HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-505 ~"~[F~IE&S, a petition vzas filed ~=ith 'the Oouncil of tlm City of Bakersfield on the 12th day of June; 19j0~ re~uosting that certain ~bit~ territo~ thefeb described ~ aretaxed to ~d in~~ within t~ hcorporated li~ts of the City of Dakersfiuld~ a~ T~Er~, said ~tition was si~,:md by the o~mei~s =~f o~ forth of the la~ by area~ and by assessed v~ue last eq~ized assessrant ro~ of the V;;~{EAS, the territory descriI~d in said petition is co~ tiguous to the City of ~kersfield. ~7, T}~FOE~ in compli~ce vdth the provisions of the A~.e~tion of U~bited Tertiary ~ct of 1939~ bei~ Title Diesion 2~ r~rt 2~ C~pter 1~ ~ttcle ~ of the Ooverment Code of the State of Califor~a~ BE E RESOL%~ by the Co%mc~ of the Ci~ of Da~rsfield as fo~s~ That the ~~ies of the term'itory so p~oposed to be exed ~ the City of ~kersfield are located Ln ~jection 3j, Toe'm- ship 29 south~ !m~e 27 East, ~,~. D. ~. ~ If.s ~d ~re i~rtic~~ describ~ as fo~owsa a public }~g~ by action of tam Loa~d of. Dupervisors · of t~ Co~ty of z~iern~ State of Califor~a~ on October 10~ 1887~ as evidenc~ by rates of the said ?~o~~ of Super- visors record~ on X~ge 3~ of ~imte said Board of Supervisors on file in t~m office of ~e Co~ty Cl~k of said Co~ty of -fern va~ich ~t is the intersection of the westerly l~e o~ said Ee~. Road ~vith the extension wester~ of the center lira of Da~ Street as said street is s~ on a ~p of Tract ~o. 1~30~ re- cord~ in Book 7 of ~ps at Pages 77 and 78; thence South 0 degrees~ 17 ~mtes ~ secox~s ~Test ~o~ the said west- ~ 1~ of He~ Read 61.02 feet to the true point of . be ng of this desartptlon, ~aid~true point of beginning be ng~.u~ia point Ln the ~rporate bouamar~ of tlm City of Bakersfield, California| tl~nce Lbrth ~j9 degrees,-42 rain es ~9 seconds west! 330 fe~t; thence '.;o~-ch 0 degrees, 17 minute 21 seconds we~ 330 feet- thence ~jouth 39 degrees, 4 nnt fi * ~ 2 mi'ut e~ ~ seconds east, ~30 fee~ to a Voint in ~he westerly line of said Real Road, said westerly line of P. ea~L Road being- a portion of the coTpoTato ]~ar~, line c~-the City of Bakers- old California, thence ~..'orth O degrees, 17 r~rmten 21 ' seco~s east, 30 feet alo~j the westerly !ino of l~.eui Road, to the ~rue po~t of ~egim~ng, containLag, 2.~ acres more or less, That a designation appropriately identii'yLng ouch terri~ory is: ileal Acres, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that L:onday, ~l~ly 3, 19~0, at the hour of eight o 'clock P.L~., in the council Chambers in the City Hall, in the City of Bakersfield, is the time when and the place where ar~v persons owning real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having ~my objections to the proposed annexation may appear before ~he Cou~cil of the City ,'~f Dakersfield and show cause ~hy such territory should not be so annexed. I IFI{EBY CERTIFY that the foregoir~ P~esolution vms passed and adopted by the Council of the city of Dakersfield ut a rot-slat meeting thereof held on the 12th ~+;~y of ~T~ne, !950, by .the follow- ing votes Aye s: Noes: Carnakfs, Kuehn, Lloreloc~, Siemon, Vanderlei None tbsent: Cross, Shurley bity' '~ierk;'an~ !!]r~-~TtCio Clerk 6f 't~e Com~ci! of the City of Bakersfind. ' By. Mildred Salzer ~a v ~rl M~OR o ~e ~y o~ kersfi~id: f C