HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 01-50RESOLUTION NO. 1-50 WHEREAS; Section 25643 of the Government Code of the State of California provides a procedure under which the County of Kern can exempt all property within the limits of the City of Bakers- field from county taxes levied for structural fire protection of areas in the county, and WHEREAS,. the City of Bikersfield has a highly efficient fire department capable of furnishing fire protection to all structures in the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, it has been prpposed that this Council petition the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern that all property lying within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield, be exempted from the levy of county taxes for structural fire protec- tion of areas within said county during the fiscal year 1950-1951- NOW, TEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that the Mayor of said city be and he is hereby authorized and directed;. to sign the above-mentioned petition and cause the same to be presented to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern. ....... o0o ....... I EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of January, 1950, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAF, IS, i KUFI-]N, MORELOCK, SZURLEY, SI[;.:C{~', VANDERLEI NOES: --~ ............................................... ABSENT: ,,~ ..... City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. Y0R of~ne/ditY o~aker sfiel Before the Board of Supervisors / County of Kern, State of California In the matter of: ~tON OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ COUNTY TAX RATE FOR STRtJCTURAL FIRE Recorded ......~-{-~h. day of ........5.~..1.~.~ .........19....5..Q, Book ........._7..7...., page.....5...~8 of Official Minutes. I, R. J. VEON, County Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk,,:of the Board,. of Supervisors of the County of Ker~, State of California, do hereby certify that the following resolution, proposed by Supervisor Salzer , seconded by Supervisor Barnes , was duly pa~scd and adopted by said Board of Supervisors at an otFtci. at-j~;~tihg:ih. eFeof this ....... day of ......... -J.~ .......... , 195..Q..., by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: ..~.~"-rt;~r, ~l"ri~s, Salzer ABSENT: . No NOES: Walker, Noon ~ .... o~nty Clerk ~"'d exx· of the Board' of Su~rvisors, RESOLUTION Section 1. WHEREAS: (a) Section 2~(~:~ of the Government Code pemit~ the County Board of Supez, visors to-exempt, upon ~ petition, any territory ~d.%htn an incorporated city ~ taxation for structural fire protection ~iven by~ the County in incorporate~ and untncofporated arias, and (b) The County of Kern through its County Fire Department gives structural and other fire protection to both incorporated and untncorporated areas in the C~nty and for said purposes annualt7 lev'.e8 a tax upon all propeX-~y in said county as a part of the regular tax rate for c~unty purposes, ~ch tax rate extended to both ~c~rporated and un-~qcorporated territory, and (c) The city of Bakersfield, a municipal corporation in said county, has petitioned to have all property within the. corporate limits of said city excepted fx~a said tax rate for' structural fire protection, pursuant t~ said section, by written request of the City Council, filed the l~h day of January, 1~0 with the t~rd of Superrisen, and (d) rurmmnt to law a hearing ~as duly h~ld on said petition after the notice and ~rlth~ the time prescribed by statute aforementioned, before said Boa.~d of Supervisors on the l~th day of FebruaxT, 1~0 at the hour of 11:00 A. -1- and on said date at said hearing an order was made by the Board of Supervisors granting the petition to exempt the City of Bakersfield from the taxes to be levied for the tax year 1950-1951 for the support of the Kern County Fire Department to the extent and for that portion of the costs of said department budgeted for structural fire protection outside of the incorporated area of the City of Bakersfield, and appointed a committee to recommend w~At the Just amount of said portion for which exemption was approved should be, and (e) Said committee duly met and reported to the Board of Supervisors on the 9th day of March, 1950, recommending that the portion of the tax for the support of the Kern County Fire Department from which the City of Bakersfield should be exempted should be 52% of the Budget for the tax year 1950-1951 for the said department, which recommendation was filed, and (f) The final budget for the costs of said Kern County Fire Department for the fiscal year 1950-1951 has now been approved and is on file, in the amount of $1,1#:!:,018.00, and a tax levy on said budget and other portions of the County budget will be made in the near future; Section 2. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, as follows: (aa) T~e facts set out in Section ! hereox' are found to be the true record. (b) It is ordered and adJudged that fifty-t~,~o percent (52%) of the amount of the 1950-1951 budget of the County of Kern devoted to costz of salaries, maintenance and operation and capital outlay for the I~ern County Fire Department or for new fire stations or additions thereto, shall be levied by a separate tax whichshall be extended over onl~ those areas ~Aich prior to the lat day of February, 1950 were noj included in and which lay outside of the City limits of the City of Bakers field. (c) It is found and determined that the exact amount of said 1950-1951 budget which should be and is hereby ordered to be levied only on areas outside of said City of Bakersfield in the tax levy for said fiscal year, is $59~,889.00. -2- VETERANS CO-ORDINLTING COUNCIL OF GREATER BAKERSFIELD V~EREAS: November ltth has been declared a National Holiday and observed as Armistice Day to celebrate the cloee of hostilities of World War I., ~ND WHEREAS: That a definite day to observe the close of hostilities of World War II has not been set aside by Congress, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THLT THE VETERANS CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF GREATER BAKERSFIELD, hereby recommends to all of its respective member organizations; The Kern County Chember of Commerce, The Bakers field Chamber of CoErce, the Bakers field City Council, The Kern County Board of Supervisors, and The Presidents Round "Table; that I~rmistice Day, ~ November llth be observed in Commemoration of victory for both World WarS-by the closing of all Mercantile Establishment' s in Greater Biersfield in order that this day may be properly and fitting!y observed. Secretary NOTE: Representatives of the following organizations in attendance when this resolution was approved: Bakersfield Post No. 26, The ~Iaerican Legion East Bakersfield Post No. 682, The American Legion Kern County Post No. 602, Jewish War Veterans Postal Post No. 717, The American Legion Bernhard No ~Eunzer No. 20, Disabled ~4nerican Veteran Harold Brown Post No. 1~68, Veterans of Foreign Wars Oildale No. 6601, Veterans of Foreign Wars Spanish Wet Veterans