HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 24-50RESOLUTIO~I NO. q ~ NO. 24-50 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ s s follovs: 1. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 of Ordinance No. 877 Ne~v Series of the City of Baker sfield. 2. Whenever a retailer is required to collect the use tax imposed by Ordinance No. 87.7 _ Nev~ Series~ he shall dO 'so by using the following schedule ~vhich combines the California Sal'es or Use Tax ~dth the City Use Tax in such manner as to produce an average tax return of one-half of one percent (1/2 of l~) on all purchases subject to the City use tax: .. 1.53 58.43--58.71 2.05 72.29---73.57 2.57 ~42.2"_ ~.~..14 1.54 58.72--58.99 2.06 73.58---73.85 2.58 4 44.15 ~..42 1.55 59.00'59.28 2.07 73.86--74.14 2.59 44.42 ~_4.71 1.56 59.29--59.57 2.08 74.15--74.42 2.60 ~ ='.:'. .' 44.72--44.99 1.57 59.58--59.85 2;09 74.43---74.71 2;61 45.00-45.28 1.58 59.86--60.14 2.10 74.72-74.99 2;62 45.29. ~.5.57 1.59 60.15--60.42 2;11 75.00--75.28 2;62 45.5~° ~.5.85 1.60 60.43- 75.29--75.57 2;64 45.88 ~.6.14 1.61 60.72--60.99 2;13 75.58--75.85 2.65 46.15 ~.6.42 1.62 61.00--61.28 2.14 75.86--76.14 2.66 46.42 a.6.71 1.63 61.29---61.57 2.15 76.15-76.42 2.67 46.72---46.99 1.64 61.58--61.85 2.16 76.42-76.71 2.68 47.08:7.28 1..65 61.86-62;14 2.17 76.72-76.99 2;69 47.2'J :7.57 1.68 62.15-62.42 2.18 77.00--77.28 2.70 47.5.~ ~_7.85 1.67 62.43-62.71 2.19 77.29--77.57 2.71 47.8"_ :8.14 1.68 62;72--62.99 2.20 77.58--77.85 48.15--48.42 1.69 62.00--63.28 2.21 77.86-78.14 48.43-48.71 1.70 62.29--~2.57 2.22 78.15-78.42 2.74 46.72--48.99 1.71 63.58--62.85 2.22 7&42-78.71- 2;75 49.08 ~.9.28 1.72 62.86--6L14 2.24 78.72-76.99 2.76 149.2.J ~.9.57 1.73 64.15--64.42 2.25 79.00-79.28 2;77 49.52 ~_9.85 1.74 64.43--64.71 2.26 79.29--79.57 2.78 49.86-50.14 1.75 64.72~-64.99 2.27 79.58-79.85 2.79 50.15-50.42 1.76 65.00-65.28 2.28 79.86--80.14 2.80 50.42--50.71 1.77 65.29--65.57 2.29 80.15--80.42 2.81 50.72--50.99 1.78 65.58--65.85 2.20 80.43--80.71 2.82 51.00--51.28 1.79 65.86--66.14 2.21 80.72--80.99 2.83 51.29-51.57 1.80 66.15-66.42 2.32 81.00--81.28 2.84 51.58--51.85 1.81 66.43--66.71 2;28 81.29--81.57 2.85 51.86--52;14 1.82 66.72--66.99 2.34 81.58-81.85 2.86 52;15-52.42 1.83 67.00-67.28 2.25 81.86--82.14 2.87 52;42-52.71 1.84 67.29--67.57 2.36 82.15-82.42 2.88 52.72--52.99 1.85 67.58--67.85 2.27- 82;t$--82.71 2.89 53.00--53.28 1.86 67.86--68.14 2.28 82.72--82.99 2.50 53.29-52.57 1.87 62.15--68.42 2.29 83.00---88.28 2.91. 