HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-48i°dESOLUT!ON NO. S~ NO. 17-48 1 WHEREAS the State of California under Ch.apter 47 Statutes ' of 19~'(~th Extra Session) ha,~ appropriatedA fund~ for allot- ment by the Director of Finance to pr~vid~ financial assistance to Local Agencies defined therein as counties cities or cities and counties for th.e purpgse o.f def.raying not ~o exc.eed o.ne-half the. tions ~ereinafter calAed P~ans ) req!l.i,r, ed for postwar public works projects described as specific projects in said ct; shd . and/or the Post War ~ublic Wo,rks evlew Board, as the case may be, R n D1 h pre ared and presented to this Legislative Body for consideration an application for such purpose; and 3. WHEREAS, Local Agency has provided, or will make available upon approval of the aforementioned application, sufficient funds to prepare the completed plans herein mentioned; 4. NOW THF_~REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Local _A~ency submit the aforesaid ap lication to the Director of hnance and/or · Post War PuOlic Wor~s Review Board, s the ca e may be, requesting allotment of Four Thousand Dollars (~,000.00~, being not more than one-half the cost of prep_arin said completed lans, or for such ameunt as ma be approved by ~he Director of ~nance and/or the ost War Public ~orks Review Board (said allotment to be used for 'the purpose of defraying the cost of preparing said c om leted lans re 'ired), for a ecific pro'ect to be undertaken ~y !ocaF agency an~udescr~bed as ~YICIPAL F~ DEVELOPMjENT; · 5. BE IT FURTER RESOLVED, that the estim ted cost of pre aring such plans is Eight Thousand Dollars (~ 000.00) and teat Local _Agency has made provis' on for paying one'-~alf or more of the cost of preparing such plans~ 6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the urposes of this appl i- ' cation J HOLFELDER bit Engineer 5oom 1Y City Hall,' Bakersfield, Oalifornia, be'and ~e hereb Is desi ated as the authorized agent of Local Agen and is [ereb au~orized snd directed to sig~. the ibove-mentioned appc~ication on behalf of the ocal gency and s~bmit the same to the Director of Finance and/or theLPost ~ar Public-Works Review Board together with a certified statement of the estimated cost of preparing such plans and such other information as may be required; and said authorized aent is further authorized and directed as the r_epresentative of LocaT Agency to conduct all ne o- tiations and conclude all arrangements, including submission to ~e Director of Finance of a plicat~ons for reimbur,sement, which may be necessary to secure reimbursement for the State s share of the ex- penditures made in preparing said completed plans. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~f~day of ~-~ , 19L~, by the 'following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS. CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER, S!~MON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: __~ ........................................... Ai,~NT: __~ ...................................... Gity '1 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. Approved this .... ,y . of