HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-52 EBOLUTION NO. ~ 7- S~ l- ~ '- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~&K~-~FI~ l,O ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING /MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. WHEREAS, a/memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accord- ance with a project statement submitted by the City of '.~g:~ere~ld for expenditure of the gas tax al- location to cities for the fiscal year ~?~2 , and WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said agree- ment in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council of the City of ~..~erefl~id that said proJec~ statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed ex- penditures of the gas ~ax allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding upon the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this ~ day of h~a~t~ , 19~. CITY OF Mayor of the City of Attest: h~~~_~ ~. City Clerk of the City of I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of Ba~er~f.~d at a regular meeting thereof held ~ ~ , 195~. MC-iO Clerk of the City of 20 B~rsfield, California, March 3, 1952~-4 City Clerk instructed to send copies of Resolution No. 19-52 to all agencies who received copies of Resolution No. 100. Upon a motion by Smith, seconded by Vest, the City Clerk was instructed to send copies of Resolution No. 19-52 rescinding Resolution No. 100 to all ~encies who received copies of Resolution No. 100. Councilman Shurley voted in the negative on this motion. Adoption of Ordinance No. 939 New Series amending Section 5 of License Ordinance No. 681 New Series. Upon a motion by Camskis, seconded by Shutlay, Ordinance No. 939 New Series amending Section 5 of License Ordinance No. 681 New Series re 1~ Fortune Telling Machines, was adopted as read by the following vote: Ayes: Camskis, Saunders, Shurley, Smith, Sullivan, Vest Noes: None Absent: Vanderlei Adoptionof Resolution No. 17-52 adopting budget and approving 4th Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City Streets. Upon a motion by Smith, seconded by Saunders, Resolution No. 17-52 adopting budget and approving 4th Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City Streets was adopted as read by the following vote: Ayes: Camskis, Saunders, Shurley, Smith, Sullivan, Vest Noes: None Absent: Vanderlet Adoption of Resol.ution No. 18-52 of annexation of uninhabited territory designated as La Crests Manor Tract. Upon a motion by Smith, seconded by Saunders, Resolution No. 18-52 of proposed annexation of uninhabited territory designated as La Crests Manor Tract and setting April 7, 1952 as date for hearing protests thereon, was adopted as read by the following vote: Ayes: Camskis, Saunders, Shurley, Smith, Sullivan, Vest Noes: None Absent: Vanderlei BAKERSFIELD 1!~52 FOURTH SUPPLEmeNTAL MEMORANDUM OF _~!GREEY~NT FOR EXPENDITU~ 0B~ GAS T~X ALLOCATI(~N FOR MAJOr. CITY STREETS PROJECT AGREEMENT - 1952 FISCAL EAR ~'~O?T~ SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT entered into by and between the City of ~ikerefield, hereinafter referred to as the city, and the Department of Public Works of the State of California, hereinafter re- ferred to as the department, WITNESSETH, THAT, WHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement for expenditure of funds accruing during the fiscal year ending June 30, 19~2, and allocated under the provisions of Section 194 and Section 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code upon major city streets was executed by the city 2Qovember 13 , 1951, and by the department i~ve~ber 19~1, providing for the work described herein as projects WHEREAS, The city now desires that said agreement be amended and has submitted to the department a su piemental fund~ for the ~or~ ~escribed budget to provide additional herein NOW, THEEFOE, It is mutually agreed by and between the city and the department that said agreement be amended as follows: ARTICLE II. SURVEYS AND PLANS The ,Ity will make ~he necessary surveys and plans for the work designated in projects 51 ~ ~, inclusive, and ~lll defray the cost from olty fUnds. A~TICLE iII. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING The departmen~ will perform the construction engineering designated in project, ~2(b), ~3(b). and ~(b~. ARTICLE IV. CONSTRUCTION The city will construct or cause to be constructed by or under its direct supervision, and in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and estimates therefor, the improvements described in proJect~ 51(a)-, ~2(a), ~3(a), and ~4.(a). Plans, specifications and a detailed estimate of cost shall be submitted to the department for approval before the work is advertised for bids or in case of'work approv- ed to be done by day labor before wor~ is started; and no changes may be made in the approved plans or specifications without the prior approval. of the department. The construction work described in Article I shall be performed by contract unless the performance thereof by day labor shall be approved by the department. The work shall be done ~o the satisfaction of' the de'- partment and shall be subject at all times to inspection and approval by the authorized representatives.of tlhe de- partment. ~ny city-owned equipment used for ,the construction work described in Article I may be charged for upon a ren- tal basis to cover depreciation and repairs in case rental rates already have been established by the city; otherwise,. allowance for depreciation and repairs may be charged for as approved by the department. ARTICLE V.. FU~DB Funds to defray the-eost of the york describe6 ~ticle I and payable from revenue accruing under the provl~lon~ of ~ction 2107 ~n~ ~ec~ien 203 of the and Highwaym Code are available as foliowe:- Unexpended. under project Unexpendedunaer project ~nexpenae~ under project Unex~ended under project 50(a)(C~ty) Unexpended under project Accrued an~unbuage~ed ~o-~un'e 30, 1951 EetXna~e~ ~o accrue ~uring ~heflseai year enain~une 30, 1952 Sttrpiue seerued to December ]t, t9~7; See, 203 ' t, 9~6o 06 - 89,216.37' 7 3.76 86 ,. 