HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 36-50RESOLUTION NO. 38-50' RESOLUTIO~I OF~THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BMqERSFiELD SL~BLIITTI~G THE PROPOSED DESIG- N&TION OF CEi~R.~ PA~ aS TH~ SITE &~ LOC&TION FOR A ~TURE CITY H~,L. T0 TE ~ kNNING C0i,.~:IISS I0 N. WHEREAS, it has been proposed to this Council that that certain parcel of land now owned by the City of Bakersfield, bounded on the north by Twenty-first Street, on the south by Nineteenth Street, on the west by "R" Street, and on the east by the westerly boundary of the former easement for a canal commonlly¢ known as the ~,,lill Ditch as the same was legally abandoned by action of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California in its Decision No. 4-0276 dated at the City of Los Angeles the 13th Iday of ~raV~ 19~-7, which parcel is commonly kinown and designated as Centrai Park be fixed and designated as the site and location Cor a future city ball.. sufficient in size and extent to adequately house those departments and facilities of the City as are commonly located in the City Hall, and VfKEEAS,. a public contrOVersy has arisen over whether the afore- said parcel of land is a desirable or suitable location fox' a city hall, and the City Council proposes to submit the matter to the electors at the next municipal nominating election, and 7JEEREAS, Ordinance No. 501 New Series of.the City of Bakersfield, passed by this Council on July 26, 1937,. adopted a zoning or district- ing plan for the city, which plan constitutes one of the subjects matter of a master plan for the City, and said plan is still in effect ~ and V~RERE&S, the Planning Commission is set up and designed .and re- .quired by law to study and ?epo.rt. u.pon matters of such character. I',.r0LV~ TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the proposal' to designate and fix the aforesaid Central Park as a 'site and location for a future city hall, to be constructed when and s s public funds becone available for that purp0se~ be and the same is hereby sub- mitted to the Planning Commission of .the City of Bakersfield with instructions to study said proposal and to report to this Council its approval or disapproval of said proposal, together with its reasons therefor. I Hv~REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ReSolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof. held on the 4th day of December, 19%0, by the follo.~ving vote: AYES: CARNAK!S, CROSS, KUE!.:IN,* MORELOCK, SHURLEY, SlEMON, VANDt~RLU NOF-S: ._,.':'IL~ ................... ', .......'. ............... ABSENT:..,...__......,._...'~ .......__,..=.~, .......,,=*-'* - .,.._- ,~ ~.^,~. i~ ~.' ,.-~ r, City Clerk sn~"~-4~fi~o bi~t~'o'~ the. - Council of the City of Bakersfieldo A~-~ovED this, 4th day of Decembe:~ ,,~ 195o.