HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 43-51HESOL ION MO. A RESOLUTION MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY l, 1951, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1952, AND PROVIDING FOR NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS AND TRANSFERS OF APPROPRIATIONS V~ITHIN THE BUDGET. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, there has been prepared and submitted to this Council a proposed budget showing revenues and expenditures necessary to the operations of the various departments, divisions and agencies of the City during the fiscal year 1951-52, and WHEREAS, the City Council has.studied, reviewed,-revised and adopted this budget and is familiar therewith, NOV, THEEFOE, be it resolved that the amounts hereinafter specified, 'as found and determined by this Council, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated and allocated, subject to the conditions and adjustments hereinafter named, as follows: 1. The Councilshall have and retain the sole power to make changes in total appropriations and transfers between or among the agencies listed lherein, .except as hereinafter provided. Changes of appropriations, revisions, or transfers of allocations within the budgets for such agencies shall be made at the discretion of the City Manager~ 2. Re-allocations~and transfers from the City Manager-Contingencies allotments Shall be at the discretion of the City Manager.' 3. Those Working Capital and Revolving Fund Agencies in the Supple- mentary Budget shall receive moneys for the support of the expenditures of such agencies through inter-departmental charges for services, supplies, materials and equipment r~ntals and such transfers as are provided in the Budget or as may be hereafter provided in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. 4. Subject to the above~conditions, the' amounts specified and listed herein are for the use of the several departments, divisions and agencies of this City and for the purposes designatedl £or the fiscal year beginning July l, 1951, and ending June 30, 1952, viz: 11-010 11-020 n-025 11-030 11-032 11-036 11-04o 11-041 11-060 11-070 City 11-100 City 11-106 City 11-110 City 11-111 City 11-112 11-190 11-200 11-210 11-220 11-230 11-238 11-244 11-300 11-310 n-4oo 11-4o6 11-408 FROM THE GENERAL FUND City Council - Legislative Functions City Council - Special Activities City Council - Unapplied Appropriations City Clerk - Administration~of Office City Clerk - Printing of Ordinances City Clerk - Special Elections Planning Engineer - Administration of Office Planning Engineer -Special SUrveys Police Court -Administration of~ Office Attorney - Administration of Office Manager - Administration of Office Manager- Contingencies Manager -Civil Service Board (Fire) Manager - Civil Service Board (Police) City Manager -Civil Service Board (Misc.) Health Officer - Health Service Purchasing Agent - Administration of Office City Assessor - Administration of Office City Treasurer - Administration of Office City Auditor - Administration of Office City Auditor - Miscellaneous Transfers "' City Auditor - Compensation Insurance Building Inspector - Inspection Division Building Inspector -City Hall Maintenance Fire Department - Supervision & Fire Fighting Force Fire Department - Buildings and Equipment Fire Department - Hydrants-Water Svs. & Mts. n,945.oo 16,500.00 1,800.00 6,518.oo 5oo.oo 2,55o.oo 8,065.oo 2,000.00 10,435.00 16,410.00' 25,335.00 20,000.00 310.00 56o.oo 1,740.00 2,400.00 26,644.00 33,390.00 24,285.00 17,720.00 17,500.00 28,000.00 30,655.00 24,899.00 395,177.00 35,5oo.oo 18,500.00 -2- 11 11-~1 11-45o 11-451 n-456 11 -h6o n-5oo 11-5o9 11-5~o n-513 11-545 n-58o 11-59o 21-57o 21-574 21-577 22-o5o 22-o58 ~A~-54o s4-Sa Fire D~partment- Communications, Operation & Maintenance Fire Department -Alarm System Maintenance & Operation Police Department - Law Enf0rc. & Administration Police Department - Motor Vehicle Operation Police Department - MaintenanCe of Communications !Police Department - Custody of Prisoners City Engineer - Administration of Office CityEngineer City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer CityEngineer - Administration of Field Office· - Engineering Division - Street Maintenance - Corporation Yard - Sewer and Sewage Treatment - Pound Maint.'