53.58-52.85 1.88 68.43--68.71' 2.44) 62.29-82.57 2;92 53.86-54.14 1.89 68.72--48.99 2.41 82.58--$2.85 2.92 54.15--54.42 1.9o 69.0~ .-9.28 2.42 8L86-.~4.14 ~ 54.42--54.71 1.91 69.29--69.57 2.43 64.15--84.42. 54.72--5439 1.92 69.58--69.85 2.44 84.43--84.71 2;92- 55.00--55.28 1.92 69.86--70.14 2.45 64.72--84.92 2.97 ~s.29--55.57 1.94 70.15-70.42 2.44) 85.00--85.28 2.98 55.58--55.85 1.95 70.43--70.71 2.47 85.29--85.57 2.92 55.86--56.14 1.96 70.72-70.99 2;44) 65.58--85.85 2.68 56.15--56.42 1.97 71.00--71.28 2.49 65.86--86.14 3.01 56.43--56.71 1.98 71.29--71.57 2.50 86.15--86.42 2;02 56.72--56.92 1.99 71.58--71.85 2.51 86.43--86.71 2.03 57.00--57.28 2.00 71.85-72.14 2.52 86.72--416.99 2.64 57.29--57.57 2.01 72.15-72.42 2.53 87.00---87.28 $.05 57.58--57.85 2.02 72.42-72.71 2.54 87.29--87.57 3.50 57.86--58.14 2.03 72.72-72.95 2.55 87.58--87.85 ~ 58.15---58.42 2;04 73.00--73.28 2.56 87.86--88.14 2.08 : ~1 ] -- C:OMIINED t1111 TAX COL_I._ECTIO" SCHEDUL Traesac~ee ' lex ' Tr~sactloa Tax Tramsa,;~ea Tex .00-; .1,4 ... 14.45-14.71 .51 29.08--29.28 !.93 .15- .27 .O1 14.72-14.95 .52 29.29---29.57 1.03 .28---. '.62 .02 '15.00--15.28 .53 29.55-29.65 1.04 .63--- · .87..93 15.29--.18.57 .54 29.86--30.14 1.05 .83--- ~12 .04 15.5&--15.85 .55 30.15---30.42 1.06 1.15-1.42 .05 15.05-16.14 .56 30.43---30.'71 1.87 1.43.:-- 1.7~ .06 16.15-16.42 .5'7 34).'72---30.99 L0~ 1.79::- 2.12 .O7 ]6.43--16.71 .5~ 31.00--31.28 1.09 2.15- 2.42 .0~ 16.72---16.99 .59 31.29---31.57 1.10 · 2.45-'2.71 .09 17.85-17.28 .64) 31.5&--31.95 1.11 3,32-- 2.92' AO 17.29--17.57 .61 31.~6-42.14 1.12 ,~.00.-- 3.28 .11 17.5~--17.85 .82 32.15--32.42 1.13 3~9-.. S.57' .12 17.~-.18.14 .63 32.43---32.71 1.14. 3.52- ~5 .18 18.15-16.42 .64 32.72--32.99 1.15 2.1K,-- 4.14..14 18.42-18.71 .65 33.00--33.28 1.16 4.'1.5- 4.42 ~S 19.72-18.99 .66 33.29--33.5'; L17 4.43--- 4.71 .16 t9.05-19.2e .67 38.5N3.85 1.18 4.72- 4.92 .1.7 19.29--19.57 .6~ 33.86--34.14 1.19 . 5.00~ 5-~ .18 19.5&--19.85 .69 34.15---34.42 1.20 S.25- S.57 .19 19.85-20.14 .'70 34.48--34.71 1.21 · S.58--: S.88 '.20 20.15-20.42 .71 34.72---34.99 1.22 5.86-.-- 6.1.4..21 20.42-20.71 .72 35.00---35.26 1.23 6.15- 6.42 .,?,2 20.72-20..99 .";3 35.29--85.57 1.24 6.48-- 6.71 .23.21.00--~1.28 .74 35.S~-35.85 1.25 6.72- 6.99 ' .24 21.25-21.57 .75 65.86--36.14 7.0IN-- 7.28 .25 21.55-21.05 .76 36.15--36.42 1.27 7.29--- 7.87 .26 21.85-22.14 .'77 36.43-46.71 1.29 7.5~-~. 7.85 .27 22.15-22.42 .78 36.72--36.99 1.29 7.86-- &14 .28 22.42-22.71 .79 37.00---37.28 1.30 8.15-1~.42 .29 22.72-22.99.80 - 37.29--37.57 1.31 8.43--- 2.71 .30 23.00--23.28 .81 37.58---37.85 1.32 ' - 6.72- 6.99 .31 23.29--23~57 .82 37.86---38.14 1.33 '9.00-- 9.28 .52 23.58---23.85 .63 38.15---38.42 1.34 . ~ 9.29-~-'-.9.57 ,- J 23.86--24.14 .84. 