HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 19-48ES0LUT 0N m. 9-4s RESOLUTION j~SCERT. aINING .&i~D DETER~iIIf]:NG TEE PREV&ILING R~TE .OF %~SAGES TO BE P&ID TO E&CH CRAFT ai, YD TYPE OF WORi:'G~,iAN E!,.~iPLOYED ON PUBLIC ~JORK IN T~.iE CITY OF B.&I~RSFIELD~ C.~IFORNIA. ~I~HEREAS~ the provisions of 'the Labor Code of the State of California require that the Council 'of the City of Bakersfield, before it .awards any contract for public work, or otherwise under- takes any public work, shall ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the' public work is to be performed for each craft or type of wor!cnan needed to 'execute the contract~ and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of wor!~nan~ NOW, THEREFORE~ BE'kT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman needed to execute any contract for public work in the City of Bakersfield, and public work otherwise undertaken by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft and type of worknnan in said public work~ to be as fol!ows~ Cl_aSsification _, Air Compressor Operator ................................. ~-Frame Boom Truck Operator ............................. Apprentice Engineer~ including fireman~ oiler and greaser Asphal t P1 ant Fireman ................................... asphalt or Crushing Plant Engineer ...................... Asphalt Raker and Ironer ................................ .-'Asbestos Worker ......................................... Boring Kachine Operator (excluding pneumatic or equipment of similar capacity) ............................. Bornnan or Iqixer Box Operator(concrete or asphalt plant).. Rate .per Hour $1.7875 2.037~ 1.662~ 1.912 2.0375 1.687 2.ll2 1. Classification Rate oer B! acksmith ............................................ Blacksmith Helper .......................... · .......... . Boil ermaker ........................................... Boil ermaker Helper .................................... BrickiaZer and Stone i.llason ... ......................... Cable Splicer ......................................... Carpenter ...................... ~ ...................... Cement Du~per (on one cubic yard or larger mixers and handling bulk cement) ......................... ~ement Finisher ....................................... Cement Finisher (Composition or Mastic) ............... Cement Floor Finishing ~Yachine Operator .............. o Concrete Curer-Impervious ~/Yembrane .................... Concrete or .Asphalt Spreading~ Mechanical Tamping or Finishing Machine Operator .................. ... Concrete Mixer Operator (pa~ing type and mobile mixer) ...................... , .......... Concrete ~iixer Operator (skip type) ................... Concrete P~np or Pumpcrete Gun Operator ............... Cribbets or Shorers ................................... Dril!er (jac!daammer) .................................. Drilling Machine Operator including water wells . ...... Electrician . .. ...................................... .. Elevator Hoist Operator ............................... FloorSayer ... .................................... . .... Glazier ............................................... Guni te Reboundman ..................................... Gunite Gun Nan ........................................ Gunite Nozzle Man ..................................... Gunite Rod Man ........................................ Heavy Duty Repairman . .... ............................ . Heavy Duty Repairman Helper .. ........................ .. Hour $2.0375 1.6625 m .8~ 2. ~0 1.687~ 2.1125' 2.2375' 2.2375' ! .6625' 2.0375' 2.1375' 1.9125' 1.9125' 1.83-7 5' 1.7625' 2.1625' 1. 9875 2.2375' 1.96 l. 5'25' ~. 80 2.05' 2.o5' 2.o375' 1.6625 ° Classificjtion Iron Worker ~Structural Iron V'jorker-S tructural Iron Worker-Ornamental iron Vjorker-Reinforced Lather (Metal Furring) Lather (Nail Lead Burner Rate oer H. our Foreman Steel Worker ............ ,.,., ..... Lineman ..,.. ....... .. ..... . ..... . ...................... ,. Material Loader or Conveyor Operator .... , ..... · ........ ,, Millwright ............................................... Motor Patrol 0perator~ including any type power blade ..,. Operators and Tenders of pneu~natic and electric too!s~ vibrating machines and similar mechanical tools not separately c!'assified herein .................... Painter - Brush .......................................... Painter - Spray gun or sandblast ........................ , Painter - Steel and bridge ............. ~ ................ , Pavement Breaker Operator .., ................. ,., ....... ,, Pile Driver Operator ..................................... Pile Driver Foreman .................. , ................... Pile Driver l:.ian - Bridge or Dock Carpenter ................ Pile Driver Man - Derrick~ bargeman .............. . ........ Pile Driver Man - Head Rock Slinger ................ ,...,. Pile Driver Man - Rock S!inger .., .. ....................... Pipefitter Foreman (Industrial) , ......................... Pipefitter (Industrial) ..., ......... ,., ................... Pipefitter Helper [I~d~s~ial ] ........................... Plasterer .............. . ............... . ................ , Plumber Foreman ...................... ..................... Plumber - Gas or lawn sprinkler fitter · .................. Plumber -Lead or cement caulker ......................... P1uJnber - Utility pipe line .., ........................... ~2.65' 2.4o 2.25' 2.1~ 2·25' 2.25' 2.75' 2.40 1-7875' 2.2375' 2.1625' 1.6875' 2.25' 2.5'4 2.40 1.9875' 2.2375' 2.4625' 2.1625' l .c)875' 2.1375' 1.9375' 2.5'o 1.65' 2.5'o 2.75' 2. 2.~o 2.5'o Classification Pump Operator . .. ....... ~ ............................. o Road 0il iviixing Machine Operator . .,.. ....... . ........ . Roller Operator . .. ........... . ........................ Roofer .......................................... . ..... Roofer -Damp~ water proof or bituminous enam~ler . ..o. Sewer Pipe Layer (eziuding cabfiker) .................. . Sewer Pipe Caulker ~using cahlking tools) . ........... . Sewer Pipe Caulker (cement joints) ... ..... ... ....... .. Sheet Metal Worker ... ....... . ......................... Skip Loader Operator - Wheel type .................. ... Screed Operator ... ..... ..... ..... ...................... Steamfitter Foreman . .. ..... . .... .................... .. Steamfitter ........................................... Tile Setter ................ ... ......... . .............. Tractor Operator - bulldozer,'tamper, scraper or drag type ~ shovel or boom attachments . ......... .. Trenching MaChine Operator ............................. Truck Drmver (dump trucks 18 Cu. yards and over~ water level capacityl ............................. Truck Drmver (dump trucks 14 to 18 Cu. yards, water level capacityl .... . ............ ............. Truck Drmver (dump trucks water level capacityl Truck Drmver (dump trucks ' water level capacityl Truck Drmver (dump trucks water level capacity~ Rate Der Hot~r 8 to 14 Cu~. yards~ 4 to 8 ,Cu. yards, less than 4 Cu. yards~ Truck Driver,(heavy duty low-bed transports with goose-neck - tractor - rai_er combination) t ] (transit-mix trucks-2 yards capacity) ..... (transit-mix trucks-3 yards capacity) ..... (transit-mix trucks-4 yards capacity) '.".. (transit-mix trucks-~ yards capacity) ..... (water trucks, under 2~00 gallons capacity~ Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver $1.787~ 2.087~ 1.987~- 2.oo 1.62~ 1.737~ 1.662~ l., ~375 2.1~ 1.912~ 1.787~ 2.7~ 2.5o 2.2~ 2.037~ 2 .ll2~ 2.o~ 1.92% 1.862~ 1.67~ 1.862~ 1.612~ 1.6875 1.7625 1.787~ 1.7m2~ Classifiqation Truck Driver (water trucks, 25`00 gallons or more capacity ) ............................................ 'Truck Driver (Road Oiler trucks) ...................... .. Truck Driver (Pickup, under lO00 lbs. capacity) ......... Truck DriVer (Cargo truck~ under 18~000 lbs.) ........... Truck Driver (Cargo truck~ 18~000 lbs. and over) ........ Universal Equipment Operator (shovel, dragline derrick, derrick-barge, clamshell or crainl .......... Welder ..................... , ............................ Window C1 eaner .......................................... Winch Truck Driver - 12~-¢ per hour additional when operating power winch~ .a-Frames, or similar special attaclment ............ . ................ : ..... .Any classification omitted herein, not less than ......... R__ate .per Hour $1-7375` 1.612~ 1.5`875` 1.6125` 1. 787~ 2.2375' 2.4-0 1.6375` ! .7375` ! .4875` All foremen not herein separately classified shall be paid not less than 17 1/2¢ per hour more than journeymen rate for the craft in- volved. The per diem wages for a fractional part of a day shall be applicable rates multiplied· by the number of hours worked. Positions not listed above will be allocated in accordance with the definitions which appear herein, as interpreted in the light of this classification. Sundays and holidays -- One and one-half (11/2) times the above rates, except as noted below. 0VERTI~FE RATES FOR SIX B.&SIC TREES CaRPENTERS-Double time for all overtime, except'for Pile Driver Men- Bridge or Dock Carpenters on tide work where the overtime rate will be time and one-half~ providing that when men are Called to work out- side of the regular work day they will be guaranteed six (6) hours pay at the overtime rate. C~:CENT FIRISBERS-Time and one-half for the .first three hours after the regularly constituted straight time shift, and all other overtime shall be double time. ~V&TCPE~EN-Time and one-half for all time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day and for the sixth consecutive day worked~ .and double time for the seventh consecutive day worked. Watchmen shall also receive time and one-half for holidays except.where a holiday falls on the 7th consecutive day worked, which shall be double time. IRON ~;JORKERS-Doub!e time for all overtime. LABORERS-Time and one-half except Sundays and Holidays which are double time. OPER&TING ENGIi~EERS-Time and one-half for all overtime except Sundays and Holidays which are double time. Where Operating En- gineers~ during any one calendar day~ are working overtime on the same unit of a project on which another craft is working overtime at the double time rateI then the Operating Engineers on such unit of work shall also be paid at the double time rate. A unit of the project means any single building~ faci!ity~ utility~ or any other single structure which is independent of any other unit of the project. The operation of a crushing plant for stock pile and the servicing~ repairing~ and maintenance of equipment on a project shall be time and one-half~ except in the following two instances: Sundays and holidays. ~ere the e~uipment operator is repairing his eCuiDment on a unit of the project where double time is being paid in that calendar day. ~en the Operating Engineer is working on a'project as an integral part'of a crew where another craft is receiving overtime pay by virtue of a ho!iday~ then the Operating Engineer shall receive the same overtime rate as the other craft. TEAI~iSTERS-Time and one-half· The rates of wages~ including over.time~ holiday and Sunday rates~ above specified are subject to the effect~ if applicable hereto~ of executive orders of the President of the United States and to any modification thereof and to any and all lawful orders of the Presi- dent or any other authorized Federal officer or agency~ insofar as the same may be applicable to any contract. In case of any incon- sistency~ the rates fixed by any such applicable Federal order~ whether higher or lower~ shall control. o0o- I KEREBY CERTIFY that the forego.ing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City o~ Bakersfield at a regular meet- ing thereof held on the !st day of November~ 19~8~ by the following vote: City C!~rk" and Ex-0~ficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. L R of the City of Bakersfield.