed +to enter in full on the minutes ~of this Council the aforementioned statement' of 'the Clerk-of the Board of SuPervisors of. Kern'County. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing' Resolution was· passed'. and adopted by the Council of.the'City.of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 8th+ day of December, 1952, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, 3AUNDERS, SHURLEY, ~>MITH, SUL:LIVAN~ VANDERLEI, VEST City Ca~r~n~E~-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APP thi's ':~;/2: of December, 1952., MAYOH O~ the City of B de ---"'-