HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-51 RESOLUTION i~!O. 10-51 A RESOLUT~0N REQUESTING TE iERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUP~RV!SORS TO AB,~i~DON CERT~iN COUNTY ~(~H~V~YS LYING ?FITHIN TE EXTERIOR B0~DARIES OF T~.CITY OF B~RSFIELD'S WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield is the o~nler of land in the County. of Kern describable'as the east oneshalf (1/2) of Sec- tions 9, 16 and .21; the west one-half (1/2)' of Sections 3, 10 and 15; and all of Section 22; all of said property being in To~nship 30 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., and 1~'EREAS, said City acquired said land for u. se as a raunicipal sewer farm, and is about to construct thereon a sewage disposal plant capable of serving said City end adjacent areas located outside the exterior boundaries thereof, and ~3}tEREAS, there are within the exterior boundaries of the aforessid property certain roads and highws.ys vrhich though not physically opened, have been designated as co~unty high~vays by action of the Board of Supervisors of the Cou~qty of Fern, or hsve been dedicated or offered for dedication by maps filed in the office of the County Recorder of the ~County of ~qern, which roads and high- ways are described as follows: (1) That portion of County Road No. 896, as same was declsred.a Public Hi~"_~way by action of the. Board of Supervisors Of ~ern County, California, on February ll, 1935, as evidenced by the minutes of said Board of .Supervisors, recorded on i~age 178 · . in Minute' Book 36 of s~id Board of Supervisors, on file in the office of the Co~unty Clerk of Kern County, California, and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land 60 feet in ~.,~idth northerly and southerly, measured at right an~'!es to its 'side ...... lines, having as its longitudinal center line the common boundary line bet~veen the East 1/2 of afore- said Section9 and the East 1/2 of aforesaid Sec- tion 16 and the cormon boundary line between the West 1/2 of aforesaid Section lO and the Uest 1/2 of aforesaid Section 1% and having as its end (2) (3) boundary on the east, the southerly 30 feet of the center line northerly and southerly tl~rough said Section l0 and the northerly 30 feet of the center line northerly and southerly tl~rough said '-~ection 15 and having as its end boundary on the west, lines 30 feet easterly from, measured at right angles to and parallel with. the lines northerly and southerly through the Center of aforesaid Sections 9 and 16 respectively, in aforesaid Township and Range. That portion of County Road illo. 995, s.s same was declared a Public Highway by action of the aforesaid Board of Supervisors on/-pril 26, 1937, as evidenced by the minutes of said Board of Supervisors recorded on Page 521 in Minute Book 39 of said Board of Super- visors, on file in the office of the aforesaid County Clerk of Kern Coua~ty and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land 60 feet in.width northerly and south- erly, measured at right angles to its side. lines, having as its longitudinal'center. line the center line easterly and westerly through aforesaid Section 9 and having.as its end boundary on the east the U. S. Segregation'Line, as s~.e is sho~-m md delineated on the "Sales Map of Lands of Xern County Land Compmny in SeCtion 9, T. 30 S., R. 28 E., LZ.D.Pi. & M.," filed for record in the office of the County i~ecorder of Bern County, California,~ on the 20th day of ~pril, 1894, and ~having a's its end boundary on the west, the center line northerly and southerly tkrough aforesaid Section 9. That portion of anleast m~d west road along the co~on boundary line between aforesaid Sections 16 and 21 as same is shown and delineated and dedicated as a public road or highwa~~ on, "Sales l~ap of Lands of Kern County Land Company in Section 16, T. 30 S., R. 28 '~Z., ..... "filed for record in the office of the H. D ~- & l'~,, aforesaid County Recorder of Kern Coumty on the 14th da~ of ~uly, 1893, and on, ~Sales ~'~ap of ]Lands oi' Kern ~'~ 30' S. H 28 =' County Land Company in Section 21, ~ , Iff.D.u. ~ M. "filed for record in the of rice of the said County Recorder on the 14th day of July, 1893, and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land 60 feet in width northerly and southerly, measured at right angles tO its side lines, having as its longitudinal center line the common boundary line between aforesaid Sections 16 and 21 and having as its end boundary on the east, a line or lines, 30 feet westerly from, measured at right angles to and. parallel with the easterly botmdary lines of.af_oresaid Sections 16-and 21 respectively, and having as its end boundssty on the ~est, a line or lines, 30 Y~eet easterly from, measured at rio~ht angles to and parallel vith the center lines northerly and southerly ttu~ou~h said Sections 16 and 21 respectively. That portion of a nerth and south road along the easterly boundary li~es of aforesaid Sections and 21 respectively, as said road is shown and delin- eated m~d dedicated as a public road or hiahwa~ on aforesaid, "Sales l~.*ap of Lands of Kern Co~ty Company in Section 16, T. 30 S., R. 28 ~., H.D.B. & M., and. on aforesaid, "Sales L-(ap of Lands o~ Kern Cottory . . R. 28 E., M. D. Land Company in Section 21, T 30 S , - B. & P.i., and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of lend lying along the westerly sides of, and contiguous to the easterly botuadary lines of aforesaid Sections 16 and 21 respectively, and of 30 feet width, measured at right angles to the aforesai6 easterly boundary lines of said Sections 16 m d 21 respectively, end having as its end boundary on the north, a line 30 feet southerly from, measured at right angles .to, and parallel with the northerly boundary line of aforesaid Section 16 end having as its end boundairy on the south, a line 30 feet north- erly from, measured at right angles to, and parallel with the southerly boundary line of aforesaid Sec- ti on 21, and ~.~HERE.AS, a map of~ said municipal sewer farm showing the loca- tion of the aforesaid roads end highways thereon is attached here to and made a part hereof, and WIt]EREAS, the existence of the aforesaid roads and highways within the exterior boundaries of the City' s municipal sewer farm, with the possibility of their physical openin~ at sorae time in the future to the detriment of operations on said municipal sewer farm, makes it desirable that said roads and highways be vacated, closed and abandoned, and V.~REAS, Division 2, Chapter 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California prescribes the procedure for abandon- ing county hifihways after the passage. of a resolution of intention by the Board of Supervisors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOB~ ED that the Council of. the City of Bakersfield does hereby request the B_o_ard of Supervisors of the County of Kern to abandon the above-described roads and highways. BE Z(T PDRTI~]R RES(fLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed 5 to forward a certified Copy of ,this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern. I PEREBY CERTIFY that t~e foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of i.yarch, 1951, by the follow- vote: ""h,(l.~-y~nd~E,, 1 'k of the City C_er~x x c o C er Council of the City of Bakersfield. AP ROVE th s 19th day of ~-Carch, 1951 : " f ~ f'eld.' .. , ~ ers m