& Operation - Municipal FarmMaintenance TOTAL · 18,083.00 6,400.00 306,363.00 22,665.00 6,810.00 5,O00.OO 25,548.oo 10,933.00 4o,5o2.oo 149,586.O0 29,583.00 67,170.00 3,430.00 5,68o.oo FROM THE PARK FUND City Engineer - Maintenance of Parks City Engineer - Maintenance of Center Parkings City Engineer - Maintenance of Trees .TOTAL FRONTHERECREATIONFUND Recreation Commission - Administration of Office Recreation Conmission - County Activities TOTAL , FROM THE REFUSE COLLECTION .'AND DISPOSAL FUND City Engineer - Refuse ColleCtion City Engineer - Refuse Disposal TOTAL 1,477,091.00 67,669.00 23,871.OO 42,130.00 133,670.00 40,650.00 5,000.00 45,650.00 5,600.00 188,p08.00 -3- 25-412 25-455. 25-579 25-59o 26-420 FROM THE CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Fire Department - Capital Outlay (Fire) Police Department - Capital Outlay (Police) City Engineer - Capital Outlay (Parks) City Engineer - Capital Outlay (General) TOTAL FROM THE SPECIALsFiRE ALARM INSTALLATION FUND Fire Department - Payments on Lease Agreement 57,000.00 3,900.00 17,O50.00 260,720.00 '338,670.00 67,600.00 28-595 31-5n 31-543 TOTAL FR~ THE SEWER BONDS, 1951, CONSTRUCTION FUND City Engineer - Sewage Treatment Works and Sewer TOTAL FROM THE TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND City Engineer - Street Maintenance (Materials) City Engineer - Street Cleaning 67,600.00 1,194,298.00 1,194,298.O0 67,060.00 81,191.00 TOTAL 148,251.00 32-452 32-515 32-516 32-518 FROM THE MOTOR VEHICLE-LICENSE'FEE.FUND Police Department - Enforcement of Traffic Regulations CityEngineer - Traffic Signals City Engineer - Traffic Signs & Painting City Engineer - Street Lighting 103,330.00 10,648.00 36,052.00 42,359.00 TOTAL 192,389.00 FR~.{ THE HIGHWAY USERS"TAX FUh~ 33-592 CityEngineer - Improvement of Major Streets 250,180.O0 TOTAL 250,180.00 -4- 35-5o2 FROM THE P~BLIC WORKS PLANNING AND ACQUISITION FUND City Engineer - Public Works Planning and Acquisition 30,755.00 41-232 TOTAL FROM THE I912 S~ER BOND FUND City Auditor -,1912 Sewer Bond TOTAL 3o,755.oo 5,775.00. 5,775-00 42-233 FROM THE 1912 CITY HALL BOND FUND City Auditor - 1912 City Hall Bonds TOTAL 4,125.00 4,125.00 FROM THE 1912 LIBRARY BOND FUND 43-234 City Auditor - 1912 Library Bonds 743 .oo TOTAL 743.00 FRCM+THE 1912 FIRE DEPARTM~NT BOND FUND 44-235 City Auditor - 1912 Fire Department Bonds 1,65o.0o TOTAL 1,650.00 45-236 71-113 FROM THE SS;~SR BONDS, 1951, INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND City Auditor - 1951 Sewer Bonds TOTAL FROM THE FIRENEN'S DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT FUND City Manager - Fire Department - Pension Board 47,400.00 '47,400.00 58,142.00 TOTAL - 58,142.oo -5- 74-240 FROM' THE E~{PLOYEE~' RETIR~:~NT SYSTFd FUND City Auditor - Employees' R~tirement System TOTAL ' 107,150.OO 107,150. O0 81-610 SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET WORKING CAPITAL' AND REVC~VING FUND AGENCIES FRO~ THE :EQUIPMENT~ MAINTENANCE AND RENT~j~ FUND City Engineer - Equipment Maintenance Division TOTAL -139,329 .OO 139,329.O0 FROM THEEQUIPMENTREPLACE~,ZNT FUND 82-612 City Engineer - Replace Mobile Equipment .29,O80.OO TOTAL 29,080.00 83-415 FROM THE FIE DEPARTMENT EQUIS~NT REPLACEMENT FU~ Fire Department - Automotive Equip. Replacement 14,5oo.oo TOTAL 14,5oo.oo YARE STORES FUND 87-207 Purchasing Agent - Corporation Yard Stores 187,130.OO TOTAL 187,130.OO I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakers field, on the ~'~_ day of ~) 195 ~ , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT :' AYES: CARNAKIS, MORELOCK, SAUNDERS, SHURLEY SULLIVAN VANDERLEI 0 RK CITY CLERK and EX-OFFICI CLE of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. ATTEST: APPROVED this Al~day of NAYOR of the City of Bakersfield , I -7-