HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 23-50 ESOLUTION NO. 23-50 RESOLUTION CO~FIiqEING ASSESS~NT IN THE ~:~ATTER OF PUBLIC INP,~0VEF~ENT DISTRICT N0. 678. ~EEEAS, the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, Coumty of Kern, State of California, did, on the 7th day'of June, 19~0, file with the City Clerk of said City, an assessment to represent the cost and expense of the work and im- provement done and made by Joe D. ~iller, Contractor, pursuant to proceedings had and taken by said City, under and pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 678 adopted the lSth day of February, 19'~0, and ~EREAS, the City Clerk of said City duly gave notice by publication, posting and mailing in the time and maDher provided by law, of the filing of said assessment and of the time and place set for hearing thereon, which time and place were fixed in said notices as the 3rd day of July, 19~0, at the hour of eight (8) o'clock P.N., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Bakersfield~ California, and ~REAS, the said City Counci!~ after receiving evidence, oral and documentary concerning said assessment and the proper ccm- pletion of the work and improvement for which the same was issued, did, by resolution adopted on the lOth day of July, 19~0, direct said Superintendentof Streets to alter, modify and correct said assessment and the assessment diagram in certain particulars therein set forth~ and ~.~EAS, said Superintendent of Streets has made said alterations, modifications and corrections and has again submitted said assessment and assessment diagram for consideration by this Council, and the same are correct in every particular. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that the said assessment a~d the diagram and warrant attached thereto, the proceedings leading up to the same and all acts and determinations of all officers of the City of Bakersfield in relation thereto, be and the same are hereby ratified and con- firmed and the Superintendent of Streets is hereby ordered to deliver said warranty assessment and diagram to Joe D. Niller~ the contractor~ forthwith upon the payment by him of the incidental expenses due thereon. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of July, 19~0, by the following vote: AYES: CAR~IAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, MORELOCK, SHURLEY, S|EMON, VANDERLEI NOES: .... ABSENT: .... ~ ........................................... M&RI.~N S. IRVIN C~ty'CYerk~nd'Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. By ;ia'~O~ c;f~e i~.;"of Bak~"~iei&. ' /