HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 09-51RESOLUTION NO. 9-51 A RE SOLUTI ON AUTHORi ZINC PRESEh'TATI ON TO TI~ KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF A PETITION FOR E]ICEPTi0~I' 0F ~.T,L PROPERTY IN THE CITY 0ii' BAI~RSFIELD FROM COEI~ITY Ti!JSS LEVIED FOR STRUCTUR/!.L k~IRE I-nROTECTION. WHEREAS, Section 25643 of the Government Code of the State of California provides .s procedure bundot which the County of Kern can except all property wit_~dn the limits of the City of Bakers- field from county taxes levied for structural fire protection of areas in the county, and WERE.~S, the City 6f Bakersfield has a highly. efficient fire department capable of ft~nishing fire protection to all structures in the City of Bakersfield, and. WHEREAS, it has been proposed that this Cottacit authorize the submission to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern of a petition requesting that all property lying within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield be excepted from the levy of county taxes'for structural. fire protection of areas within said county during the fiscal year 1951-1952. ' N0~., THEREFORE, ~BE IT REBOL~ED by the' Co~ncil of the City of Bakersfield, that the Liayor of said cit~ be and he is hereby authorized and directed to si~ the above-mentioned petition and cause the same' to be presented to the Board of Supervisors of the County of t~ern. .......... o0o- I iT'-~:REBY tERTiarY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar meeting thereof held on the ~19th day of March, 19~l, by the following vote /kYES: CAR~IAI(IS, CROSS, KUEHN, MORELOCK, SHURLEY, SIEMOtt, V,AKND~ki'EI snd ~x-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 19th day of i:iarch, 19~1 MAYO~ of the City of Bakersfield. PETITION TO THE HONORABLE BOARD 0F SUPERVISORS 0F TITLE COUN~%T OF X~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of ~ection 25643 of the C-overnment Code of the State of Californ~s' the City of Bakersfield does hereby petition your Honorable Body~ that all property within the corporate limits of said city be excep+.ed from the levy of my and all county taxes for stPuctural fix~ prote~tion of areas in the County of Kern for the fi seal ys ar 1951~1952 · In support of this petition, t~he following information is hereby submitted: If!= 1. .The 0ity of Bakersfield has a modern municipal fire department, and Is rate~ by the National Board of Fire Underwriters as a Class 3 city Polar!re to the quality of fire protection and suppression. This is!- equivalent to the hipheat rating attained by any city in California, regardless of size or location. Our fire department itself is graded as a Class 2 department, with only twenty-eight cities in the entire B~nlted States holding equal or higher rating. There can be no question that the City of Bakersfield supplies, through its own organization sad by means of taxes collected from within the city, a measure of structural fire protection which requires no continuing support from any other agency. 2. The County Fire Department has responded to alarms within the corporate limits of the city on only three occasions since its organization, except f~ protective responses which are made by both ~he city and ~unty when the exact location of a fire is un- knoWn but lies close to the boundary line of tP~ city. On none of the three occasions in this period of over eleven years has the city fire department requested such assistance. · 3. During this same eleven-year period, the cit~ fire depart- merit has responded on fifteen (15) occasions to suppress fires in publicly owned structures lying~cutside the city, which included fires in road distrioS yards, elementary schools, East Bakersfield High School, and Kern General Hospital. In fact, by agreement between all interested parties, the City ~/ire Department has accepted chief responsibility for the conduct of fire fighting operations at the Kern General Hospital. 4. Any conceivable benefit derived by the City of I Bskersfield through the ability of ~-the County Fire Department to combat structural fires, is higJaly theoretical. O~!y in the instance of a major conflagration occurring in county territory, immediately adjacent to the city boundaries, would the county department be of direct advantage to the city. Such a situation is extremely unlikely due to the type of construction in the adjacent suburban areas, the prevailing wind conditions, and other similar factors. Th~ recent report of the Board of Fire Underwriters regarding the city'makes no mention ~Thatsoever of any conflagration potential existing adjacent to the city. Dated: March 19, 1951. ATTE ST a of the Council of the City Of Bakersfield, California.