HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 03A-51IiESOLUTION ~0 .~_~ NO. 3A-51 ESOLUTION ~SCE~-]T&INii~G ~i~D DETERSlINING THE PI~-'~V~ILING RaTE OF ~IaGES TO BE PiID TO E.~CH CR~FT ~iO TYPE OF ~i~ORt'~E'~N XIPLOYED ON PUBLIC WOi~K I~ THE CITY OF B.~dqERSFIELD~ C~LIFORNI~. ~[~t~]REAS~ the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of California require that the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ before it awards any contract for public v~ork~ or otherwise under- takes any public ~,,vork~ shall ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the public ~.vork is to be performed for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of workman~ NOW, TI~Fb~Z:~ORE, BE IT RESOLV~D, that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of per diem ~vages for each craft or type of workman needed to execute any contract for public work in the City of Bakersfield, and public ~ork otherwise undertaken by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and also the general prevailir~E rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft and type of v~'orF~r. an in said public work~ to be as follows: 1. The general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the six basic trades :Ls shown in that certain document entitled ~&rticle XIX Wage Scales For The Six Basic TFades~ in the column headed "Kern~' , as follows: 2. The general prevailing rate of.per~diemwages for each~ craft or type of workman needed 'to exegU~'e~ contract for public work ~in~ the~, City~ of Baker sfield~ an~_,p~Ubl!ic work other~!e, u~ertaken ~by the-Councilof the City. of Bakersfield, other t~an those included in the foregoing document', is as follows: ,Asbestos Workers Asbestos Worker~s,. Fo.reman Boilermakers Boilermakers,.Foreman · ,.$2. 2.75' ' 2.7 Boilermaker, Helper Bricklayer s Bricklayers, Foreman Bricklayer, Tender s Carpenter, Foreman Cement Finishers Cement Finishers, Foreman Electricians Electricians ~ Foreman Glaziers Hod Carriers Iron Workers: Structural I Struc~tural ~Foreman Reinfor ced Reinforced ,ForSman Laborers, Foreman ~athers Lathers ,~ Foreman Linoleum -' - Millwright Paint ers Painters, Foreman Plasterera Plasterers ,I Foreman Plumbers and Steamfitters " " Foreman Roofers Roofers ~ Foreman Sheet Metal Sheet Metal, Foreman $2.23 ,~ .00 2 2.38 3 .oo 2.04- 2.~0 2.50 2-75- 2.25 2. · 25 3 .oo 3 3 .oo 3 2.625 2.87,~.. 2.5o 2-75 2.5o 2.75 .Any classification omitted herein not tess than $1.7~. 3. The general prevailing' rate. for 'legal. holiday and overtime work for each craft and type of workman in said public work.is .as' follows: C&RPENTERS Double time-for alia'overtime, except for Pile"Driver Men - Bridge or Dock Carpenters on tide work w~ere the overtime ·rate will be time and one-half; providing that when men are called to work out- side of the~regular work day they will be guaranteed six (6) hours pay~ a't the overtime rate. CEMENT FINISHERS' Time and one-half for the first three ~ours after the regularly constituted straight time shift, and all. other overtime shall be double time. : W~TCHMEN 'Time'and one-half for all time worked in excessof eight (8) hours per day.and for ~he sixth consecutive day worked; and double time for the seventh' consecutive day worked..'. Watchmen shall also. receive time.~nd~'one-halffor holidays except where a holiday falls on the '7th consecutive day'worked,'which shall be"doUb~e'~ti~e.-'-- IR0~ WORKERS LABORERS t ime. -Double time for all 'overtime. ,' Time and one-half except SUndayS'and Holidays. ~hich are double OPERATING ~ED~GINEERS Time and one-half for all overtime~ except Sundays and Holidays which are double time. Where Operating Engineers, during any one calendar day are working overtime on the same unit of a project on which another craft is working overtime at the double time rate! the.n· the Operating Engineers on such.unit of work shall al~so be pared at the double time rate.~ ~A unit'of the project means any single building, facility, utility ' or anY other single structure which is independent of an~ other unit of the project. The operation of a crushing. plant for/Stock pile and the servicing~ repairing, and maintenance of equipment of a· project shall be at time and one-half, · except in the following~ twO.. instances: l'. Sundays and holidays. 2. Where the equipment operator is repairing his equipment on a unit of the project-~vhere double time is being paid in that calendar day. · When the Operating Engineer is working' on a project as an ~integral part' of a cre~v where another craft is receiving overtime pay by virtue of a holiday not specified in the Master Labor Agreement, 'then the Operating Engineer shall receive the same overtime rate as the other craft. TE~I~STERS Time and one-half for all~ overtime. · ASBESTOS WORKERS, LINOLEUM-WORKERS. PAI~T~S_~R00FERS~ and SHEET WORKEREV ~cludi~g foremen in'YHe· aforementioned trades, shall be paid time and one-half for all overtime work, except for Sundays and holidays, which shall be double time. BOILER~&KERS ,BOILERMAKER HELPERs' BRICKLAYERS, BRICKLAYER TENDERS, CARENTERS, ',~LECTRiCIANS GLAZIER~, HOD_ CARRIERS, IRON WORKERS. LATERS, MILLWRIGHTS,~ PLASTERERS, PLU~ERS and STEA~ITTERS including foremen in the aforementioned trades', shall be ·paid double' · time for~all over- time work,· including Sundays and holidays. The·'rates of wages,. inclu'ding overtime, holidaylI and Sunday rates, above specified are subject+' to t~e ~effect, if applicable hereto, of executive orders of theePresident of the United States and to ~anY~ .modification thereof and to anY and all la~ful orders of 'the President or any other authorized. Federal officer or agency, insofar as the-same may be applicable. Ito any .contract. !n.case of any inconsisten..cy, the rates · fixed. by any 'such applicable Federal order ,·. +whether higher or !.0wer, shall control. I 'HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted~ by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar meeting .thereof held on the 8th day of January, 1951, by the following vote: NOES: City-Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of~ the ICity Of Bakersfield.. of the ~'t;~f B~ersfield.' '