HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 34-52RESOLUTION N0.34-52 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIElD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF SECTION 2808 OF THE "SPECIAL ASSESSENT INVEST. IGATION, LD&TATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF 1931" OF DIVISION IV, STREETS. AND HIGHWAYS CCDE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.. ~ERF~S~ the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, has received a communication from the Health Office~. of the County of Los Angeles (who acts as.' Health Officer in the City of Bakersfield under an agreement with said County)~ and which communication is in words and figures as follows~ May 28, 195Z City Council City of Bakersfield California~ Gentlemen-~ As Health Officer of the County of Kern~ California and also acting as. Health Officer of the City of Bakersfield through an agreement with the County of Kern, I wish to advise and call your attention to cerSain matters pertaining to the area annexed to the City by Ordinance No. 898 New Series~ commonly known as~ Plan~ Park. 1. The present sewer facilities for said Pla.n~ Park Annex, are confined to septic tanks and/or cess pits~ and we are now advised that the Engineer for the City has completed plans and specifications for the con- struction of sanitary sewer collecting lines to serve~ that portion of Plsn~ Park Annex lying southerly of Wilson Road and within the said City. 2. The essential present needs of this area in the matter of sewage collection and disposal, which is made necessary as a health measure, are as follows~ (a) (b) The soil is not conducive to sde~qna~te leaching and the lots are inadequate in size to allow continued expansion of additional individual sewage disposal methods~ To construct lateral sewer collecting lines to serve the area. described in paragraph (1) hereof~ -1- (c) To make the necessary connections for said collection system to the City~s trunk sewer in South Chester Avenue. In conchsion, it is n~ recommendation as such' Health Officer that proceedings be instituted for the construction of said sewer system for said portion of the City of Bakersfield, known as Phn~Park Annex, as a health measure and for the preservation of public health and safety. This recommendation is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 2808 of the "Special Assessment Investiga%ion, Limitation and }~ajority Protest Act of 1931", Division IV of the Streets~ and Highways Code of the State of California° Respectfully submitted, EERN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH /s/Wm. Co Buss; Wm. C. Buss.~ M.D., Health Officer AND WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered the said communication and has received information from the City Engineez; with reference to the proposed sewer improvements~ referred to in said c ommunica,tion~ NGV, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALL~ORN!A., DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECIARE, FIND, DETERNINE AND ORDER a s f ollc~v~: SECTION lo That the improvement, referred to in said communication above q, uoted, is the construction of sanitary servers and appurtenant work within that certain portion of Plan~ Park Annex~ lying southerly of Wilson Road within said City, and which improve- ment also includes a certain portion of unincorpora.ted territory of the County of Kern in Planz; Road between the Easterly boundary of said City and the centen line of South Chester. Avenue~ known as PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 696. - 2 - SECTION 2o That the said City Council does hereby find and determine that the construction of said ssnita~ry sewers, and incidenta~l work in connection therev~Lth~ and each of t hem, is necessary as a health measure and such necessity for said construction is found to exist. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to spread the contents of said original communication u~on the minutes of this meeting of the said City Council at which this resolution is adopted. SECTION 4o That this resolution is adopted under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 2808 of the "'Special Assessment Investigation~ Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931"'~ Division IV of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and the City Council in adopting the same intends to meet each and every condition and to make ea'ch and every finding necessary on its~ part in order to permit the proceedings for said sewer improvements-to go forv~ard to completion without further reference to or application of the provisions of said Division IV of the Streets~ and Highways Code. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution wa!s duly passsd and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on the _28 day of June , 1952 by the following vote.~ AYES: Councilmen Carnakis Saunders Shur ley Smith Vander le i Vest · NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Sullivan APPRO th' day of , ~. fNayor of the Bake~s£meld, Calmfornma - 3 City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of City of Bakersfield, California