3&43---38.71 1.55 9,58--'9.85 .34 24.15-24.42 .85 38.72---38.99 1.36 .9.86---10.14 .35 24.42-24.71 .86 39.00---39.28 1.37 10.15-10.42 .56 24.72-24.99 .87 39.29---39.57 1.38 · 10.43--10.71 .37 25.00---25.28 .88 39.58--39.85 1.39 '10.72~10.99..39 25.29--25.57 .89 39.8~ a.0.14 1.40 11.00--11.28- .39 25.58---25.85 .90 40.15 ~_0.42 1.41 11.28--1~57 !' .44) 25.86---26.14 .91 40.42 a.0.71 1.42 · 11.58---11.85 .41 26.~5---26.42 .92 40.72--40.99 1.43 11.86---12.14 .42 26.43---26.71 .93 41.00--41.28 1.44 12.15-12.42 .45 26.72-26.99 .94 41.2N1.57 1.45 12.43---12.71 .44 27.00---27.28 .95 41.5~ :1.85 1.46 12.72-12.92 .45 27.29---27.57 .96 41.8{5 ~.2.14 L47 '-~ 13.00--13.28 .46 27.58---27.85 .97 42.15---42.42 1~45 13.29---13.57 .47 27.85-28.14 .98 42.42 ~.2.71 1.49 ~ 13.58---13.85 .44) 28.15--28.42 .99 42.72--42.99 1.50 :,13.86---14.14 .49 28.43--28.71 1.00 43.08 '.3.28 1.51 ; 14.15-14.42 .50 28.72-28.99 1.01 43.2.J ;2~.57 1.52 3. On all purchases subject to the city use tax involving amounts greater than those indicated in the foregoing schedule, the retailer shall collect as city use tax from the purchaser, in addition to any California Sales or Use Tax collectedt a sum equal to one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) of the retail price of the property purchasedt computed to the nearest cent (1¢). 4. The retailer shall segregate the Ci. ty use tax so collected and shall report and remit it to the City at the times specified in said Ordinance No. 877, New Series. The retailer is required to report and remit only the actual taxes so collected and segregated~ regardless of the percentage relationship of these taxes to the gross receipts; provided, that if he shall elect to pay to the City one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1,~) of his gross receipts (excluding sales and use taxes) from sales subject to tax, he shall not be required to segregate such use tax receipts from his other receipts. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof'held on the 31st day of July, 1950~ by the following vote: AYES: CA~,.~;A,',$+ CROSS, ,','JE::,~L M~tr~-Fe~, 8HURL~Y, SIEMON, fANDEZ~LE~ .OES: ___e ,, ,,_~J~j~_~_~~ ^BS~.T:J,~ ~, &.,,..z ........................................... MARIAN S. IRVIN City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. .By__..~ ~ ~ o ~ . J__,a.~ t~' D~ pu'~' / N~ a fi /