HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-52 RESOLUTION NO'. A 'RESOLUTION ~.~ESCINDING AND CANCELLiNG RESOLUTION N0~ 19-52, RATIFYING A~rD CON- FI_~MING RESOLUTION NO. 99 ADOPTED JANU- ARY 29, 1951, RESOLUTION N0.~ lO0 ADOPTED 'JANUARY 29, 1951,-ANDr COOPERATION AGREE- MENT DATED JANUARY 29, 1951, EXECUTED .BE- T~ZEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY' 0F. THE' COUNTY OF KERN AND THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS,-'on.;MaPch 3, 1952, the council'of the City of Bakers, field--adopted R'esolutionINo. 19-'52, whereby the Cooperation Agreement between the Housing Authority of the County of Kern and the City of Bakersfield, dated January 29, 1951,' and' Resolution No'. 100, likewise dated January. 29~ 1951, were resctnded~ and. WHEREAS, it is the desire of ~he City council of the':city of Bakersfield" that .said Cooperation Agreement be in 'full force,and effect. ..... NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED by .t. he CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield that-R'esolution No. 19-52~be and the same iS.'.hereby cancelled, rescinded and set aside, ,:and thA.t.. the' Cooperation Agree- : · .."i merit entered. into by the Housing ,Aut,h0rity:.of the County of Kern and. the City of'Bakersfield onjJanuary 29,. 1951, be an~ the same is hereby declared tO be 'in. full 'force and' effeC.t.' .-f ., .I ..~ .......... -oOo~-u--;~------. · .... .. : · ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing. Resolution was passed and '.adopted by.the Council of. the City.of. Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~ day of· 0ctober,,.1952, by the following..Vote: .. ZT~__. . - " ..... a~: c~'~rAl;~s, ~, sv, u,-:~zv, ~1, se~v~N, v NDS~tS, WSV : -' ..' -. CounOil of the City of Bakersfield. of the