HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 30-4919q.9 SEP 6 MO. 30-49 10:29 RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING AND DETEPa~INING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES TO BE PAID TO EACH CRAFT AND TYPE OF. WORKMAN EMPLOYED ON PUBLIC WORK IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. -WHEREAS, the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of California require that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, before it awards any contract for public work, or otherwise under- takes any public work, shall ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the public work is to be performed for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of workman; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City .of Bakersfield, California, has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman needed to execute any contract for public work in the. City of Bakersfield, and public work otherwise undertaken by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday. and overtime work for each craft and type of workman in said public work, to be as follows: -1- CRAFT SCALE FORENAN ASBEST0 S WORKERS 2 ~ ~10 ~ ~ 7 ~ BO m~N~S ' 2~ 3~ 2 o 6 O BE i CE~AYER S 2 ~ 50 2 ~ 75 BRIC~[LAYE~ TENDERS 1 ~ 75 Double .8 houm~s CARPENTERS 2020 2°45 Double 8 no CENENT FXNXSHERS 2~20 2~45 1st 3' hrs~ s ~ all 8 otheP double ELECTRICXAN~ 2o50 2C ~1 Double 7 GLAZIERS 1 ,, 96 Double 8 HOD C~aRX~S 2~00 Double 7 h mrs IRON WOHES Struc t~al 2 ~ 50 2 ~ 75 Double 8 Re inforced 2 o ~5 2 ~ 50 D-~'Jfol e 8 LAB0aERS 1 o57 Z ~ 7.~5 Zg- 8 LATheS 2 ~ 25 2 ~ 50 Dou. bl e 7 LINOLE~q ~ ~, 25 2 ~ 375 !g2' 8 NiLL~ 'I GHT 2 ~ ~J.0 2 ~ 65 Doubt e 8 ~:o ur s PAINTERS 2 ~ .B~ 2 ~60 1-} 8 l~ou PLASTERERS 2 o~0 2 ,~ 75 Do~fDle 7 7~..ou~ PL~B~S ~ 2 ~,~O 2 o 75 Double [~ hou~ s STEA~YTTERS 2 ~ 50 2 ~ 75 Double 8 houz s R00P~S 2 ,~25 2~.50 1~ SHEET ETAL 2 o~.0 2 .,65 t~. -2- WAGE SCALES SIX BASIC T~ADES ~ trj~RN COUNS?Y The following wage scales were negotiated in accordance with the terms of the master lsbo~ ~eement by the Joint AoGoCo~ BoCoAo~ AoFo of Lo nsgott~ ting co.~aitteeg CARPENTERS Carpenter Shingler Floorlayero Nill~righto Table Power Saw Operator~ o o o o o Pi~e Driver ~n - B~tdg~ or o k C Pile Driver Nan - Derrick Bargemane PiXe Driver Nan ~ Head Rock Slinger Pile Driver Nan ~. Rock Slingere o o 2o2O 2~32 2027 2~27 2 °07 2o22 2o02 C~NENT FiNISHERS Cement Finisher o o o o o o ~ o o o o Cement Finisher~<Com;osition or Mastic) Cement Floor Finishing ~achine 0pera3or 2020 2o32 2032 LABORERS L~borers~ General or Construction o ~ o o o. o o ~ o Underground Labo:per~ including Caisson Bellowerso ,, Operators and Tenders of Pneumatic 'a:nd Electric Tools~ Vibrating 'Machines. and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein~ Miner (Hand or l~Tachine) . o o o o ~ o o . . ~ ~ o ~ ~Otor~o o o o o o o o o o o . 0 o o o o o o o o o Cement Dmmper (on 1 ydo or larger mixers handling bulk cement~.o o o o o o - ~ Cribhers or Shotere o o o o ~ o o o o o o Powde~m~n o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Chucktender o o o o o o - - o i o o 'o o o)o ~cke~s~.Dumpmsn'snd Trac~usn in tunnels Asphalt Raker and Ironere o Buggymobile Nan o o o o o o Cutti~ Torch Operator (D~molition) Concrete CLasP o Impervious DrilIers (Core~ Diamond o~ (*Applies South of the Drillers (All Others) o o o o,o · o o o o ~,~o o o Fine GFador (tlighway and Stz~eet Paving oni o o o eae & O~! Pi"oe~ine Ls. borero o o ~ ~d/ "Wilt · Guard a OP Clb~rA o ~ o o o o o Gas & Oi~ Pipsline W~appe~ ~ Pot Tendop Gas & Oil Pip~ins Wrapper ~ 6~-4nch pips and over Guinea ChaSer o o o o o ,o o 'o .o o Landscape Gardener & Nursery ~;lan~ Riprap Stonepaver o ~ o o ,~ ~ ~ ~ -3- 1o70 1. g77 !g92 092 ~ °92 lo92 lo72 lo72 lo77 2,~.00 ::, °77 Lg67 Rock Slinge~o o Head Rock Slinger S~ndblaster (Nozzlemn) Ssndbla~ter (Pot Scalar 1 82 2'0O7 2°00 Scalar (using Bos~n0s Chair oP Safety Belt oP Power Tools)° o o - o o Cesspoo~ Digge~ and Installer o o o o ~ . Pips Lmye~ (Excluding Caulke~ ~ ~ 1o 82 1o72 Sewer Pipe Caulker (using caulking tools) Sev~ep Pipe CaulkeP ~ Cement Joints o o o TaPman and Mortarmano o o ~ o o o ~ o o o Window Cleaners 1~02 1o62 1o72 *The inclusion of the '~Guard. and/or Watchman'~ classification shall only be ~n~atory upon the p~rties in the event that the parties negotiate ~ mutually satisfactory and legal agreement including them6 P..P A.,T!BG .SBGZ SS S Boring Machine 0pePstoP (excluding pneumatic or equipment of similar capacity)'° o o ~ o o o o o o Bo~nn or Mixer Box Operator (concrete oP asphalt plant~ Concrete oP Asphalt SpPeading~ Mechanical Tmnping or Finishing Machine Operator° ~ , , ° o o o Concrete Mixer 0pePato~ ~ paving type ~n~ ~obils mixers Concrete Mixer Operator ~ Skip Type o o 0 o o o o o o o Concrete Pump or PumpcreteGun Operator Dinkey 0peratoP o o o o 0 o o o o o Drilling Machine 0pe~atoP~ iAc~o water wells, Elevating Grader 0peratoP o o o , , o , Elevator Hoist 0peratoP o o o o o o o .... Engineer ~ C~nerating Plant Heavy Duty Repalrmano Heavy Duty Repairman Highline Cableway Operator° Highline Cableway Signalman Locomotive Engineer o o o o o o o o o , o o o o o o o o Material Loader or Conveyer 0pePzto~o o o o o o o o o ~ Motor Patrol 0peretor~ including amy type of po~er blade ~ o o o o o . ~ o o o ° o o o Oshkosh or OWl0 or TouPneapu!l 0~era~o~ o o o o o o o o. Pavement Breaker 0pePatoP o o o o o o o o o ° o o , o o Pile Driver Operator PU~ Operator 0 Road 011 Mixing Roller 0peratoP Ross Carrier D~iver Skip Loader Operator ScPeed 0pePatoP Stationary Pipe *r~p~iAg°a~d'c~eAn~nl ~a~h~n~ Surface Heater .and Planter Operator Tow Blade oP Grader OpePatoPo o ° o o o o o o o o ° o o Tractor HidLift Shovel 0pePatoP o Tractor Operator ~ Bulldozer~ Tamp. st. Scraper oP Drag Type Shovel -4- 2oDk2 Xo87 2o00 2o12 2020 Zo87 2o12 2022 2o00 2000 2000 2 2o2~ 2007 2o12 2 °25 2 25 2 2 2 25 2 lo87 2o17 2007 2000 2~00 1o87 2o12 2o17 2°00 2032 2o12 Tractor Scraper or Type Shovel ~ Tandem Train Handlers (Other thonF2~glns Crew)° o o Traveling Pips Wrapping and Cleaning Eachins Operator o ~ o ~ o . o o o o o Trenching Machine Operator o ~ o o o o o Universal Equipment Ops~sto~ (Sho~sl~ Drab!ins Dsrrick~ De~rick~-,B~rg~ Clamshell or C~ane~ 2020 TRUCK DRIVERS Drivers of Dump Trucks of less than 4 ydso Wate~ Level ~ o o o o o o o . ~ o o Drivers o~ Du~ Trucks ~ 4'ydso but les~ than 8 ydso water level o o o o o ° than ~ ydeo water level° o o o o o rive~s of Trucks o ydso but less th~n~ ydso water level. o o o o o D~ vers of Dump Trucks ~ l~ yds~ or more water level .0 0 0 O 0 ~ ° 0 0 0 0 0 Drivers of Euclid Type Spreader Trucks o' o o o o o o o DriVers of Dumpstot T~ucks o o o o o Gas and Oil Pipeline Working Truc~c Driver~ including Winch T~uck ~nd all size.s D~ivs~s of Road 0il ~sads~ T~uckso o Ross Carrier Driver o ~ o o o Water Truck Driver ~ Under 2500 Gal~ ~ Water Truck Driver ~ 2500 G-a!, or mope Xndustrial LiftsTruck Driver Truck Greaser and Tirem~no Truck Repair~.n (job site~ T~uck Repairman Hslpers~ Warehouseman and Te~sterso Warehouseman ~, Clerk ~'e Winch Truck Drivers o°l ~ ~ id&i~i~nA1° ° ° ' ° when operating power winch, A-Frmmes~ or similar special ~ttachments o ° o o o o . o o o o Pick~up Truck Drivers° o ~ o o o o o o o o o H~avy-Outy LOw Bed Transports w~t~ Gogs~n~ck Tracto~Trailer Combinmtion o o ° o o o-~ . ~ o e D~ive~s of Buggymobile T2,uckso ~ o o ° o o o o ° . o o Drivers of Flat Rack T~ucks ~ under Drivers of Plat Rack Trucks ~ 18~000# Drivsrs of Transit Nix Trucks ~ 2 ydso D~ivers of Transit Nix T~ucks ~ ~ ydso DPivers'of Transit Nix Trucks ~ ydso Drivers of'Transit Nix Trucks ~'~ ydso Dump T~uc~ Schedule .xo?6 1o70 ~o70 1o9~ !o80 lo82 2 o3~ 1o87 1 °6? lo70 10~ lo9% 1o7o lo82 lo7o lo77 1o85 !o87 Any classification omitted herein, not less than . . . z-57 O~INE P~TES POR SIX BASIC 4~DES Double time for all ovePtime~ except fop Pile Driver Men*Bridge orDock Carpenters on tide ~oPk where the overtime Pate will be time and one~ half~ providing that when men ape called to work outside of the regular' work day they will be guaranteed six (6) hours pay at the overtime rateo CENENT. FINISHERS Time and one-half fop the first th~ee hours after the regularly consti~ tuted straight time shift~ and all other overtime shall be double ttmeo WATCHEYEN Tim~ and one~h~f fop all time worked in excess of eight day and for the sixth consecutive day worked~ and double time for th~ seventh consecutive d~y workado Watchman shall also receive time and oneshalf for holidays except where a holiday falls o~the 7th consecutivo day woPk~d~ which shall be double time~ .IB~N WORKERS Double time for all overtim~ LABORERS Time and oneshalf except Sundays and Holidays which are double$im$o OPERATING ENGINEERS Time and oneshalf for all overtim~ except Sundays and Holidays which'are double timeo Where Operating Engineers~ duping any one calenda~ day~ are working overtime on the same unit of a project on which another craft is working overtime at the double time rate~ then the Operating Engineers on~uchunit of wo~k shall also be paid at the double time Pate° A unit of the project means any single building~ facility~ utility~ or any other single structure which is independent of any other unit of the pPoJecto The operation of a crushing plant fop stock pile and the sePvicing~ Ps~ pai~ing~ and maintenance of equipment of a p~oject shall be at time sad ons~half~ except in the following two lnstances~ ~o SUndays and holidays° 2o Where the equipment Operator is Pepai~ing his equipment on a unit of t he p~oJect ~h~Pe double time is being paid in that~ calendar day° When the Operating Engineer is working on a project as an integral part of a crew where another craft is receiving overtime pay by virtue of a holiday not specified in the ~asteP Labor AgPeement~ then the Operating Engineer shall receive the same overtime rate as,the other cPafto TEANSTERS' Time and one=half except Sundays and Holidays which ape double time~ except in Eern~ inyo and .~ono'Counties ~here the overtime rate is time and oneshalf .for all overtimso The rates of wages, including overtime, holiday and1 Sunday rates, above specified are subject to the effect, if appli- cable hereto, of executive orders of the President of the United States and to any modification thereof and to any and all lawful orders of the President or any other authorized Federal officer or agency, insofar as the same may be applicable to any contract. In case of any inconsistency, the rates fixed by any such applicable Federal order, whether higher or lower, shall control. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~ day of September, 1949!,: by the following vote: AYE:i: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEI-:,":, g~CI-,ELOCK, SHURLEY,~ VANDLqtI.~ NOES: ----"L4-.-,'E'=r'--~--: ........................................... " ABSENT: -~ ................................... '~ City Clerk and E x-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield September, 1949' ~the City of Bakersfield.0~