HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 51-52 RESOLUTION NO~- 51-52 RESOLUTION OF THE C,0UNCIL 0F THE CITY- 0F BAERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BO~aRD OF SUPERVISORS T0! ORDER THE CONSOLIDATION OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ' BONE' ELECTION OF SAID CITY WITH THE S~ETE 'GENER~;L ELECTION TO BE EELD NOVEMBER 4, 1952. jWPIEREAS., 'this Council has -adopte d 'Emergency Ordinance No. 950 N.S. calZing a special election in the City of Bakers-- field for the pup. pose of submitting ~o. the .voters of said city a proposition tO incur"bOhded indebtedness-by 'said city for a certain municipal improvement, and said election-has, by. said ordinance ,' been ordered consolidated' ~wi~th 'the' state general election'-?~o 'be=-held' November 4, .1~'52. " - NOW, THEREFORE, the Council-of the .City '0~,'Bakersfield, CalifO'rnia, DOES EEHEBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE .AND ORDER as follows: ~eotion"l~ That the Board of SuperviSOrs' of" Kern County be, and it i.s hereby,requested'to oPde~ such consolidating: in · -' Emergency accordance with the provisions of 'S,~id/Ordina~ce-No. 950 N.S. Section 2. That the Clerk of" the CoUncil is'_hepeby directed to transmit to th'e Clerk of 's-ai'd" Board of. Supervisors a-Ce'r'tified copy of this resolution and-a certified copy of said' EmergenCy, Ordinance No. 950 N. So . _ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED,'this 2nd day of :September, 19'52; City of BakerSfield,- California. Californi,~.a and President of ths STATE' OF.CALIFORNIA COUNTY' 0F KERN. CITY OF ..BAKERSFIELD ) ) ss. ). i-' MARIAN S'o IRViN, Clerk' of the Cfty.of Bakersfield, California, .DO. HEREBY CERTIFY that' the foregoing ~Resolution was dUly adoptedby.the Council'fof'.'said..citylby a vote of more than.twO-thirds'for the members thereof and was appr0Ved by .the MayoF of sai~ city at a Pegularlmeeting-of~ said Council held..on. September 2, i1952, and that it . w~aS' adopted·By the~ following vote, to wit: