HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 13-48RESOLUTION NO. 13-48 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~IIGERSFIiZD~ CALiFCRNI~ GR&ZYTiNG CONSEii.,T TO TI~?Z COUi~TY OF i'~RN .&?.~D T~ P. iNORA~.ffA S~INIT~.~TiON DISTRICT ~ TO THE CO?~STRUCTION~ 1,.IiAI~fEi.~ANCE .&iI,D 0PE. R&TION OF CERT&iII S&NITAi°~Y SEVER !.iAiNS iN CERTAIN STREETS !,~fITHIN TI~ CITY OF B.~C~.R~FIELD. ~fiiiERE~S~ the Board. of Supervisors of the County of i(ern, California~ has by Resolution adopted on the lOth day of I~:.Tay~ 19~8~ requested consent for the construction~ maintenance~ and operation of certain sanitary sewer mains to be constructed for said district in portions of Gage Street and Pacific Street~ all within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield; and V~REAS~ the cost of the construction of said sewer mains is to be totally assessed or taxed to the lands within said Sanita- tion District~ exclusive of any lands lying within the corporate limits of the said City of Bakersfield; and ~'~,~REAS~ pursuant to the provisions of Section ~iLly of the "Improvement Act of 1911~" of the Streets and Highways Code~ and Section 4~0 of-the "County Sanitation District Acts" of the Health and Safety Code~ it becomes necessary in order that such construction may be made within the streets of said City~ that consent of the legislative body of said City expressed by resolution shall be given for such construction~ maintenance and operation; and ~ifilERE.&S~ a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Xern~ requesting consent of .the City of Bakersfield to the construction~ maintenance and operation of said sewer mains has been filed with the City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the City Council of said City of Bakersfield; and ~fit-,v3RE&S~ the City C. ouncil of the said City of Bakersfield has examined the maps and profiles presented with said resolution requesting consent~ which said maps and profiles show the locations of such proposed construction and the City Council is familiar with the things proposed to be done thereunder. NO~.~ Tt@]i°JEFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, as follov~s: FIRST: That the public interest, convenience and neces- sity require the !ocation~ construction and maintenance of certain sewer mains within the public streets of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: In GAGE STREET betv~een the Northerly City limits of said City and a point 5 feet Southerly of the center line of Pacific Street~ and in PACIFIC STREET between a point lO feet Easterly of the canter line of+ Gage Street and the existing sewer line of Nt. Vernon County Sanitation District in Willjams Street. BE IT ~.~JRTHER RESOLVED, that consent of the said ~City Council of the City of Bakersfield is hereby granted to the County of Xern having jurisdiction over the area covered by the "RANOR~IA SANIT&TION DISTHiCT," for such construction upon the following terms and conditions: 1. That ~l excavated areas within said streets sh~l be repaved with the same type of pavement as. existed when the construc- tion work is done, and ~l such construction including the re-paving sh~l at all times be done and made to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of the said City. 2L To the commencement of the proceedings for the said proposed construction by the Board of Supervisors of said County~ and to the exercise of jurisdiction by the said Board of Supervisors under ~l proceedings necessary or proper for the purpose of cons~- mating the same, a!l in accordance with the provisions of the said _ "of said Streets and Highways Code of the "improvement Act of 1 911 ~ State of.California. 3. .~1 vzork sh~! be done in accordance with Sections 7~ 12~ and ~6 of the Standard Specifications of the Departn~ent of hblic iVorks~ Division of Highways~ State of Cs~ifornia~ dated -2- April, ! 94~. 4. That without permission in writing from the Superin- tendent of Streets of said City~ not more than one street or alley intersection may be closed at any one time. The 'contractor shall provide a water wagon for use on the work and no excessive dust~ in the opinion of the City Superintendent of Streets will be permitted. A!qD~ BE IT FURTF_ER RESOL'~D~ that the Clerk of this City Council is hereby directed to certify and deliver a copy of this resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern. ..... o0o ..... I ~FEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfie!d~ on the 30th day of August~ 1948~ by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CRO$2, I~JEHN, IIYIER, ~, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: __--'~ ......................................... ABSENT: _j=.~; ............................. -.. ..... C io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APi~ROVE'D this 30th day of August~ !9~8. of the City of Bakersfie~'~.