HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 31-52RESOLUTIO .NO.' |- RESOLUTION OF THE. CiTY COUNCIL OF THE ?"CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,. CALIFORNIA, · ':'.REQUESTING CONSENT 0F-.THE. COUNTY OF KERN ~TO CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEWER MAIN IN A '· PORTION OF PLANZ ROAD UNDER JURISDICTION · ' ....' "OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' OF SAID COUNTY WHEREAS, ~l~e City Council of the.ICity of Bakersfield, ~alifornia, '*did on the ~nd day of January., 1951 adopt'Ordinance No. · 898 New Series, wherein the said City Council did by said ordinance annex certain terri,tory to the City '0f BakerSfield, commonly known and~ Peferre'd to ·a~ PIANZ PARK, including a..strip running NOrtherly th~ereof to connect ~with the corpore~te .limits of .said City; and · WHEREAS, .'it is the intention ~ the City..ConnCil of the City of Baker'sfield~to order the 'construC~tion of. a sanitary. sewer system within said Planz .Park-Annex, under the provisions· of the "Improvement Act of 1911", Division V of the Street'~ ·and Highways Code of the State of Califo'rnia; .and· · ~HEREAS',"'pursuant to the provisions of Section-l'SllV of s~id vement ,'~ImpPo Act of 1911" of said Streets and'Highways 'Code, with the conSent'~of~the legislative body-having jurisdiction over the territory' witi which!.~it~s proposed to construct'any such.improVementS,. expressed by resolu.tion of such governing ~0dy,~the."saidlCitY Council _Of. Said City· may order~ the. construction ~of. said sewers' and ~appu?tenances ;- NOW~· TEREFORE, HE IT 'RESOLVED that the consent' of the legis- 'body of'.the .County of Kern, California, ~expresSed by resolution, is hereby..requeSted~ in order-that the .City of ·Bakersfield may: 'First:* Construct. an lS-inch~vitrified clay .pipe sanitary.. sewer, together with. manhole .and appurtenantwork in comeCtion there- wi~h~r~Pla~z "R,~ad, 'betWeen. the' E~b'~e~Iy~I'~'Ee Section. 7. Township 5O~iS,.Range 28 E., }~ ~D. B. & M..., an~d: the existing manhole' located in 'S0dth Chester Avenue~ ""and .fOrming a part of. the City's oUtfallU s~wer. ' :. · ' .. ' Second: ,Commence and complete' prOceedingS for ' said'. con- . . . "' 'stPuction by the said-City Council 0f' .S'aid..City and to .'tha exercise of .ju3sisdiction .by Said' City Council under' the proceedings necessary or. 'pPoper~for:..the .puP.pose of consummating the. same',· 'all in acC:ordance with the pPov~si'ons _6f 'said "Improvement Act "of .1911" ' of said. Streets and · ' . ': , High ways coae. ". ' AND, BE 'IT FURTHER RESOLVED that'a certified' copy of this resolution .6e.' filed'.,,~ith the County'CIe.rk of the. County of.'Kern'. and Ex.'Officio Clerk of t'he Board of. Supervisors Of said County,'t0gether witha'-map .shOwing:the location of. such propos'ed' sewer. 'construction in Planz' Road. ' ' I 'HEREBY CERTIFY that the foreg6ing Res01u~ion was passed and:adopted by'the..Council of the City of Bakersfield at' a"regular meeting. thereof held on the.~nd day of J_une,"195B, bY t~e following vote: AYES: CAP, NAt(IS, SAUNDERS,--.f~FcHt~'E'YI SMITH, SULLIVAN,-VANDERLEI, NO~:.----~ ~ ~D, ......... . ._ .... , .......