HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 11-52 BESOLUTION NO, ~ / - A ~SOLUTION OF ~ COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ 0F:~BAKERSFIELD,' 0RD~NG T~ VACATION P~TIONS OF ~T~N S~TS AND AN IN~T~ CI~ OF BA~RS~ELD~ C~0RNIA. The council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Vacation Act of 19~1~" being Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Csli- fornia, does he.by resolve as followe~ 1. That~the public interest and convenience ~qui~e, and it is hereby o~d~l'ed that portions of certain streets and an alley, to wit: PARCEL I. That portion of 14th street lying between the easterly right of way line of th~ p-Q Street transition curve and the w~sterly right of way of the Kern Island Canai, the exterio1'' ~°undaries of which are more particularly des- cribed as'follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly right of way line of 14th S~t, said point Being the point of intersection of the southex, ly right of way line of lkth Street with a circu- lar eu~-.., concave to the ~rthwest of 523.25 feet radius, said curve being a portion of the easterly right of way line of the P-Q Street transition curve Joining P and Q Streets, as said l~th Street, said P-Q Street transition curare and said P an4~Q Streets ax~ .hewn and delineated on "Record of Survey Map~'portione of Blocks 3~6, 347, 372, 373, 386 and 387, Clt~©f Bak~rsfieldt as recorded in Book 1 of Maps at Pages 13and 14, Records of Kern County, Califox-nia," filed for ~eeol.4 in the office of the County Recorde~, of Kern County, California, on t~ ]J4th day of June, 1948. at Page 169, Book:~, Record of Sua-vey Mape~ thence nol-th~asterly aiong said cireulam eux-ve forming a portion of ~he easterly rl~t 9£.~&y line of said ?~Q Street transition ou_-ve to its point of intersection with the northerly right of way line of said lhth Street; then=e easterly a/cng the northerly right of w~ line of said l~th Street to its point of inter- section with the Westerly ri£ht of way line of the Kern Island Canal, which Kern Island Right cf Way is of 100 feet width, 50'~feet on either side, measured at right an61es to and parallel with the center line of said Kern Island Canal, as said center line is shown and delineated on aforesaid Record of Sxu-vey Map~ thence southerly along said westerly right of Way line of the Ke~n Island Canal to its point intersection with the southerly right of way line of afore- said l~th Street~ thence westerly along last described line to the point of beginning. PARCEL II. A portion of the Alley in Block 3k6, City of Bakersfield, Califox~lA, the exterior boundaries of which are more particula~'ly ~escribed as follows: Beginni.ng at a point in the westerly boundary line of Block 3~, ae said Block is shown and delineated on Map of the City of Bakersfield, Earn County, California, filed for racom'in tho office of the County Recorder of Kern County, Oalifornia, on the 25th day of November, 1898, on Patna 13 and 11~ in Book 1 of Maps and which said point is 115.5 fee~ northerly from the Southwesterly co~er of said Block 345~ ther~e eaeterly along a line 115.5 feet northerly from, mea~ed at right angles to and parallel with the southerly ~oundary line of said Block 3~6, 101.2~S feet to the wes~Ply xOlght of way line of the Kern Island Canal, which Ke~m. Island Canal right of way is of 100 feet width, ~0 feet On'either side, measured at right angles to and parallel with th~ center line of said Kern Island Canal, as said center line is shown and delineated on "Record of Survey Ma~ portions of Blocks 3~6~ 3~7, 372, 373, 386 and 387, City of Bakersfield, as recorded in Book 1 of Maps at Pages 13 and 1~, Records of Kern County, California," filed for reoox, d in the office of the aforesaid County Becorder on the l~tYx day of Jl~ue, 1948, on Page 169, Book 5, Record of Survey';'Hapsl thence N. O1° 13' ~3" W. 33.008 feet along said westerly right of way line of Kern Island Canal to its point of?~tersection with a line 1~8.5 feet ~*therly from, measured at right angles to and parallel with the southerly boundarlr line of said Block 3461 thence westerly along said line 14~.5 feet northerly from the southerly boundary line of said Block 346 a distance of 100.527 feet to a point in the westePly boundary line of said Block 346~ thence southerly along last described line a distance of 33 feet to the point of beg~ n~g. PARCEL III. That portion of O Street bounded on the north by the point of tangency of the circular curve forming the easterly right of way lina of the P-Q street transition curve with the easterly right of way 1~ of Q Street as s~e ia ~hown on the Map of t~ City of B~ersfield filed for ~cord on the 25th day of N~embev, 1898, on t~ s~th by t~ ~rtherly right of w~ li~ of l~th St~et ~d on t~ west by t~ ~oreaaid circul~ c~ fo~l~ t~ easterly ~i~t of way li~ of ~ P-Q street tr~sition c~, the ex~ or bold- aries of w~ch ~ more p~tic~ly deso~ibed aa follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Block 3~61 thence westerly along the northerly right of way line of lkth street to its point of intersection with a circular curve of 523.2~ feet radius, concave to the northwest, forming the easterly right of way line of the P-Q StPeet transition curve, thence northeasterly along said circular curve to its point of tangency with the easterly right of way line of Q Street, as said Block 346, said l~th Street, said circula~ Suave, said P-Q Street transition curve and P Street and said Q Street are shown and delineated on "Record of S~A've Map 'pox~tiona of Blocks 346, 347, 372, 373, 386 fo ~k, filed fox' X.e' Recr~x· of K~a County, California~ on ~ d~ of ~ 19~8~ at Pa~ 16~, Rook %, Reco~d of S~ey Maps; e rl ri t of way li~ of ~a~ aoutherl~ along t~ easts ~'~ ~et a~d ~o~ a~ock ~6 ~ ~e aout~a~rly corer ~ s~d ~ock ~d ~ po~t of be ~d ~ a~ ~e ~reby closed up, vacated ~d ~do~d for public street p~oaes, subject to ~d in co~o~ wi~ the ~servationa:~d exceptions contai~d in ~d conVUlsed by Beso- lution of ~ntion No. 692, adopted by t~ Co--il of s~d City on t~ ~st d~ of J~u~, 1952. Reference to sai~ Resolution of Intention la ~reb2 made for f~er p~ticulars. 2. ~ City Clerk shall certi~ to the paas~e of this Reso- lution, ~ shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution, attested by the ClePk ~der the se~ of the City, to be ~corded in the office of the Co~ Recor~r of t~ cowry of Kern, Califo~ia. I ~E~EBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of February, 1952, by the following vote.' ~ariax S. Irvin Ci;cy Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of t~ C&uncil of the City of Bakersfield, APPROVED this 18th day of February, 1952. Frank sullivan MAYOR o~ the City of BakersX'leld. t STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern~ss' ~' I', "IV~.~,R.I~.N ~.'IRVIN, City Clerk of ~e City of Bakersfield, S~ of California, hereby cer~fy the foregoing and ~,~ b~ ~ Z,U~ ~,d ~o,,e~t ~ovy oZ t~ or~,~.......~.~.~.9~.~.~.9~....~q.,......~.~r.~.~....p.~.S.~.~....~n~.. O . _...O ........ ~.....C . .a. ~ .._~ ...... a reDula~ 'm~.~t~Bg ~he~eo~ held Ecbr~2.ny 1~ 1~ o~fll~.in.~'~e~d ~at I have comp~ed the same with the o~na]. ..... "~ 20th Feb~uaP~ 195 WITNESS my h~d and seal th s day of Git7 Clerk Depu~7 Clerk 111