HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 2A-51RESOLUTION NO. 2A-51 ~ V~dEREAS, the United· States Army commenced 'the construction of theIsabella Dam 'Project in Kern County, California, in March, 1958, .and since that +time said construction has proceeded at a slow. r~te by ·reason of the small annual appropriations for said'projeCt bythe Congress of·the United States,.and. VfHEREAS, it has been estimated that upon the basis of Congressional· appropriations during the lastL three years, said project will not be completed prior to January, 1953, although more than'enough time has elapsed had sufficient funds been approp- riated to make feasible the awarding of a Continuing. contract 'for its construction, and ~EREAS, during the month of November, 1950, the-Kern River · overfl~wed its regular channel, resulting in damage %o public and private property in the Isabella·Reservoir Area and below the.. site of the·project_ in the amoun.t of approximately $2,000,000.00, which flood and resulting damage would not have occurred .had said project been completed, and WHEREAS, there lies below the bed of the. Kern River and inside the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfi'eld, property valued at approximately $1~0,000,000.00, which property was'en- dangered by .the flood waters of'the Kern River, much of which would certainly have been damaged had the aforesaid flood occurred in or .near the spring of the year when the snow pack in the mountains above the site of the Isabella Project would'have been,greater, and ~HEREAS, as a result of said' flood and the fail ..ure tO complete .......... the=-tSa-bella~Dam Project,' approxima-tely which would othervdse be available for irrigati0nand other uses of. economic value, have been 10st, and. · ~ WHERE&S, floods of this nature hav~ occurred on other occasions· and ca~ occur again at any time, and delay in completion of t~he isabella. Dam Project exposes this area to the.mercy of the rampaging flood waters of the Kern River. NOW,~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDby the Council of the City of Bakersfield, ~alifornia, sitting in regular session this 8th day Of January, 1951, that the Congress of the United States is hereby.~urged to immediately appropriate sufficient moneyto-provide for the completion of construction of'the Isabella Dam-Project at the earliest possible date in order that further repetition of disasterous flood damage may be avoided andsthe benefits of flood control,· irrigation~ power and recreation c_an be secured. I ,HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ~Resolution was passed and adopted by the council of~-the City of Bakersfield at ~a regular .meeting thereof held on the. 8th day of 'JanuarY,· 1951,-by the following vote: City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the. 'City ~ of ~Bakersfield.  f B k r fie ~ !L~ o~ he City o a e s ' ~ .