HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54-52 / i t / .. ,/.,,' ........ / / RESOLUTI 0N' NO. '54-52. -, , . A RESOLUTION EST..~BLiSHING PARKII~G' · ~j~TER ZONES ON -CERTAIN 'STREETS .IN T~.~ CI~ OF B~RSFELD~ 'C~IF.ORNtA,: "' BE IT ,RESOL~D BY T~,C0~YCIL OF T~'CiTY OF B~RSFIELD, as foI.ioWs: ' ,-...- . .... , .. 1. -That .p~suant to .the a~thority ·contained in Section 2 of Ordinance No..~bLl_~ New Segie, s, of 'the',' City.'of Bakersfield~ ~his Comci!. hereby, finds ~d determines that -the ordeFly ·'flow of Vehicular traffic'; t~e most efficient' '~Se' of available p~king Space and the enforcement of traffic ('regulations.will be facilitated by the 'establisheRr of peking m~ter.'zdnes on the following-streets · ·-in·the City of Saersfield, ~d said:parking:meter zones ~e' hereby established on ·said ,s~Peets: ..,- ' · - - .(a) ' Truxtun Avenue' the east line of H Stree~ to . '- .the west line .of K Street. ' (b) l?th Street from .the west line Of',H Street ,. to the west line of L Street. ,(c) 18th'Street from the, east' line of G Street .to :. the west line of M S.treet.-' (d) 19~h Street' ~rom the west line/ .of G Street.' to the west line :of N Street. (e) ' 20th Street from ,the east line of G Street.,to the west line of M Street. ,. (f) 21st Street from' the east line of H Street t0' to: the west line .Of L'.Street. · (g) 22nd Street ·from the east line 'of Eye Street · to the west line of K Street. (h) G Street frcml the north line of 18th Street to the' south·line of 20th Street. (i) H S~reet from the north line of Truxtun AvenUe to the south line of 21st'Street. (j'~.V~ Eye '.S'~eet 'f~Sm the north line of 'Tr{ixvtun AvenUe" to' the. south line of 21st Istreet. .., (k) ,.Chester Avenue from the 'north line· Qf l~th Street· to the south line .of '25th-Street. (1) E 'Street from the, north line~of TrUxtun',~venue to, the· south line of 21st Street-. ...... ' ~ ' (m) ~L,Street from the north line~ of 17th'StrYeet .to- ' ,. ~ the south. line of 21st Street'. ., _-* '(n)..M Street from the~ north line '6f- 18~h-, Street to ' "' ~,~' the south line of 20th~ Street~. ~ I,. - . ~-' (~0)~ Baker Street from' the north'line of E." iSth Street, ' to-the south line of Niles Street. ~, .,.: °,. 2. All taxi Zones, l~oading Z~0neS,-!p~asse'ng.er loading zones, bus,~ zones' and places ~here no p~.king is permitted at any time, established by the' City M~ager p~sbant to, the provisions of 0rdi- n~ce No. '703, Ne~ Series, ~d the ~tr~fic~ o~din~ces.' of t~-city of B~erSfiSld~ lOcated'within the limits ~0f the~ aforementioned streets .shall not be included in t~ p~king 'zone~ hereby established. 3. The establishent of p~ktng zones on the streets desig- nated '~in p~agraph~ 1 hsreof~ .~d. the operation ~9"~- the provisions of Ordinance No. 9~' Ne,~ Series~ in such zones~"~hall be 'effective~ ~ upon the completion of ~installation. 0f 'parking'meters .,'in such zones as fo~d and determined by order· of the. 'City' M~ager. " I HEREBY YCERTIFY that the foregoing Re.solution was passed and adopte'd'~.by.*the COuncil of-the' City of -Bakersfield at .a regular meeting theme'of held. on the 6th day~Of O~tober, ~-1'952, by. the follow- Council Of the City of Bakersfield. APP, ROVE~6.. . ~L~YOR of the. City' of Bake~sfiel. d