HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 25-51 RES0LUT 0N i O. RESOLUTION ~_.PPROVIi\YG AI~,'0 ~_DOPTING CAREFUL ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS ai,.rD EXPENSES OF b'ORK IN TE I.!n~T~R OF PUBLIC IHPRO~EI~ENT DISTRICT N0. 686 IN THE CITY OF BAi~RSFIELD, C ~LI F ORNI A. WEREAS, the Council o~('ijthe City of Bakersfield on the 23rd day of ~ril, 19%1, 'passed and adopted Resolution of Intention No. 686,. declaring the intention of said Cotmcil to order the work therein described to b.e done, and WHEREAS, said CoUncil~]f' by Resolution No. 22-~1, passed ~d adopted on the ~23rd day of April, 19~l, approvod ~d adopted a pl~ and specifications for the doing of the work end the making of the improvement described ':in' sai~ Resolution or Intention, which pl~ and 'specifications were submitted by the City Engineer, ~d ~EAS, the City Engineer has now Submitted for approv~ end adoption a careful estimate of~the co~ts ~ expenses of s~d ~ork. NOW, T~EFORE, BE IT RESOL~ 'by the Comcil of the City of Bakersfiel~ that the careful satinate of the costs '~d e~enses of doing the work and. making the improvement described in Resolution of Intention No. 686, passed ~d adopted by this Council on April 23, 19~l, heretofore submitted by the City Engineer, is hereby approved rand adopted as the careful estimate of the costs ~d e~enses of doing t~ work and ms~in[~ the improvement described in Resolution of Intention No. 686. I I-~REBY CERTIFY that' ,the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by tho Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting t~reof held on the 14th day of May, 19~1, by the following vote: · ' AYE::: CA.;{~A;d~, ~IORELOCi{:, ~$AUNDERS, $HURLE'f, SU~IVAN., VANDERL~t,. VEST Ci~y Cler~ and ~x-~0~cio Clerk of thc COuncil of the City of B~kersfield. M~YOR of the City of Bsker~'~sfield.