HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 50-52 RESOLUTION NO. 50- 52 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORKEA, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST:AND 'NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISITYON'AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL YMPROVEMENT. AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO The Council of the City of Bakersfieldi California, DOES'HEREBY RESOLVE AND DETERMINE as follows: 'Section 1. That the public interest and necessity demand'~the acquisition and conStrUction by the-City of Bakers- field Of a certain municipal improvement, to wit: a city Hall, together with the acquisition Of all-apparatUS, appurtenances, furnishings, equipment, and ot'her property, both :,real and personal, necessary. therefor. SeCtion 2.- That csaid municipal improvement is necessary and convenient to 'carry out the 'objects,' purposes and powers of the City ,of .. Bakersfield. Section 3- That the estimat'.ed cost of sai~.munici~'~l improvement is the sum of That said municipal improvement requires an expenditure' grea~ter than the mount allowed for it by the .annual' tax.~levy. That bonds hOf the City of Bakersfield ~ in .the principal 'sum of · - 'Nine lhundred fifty thousand and' no/100 .- " ~', 000 are.'~p~O~'~'=.~e;~..t.'g~,be issued to pay part of "the' cost of 'said'municipal roy m ~ · ATTEST:~''~ .... :" ' Californian. and=President .of · ~Cf.t~of~~B ' the COunCil thereof C atifornia '" ; .. STATE · .0F 'CALIFOREI A COUNTY. OF KERN · CITY · OF ~BAKERSFIELD ) ) ss, ' ) I, Marian S.'.'trvin, Clerk of the City~ of BakerSfield, .CT~lifornia~ DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing'reSolution was duly adopted· by the CounciI of said City by .a vote: of more· than two-thirds cf the members thereof'-and.was approved by the' ~Mayor Of',said City at a spe'Cial+' · meeting · of'.Said Council held on the 28th day of August, 19~2-, and· that· it was adopted by+the 'follOwing vote, to wit: / '" · .:~ ,:,,'~ "=" ~:~:"/~i1.% (}AiiINAK!$, SAUNDERS, SHURLEY, SMITH, SULLIVAN, VANDERLEI, ' '~," '. ....~ C V ty. of. Bakersfield~ .... -. -~-~.~--,.~. · California, · -- .: .-,,. . · . , .., ' . ,:. .'.,- ', .. .;. ._ .- ,: '. ,:: / -.. · . · ,. .~ '-. ,.. - ~. . · :.- . . : .... , . ,.. : ,.-, ; , . . . .. - . . , . · . , .. · . .::1 -. .\