53 3?8.58 1P/, ~10 · O0 .:.1.262.16 ota 65,, 72. · he amount of ~19~, 575. 00 is-budgeted to defray the cost of the wor~ ~escrtbed in: Article X, and in the amount. Of ~26,~00,00 is to be contributed from city funds. The annual revenue aa~ the amounts provided for the projects lie~ed in Article I-are estimated' a~ounts. In the event that the ae~ual revenue or the 8etual cost of the projects differs from estimate~ amounts, the approved budget may be amendedonl~ b~ supplemental a6ree~ent. The department hereby delegates to the city the ex- penditure of the funds provided heroin ~ defray =~ coe~ of t~ work described in .pro:Jeers ~l(a)m 52(~), ~3(a), .an~ · After deducting the' sum of ~3,'800.00 t'o be expen.ded by the department under projects ~2(b), 53(b),'-and ~(b), ~he alepar%men% will pay ~;o the e l~ q~mrterly, in ~;he months of Au~st, November, February an~ ~ay, l~e pro rata share of the money allocated under ~he provisions of ~ection 2107 and Section 203 of the Streets an~ El~h- way-e Code ~til ~'~95,907.64 bugeyed heroin and ~elegated to the city for e~endlture ~e-been ~ia, in a~d~ti-on the ~ount of ~9~,867.36 previously paid to %he city ~a remaint~ une~ended in t~ eityte epeei~ ~ ta~ steer improvement: fun~. The department will pay the cost of the work described in projects 52(b), ~(b), and ~4(b) from the funds provided herein. · The amounts provided for the proJeetm li~ted in ~Srticle I'mu:s~ not .be exceeded, an~ no moneys may be expertdeal by the city from the special gas tax s-treet improvement fund except for the projects listed in Article X without amending the budgetI by supplemental agreement. Zuch ~-upplemental agree- ment ehaI1-be valid only yhe~ executed by theclty a~d the departmenti All funds allocated under the provisions of !eJection 2107 of the F~tree~ and ~i~h~ayn Code in excess of such. funds budgeted heroin for expenditure ~lll accumulate for future budgetln~ and ezpendlture. ABTI~LE VI. FINAL The city ~lI1 submi~ such reports as required by in. c~ch detail .as required by t~e depa~ment. ~e re~or~ ~lI show In f~l ~1 expendi~ursm fr~ ~1 other f~ds as well as e~nenditures from the special ~e ~ax ~treet improvement '~lthin ~ixty days after comple~ion of each item of ~he bu-.~et described in pro~sct~ ~l(a), ~2(a), ~3(a)', and .5~(a) the city ~ill submit to the department a final re- port of expenditure~ made for such ~ork. The report for conmtnae~ion, Xmprovement or other specific projects shall sho~ payments to the contractor detailed by con~raet items sho~i~g quantity, uni~, item, u~i~ ~rtce and amount; and the amount pat~ for any mater- ials, supplies, labor or equtp~en~ furnished by the city for use ca t:hs contract. Expendltures: for ~o=rkperformed by day labor shall be detailed to shov~ the quantity for 'each item of work, ~he unit coot and amouut. The department will submit to the city a reporE of expen~iture~ made from thegas tax ~ll:oca~ion. Within sixty days after cosplot'ion of e~ch item of the budge~ described in proJects52(b), 53(b), ~nd~(b) the department shall submit to ~he city a final repor~ of expenditure~ made for such work. ARTICLE Vii. MISCELLA~]EOUS PROVISIONS No State officer or employee shall be liable for any- thing done or omitted to be done by the city in the perform- ance of any work delegated to the city under this agreement. The city shall, in the event any claim is made against any State officer or employee by reason of 'such work, indenmify and hold harmless such officer or employee from any damage or liability by reason of any such claims. IN WIThvESS V~EREOF, the parties hereunto have their signatures and official seals, the city on the day of ~a~l , 19~2, and the department on the day of , 19~2. Approval recommended: District Engineer By Engineer of City and Cooperative Projects Approved as to form and procedure: STATE OF CALIFOR]RYIA DEPARTt~NT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGH~YS Attorney, Department of Public Works By Assistant State Highway Engineer CITY OF RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE BAKErSFIELD ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING FOUR~ ~UPPLEM~TAL /MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF .GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. fO%XP~h s~4~plemen~e~ WHEREAS, a/memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accord- ance with a project statement submitted by the City of BakerSfield for expenditure of the gas tax al- location to cities for the fiscal. year 1952., and WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said agree- ment in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council of the City of Ba~ersfiel~ that said proJec~ statement De and it is hereby. adopted as the budget of proposed ex- penditures of the gas tax allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding upon the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this ~er~field Mayor of the City of Attest: ~~.'~. City Clerk of the City of Bakerafield I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the city council of the City of ~akere:fleld at a regular meeting thereof held ~ b , 19~2. Clerk of the City of B~kerefiela MC-IO