HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 28-50RESOLUTION NO. 28-50 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. SETTING TI~E .AI~) PLACE OF I~vBLIC HEARING ON qU~STION OF ~HETBER RENTS SHOULD BE DECONTROLLED IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, C.&LIF0:~Ni&. i;ELEREAS, Section 204 (j) (3) of the Housing and. Rent .Act of 1947 as amended in 19~0, provides in effect that the Housing Expediter shall tez~rainate rent control in any city upon receipt of a resolution of its governing body, adopted for that purpose in accordance with applicable local law and based upon a finding by such governing body reached as a result of a public hearing held after ten days' notice that there no longer exists such a shortage in rental housing accommodations as to require rent con- trol in such city, and V~HEREAS, on July 24, 1950, that certain organization knov~n and designated as the Xern County Property Owners' Association filed a petition signed by certain residents of the City of Bakers-, field, rec~.uesting this Council to hold a public hearing in accord- ance with said Act and that after said hearing, if it is found that such shortage no longer exists, that this Council adopt a resolution to that effect, and ~.:fi~jEREAS, this Council deems it in the public interest that a public hearing be held to determine such question. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that this Council hereby fixes Tuesday, the 29th day of .August, 1950, at 8:00 o'clock P.H., at the Washington School Auditorit~., Baker and Niles Streets, Bakersfie].d, California, s.s the time and place when and where any and all persons having an interest in said matter or desiring to appear before the City Council regardin~ the question of whether or not there still exists such a shortage in rental housing accommodations as to require rent control in the City of Bakersfield~ v~ill be heard by this Council. Said hearing will be open to the. public. The City Clerk shall give notice of the passage of this resolution and of the time and place of said public hearing by causing said resolution to be published in full in the Bakersf~eld Californian~ a daily newspaper printed~ published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield~ at least ten (lO) days before the certified date of said public heari~g~ and by mailing/copies of this resolu- tion, postage prepaid, to the following~ Kern County Board of Supervisors, Cobu~thouse, Bakersfield, California~ Ward Cox~ Regional Housing Expediter, 821 ~Tarket Street, Room 723, San Fran- cisco ~, California~ and A. J. Norris~ Directory Area Rent Office, 1~22 18th Street, Room 322, Bakersfield, California. The aforesaid petition of the ~.ern County Property Owners' Association is on file in the office of the City Clerk and available for public inspection. ......... o0o I HEREBY CF~TI~ that the foregoing Resolution was passed a~d adopted by the:Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meetimg thereof held on the 14th day of August, 1950, by the following vote: AYES: CAI~AKIS, C:;SSS, ,"------ . :., .,;,dRL~-~, $1gMON, VANDIZI~LE] NOES: __,':~I_e,=-z,_a~ ............................................ ....,J2. ................................... City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Cler-. of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.