HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 35-49RESOLUTION NO. 35-49 WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission has, by its so- called findings in the matter of charges against Horace V. Grayson, as Chief of Police, declared that there is uncertainty in the Charter as to whether the chief is subordinate to the City Manager or to the Commission and that the chief has been advised that he is only answerable and subject to control by the Civil Service Commission; AND, WHEREAS, the Charter expressly provides that "The City Manager shall have general supervision and direction of the administrative operation of the city government"; and "To see that all laws and ordinances are faithfully enforced by the heads of the departments"; AND, WHEREAS, there is no express provision in the Charter contrary to the above provisions, or which by any sort of strained construction or implication would sustain or support such contentions of the chief of police and his legal advisers; NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council: First, that such contention of the chief of police and his · advisers be and the same is hereby absolutely repudiated, repelled and denied; and the Council hereby unequivocally declares that it regards the assertion of such contention as persistence by the chief and the Commission in insubordination and usurpation of authority; Second, that the recognition of such contention by the Civil Service Commission and its expression that the matter is one which is open to dispute and the statement that the Charter needs clarification on or as to that matter is a piece of irrelevant and gratuitous dictum the only tendency of which is to arrogate pretended powers to itself and encourage the chief of police in his manifest insubordt nati on; Third, that it be and is hereby declared that the Council holds and declares that the chief of police is subordinate to the lawful orders and directions of the City Manager acting under and as the representative of the Council, and that the Commission is wholly without authority over the activities of the Police Depsrtment; and that any act or conduct of the chief in pursuance of his said conten- tion in recognizing orders, directions or policies of the said Civil Service Commission regarding the management of his department in preference to and in conflict with the lawful orders, directions or control by the City Nanager will be deemed as persistent insubordina- tion and dealt with as such, and Fourth, that a copy of this resolution and of the resolution adopted by this Council on October 1Vth, 1949 be, by the clerk, delivered to the chief of police for his guidance and instruction. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of November, 1949, by the following vote: AYES: Cross, Morelock, Shurley, Siemon, Vanderlei NOES: Carnakis, Kuehn ABSENT: None Acting ~i'~ ~l~k andES-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfld APPROVED this 28th day of November, 1949 o ~ersf~eld