HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 48-52 CI~' Ot,'- BE IT ~SOZVYzD BY TI~ CODX,]CZL, E'0F ~. "CIff.0F' BA~RSF~LD~ that p~sua.nt to law, a special eiec.tion..wili "be-,.held on Tu~saUay, %he 4th.aay of November, 1952; in_the'.Ci~! Sf :Bakersfield, for 'the p~pope of submitting to the qualified electors'of ~id C.i~y~ a pr-oposed amendment %o ~he:-Char%er of-%he' City' 8i~..'Ba~ersfield~ which said 'election shall be consolida~ed-'with the' [...g~'~e:,- General ElectiOn to be held ,on' the.~h day of 'Nove'~ber.,' 1952, and ~he election precincts, polling places~-' voting"boo%hs and officers o~ e'IeS'tion 'Shall in every case .be the same as those set.forth in-the 'n~tice of election filed and .published or to be filed and published by the C.oun~y-Clerk of. the Comty of' Karn~ State of' California, giving notice of' said ele'ction. That there shall- be only' one set o'f. election officers in each of said ~recinct8) and such election .shall be held in all respects as if there were only one-eleCtion, and only one .tiCket or bail0% shall' be used thereat'. Said proposed amendmen~ ~o said city-charter is in the words and fig~es as follows, to wi~: ' . PROPOSITION-N0 .', 1.,- : That SeQtion 135. of the Charter .of the CityL0f Bakersfield~ entitled PROGRESSIVE PA~NT 0F CONT~C~S, be amende.d to read as follows: .. secti6n 135. ~y ContraCt may provide for-progreSsi've payments, But no-progressive payraentS shall be .pr~jided:.fOr.oP- ....... ~-'- - rode at sy time which, with prior payments; if' there have been such, shall exceed in amomt at any~ time ninety per con5 :of the value 'or t. he labor done ~d the i~teriais-Used up to that time, and for materials to be used on said property, delivered at. the site'of said Work, or stored, SubjeCt to, or under t~e cqntrol of said City Of Bakersfield, andno.contract:shall provide for or authorize ~or permit the payment of' more than ninety per cent' of the. contract price before the completion and'acCeptance<of the work. · BE IT FURTIERRESOLVED,:' thst..said proposed amendmen~shall ~ppear.onthe ballot in the 'followingsWords and figures, to wit: BAKERSFIELD CHARTER AM~ND)/ENT: · Shall SeCtiOn /.' 135 of the Charter'of.the City of-Bakersfield YES be amended to authorize.that any-contract may provide for progressive payment of not'more than 'ninety per cent of' the value'of the labor. ' done, and materials-furnished or ~laced'on the' 'site of the work, or under: the..cOntroZ of'said NO City, before the. completion of the job? o00, I HEREBY CERTIFY that. the foregoing.Resolution was passed and adOpted.by the CoUncil oflthe,City of.'['Bakersfield a.t a regular meeting thereof held:on :the'25th'daF of';AuguSt,.,1952, by the follow- ing V6te: : '~ ~,., ~ : ~s: c~Rm:us, S~U~D~RS, S'.URLEV. S~IT~ SULU~. 'UN~R~,; Vmt .- ,O~:._~._: .... ,_,~_.~.., .... ~:__~ . .ABSENT: ........ ~:. '- -, ' :." ,: " APPROVED this'25th day of August, 1952. 1LAYOR of the ~ Da ~ o kersfield.