HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 53-51RESOLUTIOI\I NO. RESOLUTION OF PROPOSED J!~TI,~],q~.TION OF LE~IIEHJP-iTED TERRITORY ~]~D SETTING TI~.~ ~OR lEARING TI{EREON. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with t.he Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 24th day of 8eptember~ 19~1, requesting that certain uninhabited territory 'therein described be' annexed to and included within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, end ' ~;~HgEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of one-fourth of the land, by area, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Xern; and W~HEREAS, the territory described in sai~ petition is contigu- ous to the City of Bakersfield. NOW, THER~0RE, in compliance with the provisions of the .a~nnexation of Uninhabited Territory/!ct of 1939, being Title 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter l, ArtiCle ~ of the Government Code of the State of California, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are located in Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 Ea.~t, M.?D. B. & !~i., and are more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the southeast CSrner of Bhe sg[{t~hWest 1/4 of Section 36, T295, R27E, M.D.B. '& M'.', as said corner is ~ shown and delineated on "Map of Tibbet,s Tract", recorded ~ in Map Book ~, Record of S~veys, Page 138, in the office of the Comty Recorder of Kern Comty, C~ifornia; thence N 0° 30' 33" E along the easterly bounder line-of aforesaid ...... Tibbet's Tract 29" W a dist~ce of 1~9.04 feet to the true point of begin- ning for this certain parcel of land; thence S 0° 30' 33" W54.38 feet to the northerly line of Br~dage Lmne, as ~;'/'~. sine is shown ~d delineated 0n the aforesaid map of Tibbet,s 'Tract;. thence S 89° 39' 29" E along the northerly line of aforesaid Brmdage L~e a ~stmce of ~0.06 feet; thence westerly end northerly along .a c~ve of 20 feet radius, con- cave to the northeast, and ~,~hose center bears N 0° 20, 31" E 20 feet, a distance of 31-47 feet to a point of-tangenc~ ~rith the next course; thence N 0° 30' 33" E 424-33 feet to the beginning of a curve of 15 feet radius, concave to the southeast, and whose center bears S 89° 29' 27" E 15'feet; thence northeasterly along said curve s distance of 12.09 feet to a point of reverse c~ve f~om ~hich the center of the last followed curve bears S 43° 18' 14" E 15 feet; thence northerly along a curve of 50 feet radius, concave to the west, and whose center bears N 43° 18, 14" Y 50 feet, a distance of 118.85 feet to the true point of beginning. That a designation appropriately identifying such territory is: CEDAR,G~RDENS NO. 2. BE IT FURTER RESOLVED that Monday, November 12, 1951, at the hour of eight o,clock P.M., in the Co~lacil Chambers in the City .Hall, in the City of Bakersfield,. is the time when and the place where my, persons.owning real property within such territory so pro- posed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexa- tion may appear before the Council of the City of Bakersfield and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed. I EREBY CERTIFY that 'the foregoing Resolution was passed and .adopted by the Council of t_he+ City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 8th da~J of October, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, MORELOCK, SAUNDERS, SHURLEY, SULLIVAN, VANDERLEI, VEST NOES: ~ ................................................. Ass ,T: .....----- ..........., ..... Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPR~t~ of October, 1951 · MAYOR o~ the City of Bakersfield.