HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 35-52Laborers - Te'sms~e~'s - Cement M~sons C arpente:r-s' ' - All Classifications - " ." ~ 19- " " -' ' ' "19 " .........':':"':""'- ~"'~ ": ' ' "22 19 ~ per tit'. incr. e as~ " RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING AX\TD DETERMINING THE. PREV.~.ILING RATE OF WAGES TO BE PAID- ' -TO CERTAIN CRAFTS AND TYPES 'OF ~ORKI~N :. EMPLO~D ON P~LIC W'ORK IN T.~ CITY OF'- -" ,- BA~RSFIELD, C~IFORNIA,. ~D ~NDiNG ' RESOLUTION NO. 96. W~REAS~ the Council .of t~'Ci'ty ?f B~erSf'ield'd~d, on the 8th' day of J~u~y, 19~2, pass ~d 'adopt Re'sOlution No. ascertaining ad determining the prevailing rate of._w~ges. to be paid to each "craft ~d type. of :Wor~an emp!oyedU on ]public works ih-'the. City Of. jBakersfield, California, .rod :' . ' ;"' ¢ '-- : · ': ~EREAS,. since the date' of. said resolution, the prevailing rate of wages in the Commity for ce~tain.c~a~ts and t~pes of work- men has ~hanged, covering a!t-.wor~en ~der:. the following clasS'ifica- tion, t. 6' wit: Cement .Masons, Teamsters,-,.Laborers and carpenters, as set fSrth in said resolution and whereas said changes shall be effective on and ~ter ~uly 14, 19~2'. - 'NOW~ 'T~EFORDM, BE I~ RE.SOLVED.by~'~he council of the City of Bakersfield, California, that'it h~s .ascertained-~d does ~hereby. determine .that the' general .prevailing rate Of per diem. wages for the below 'lis~ed' Crafts and types~ of wor~en' shall be increased by the ~omts' listed below reSpectively.over th~ ~ount. s established in Resolut'ion No. 96 ~d that said Resolution' No. 96 b'e 'and the 's~e is hereby ~ende:d to-~low t~ foiloWi~g lincreases, effective on ~d ~fter. July 14, '19~2, accordingly:. I EREBY CERTI~Z that the foregoing;Resolution was passed and adopted by' the Council of the City of-Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of June~'1952, 'by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKiS, SAUNDERS, SHURLEY, SMITH, SULLIVAN, VANDERLEi,' t .d CoUncil of the City of Bakersfie ld. APFROVED this 2~ day' of .June, 1952.