HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-48R~SOI,UTION NO. 12-48 i RESOLL~ION ~KING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GOVERhD.~B~ OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIEB FOR T:~E FISC.~Z Y~ BEGI~ING ~LY 1~ 1948 ~qD E]~ING ~E 30, 1949. WHEREAS, in accordance v~_th the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, there has been prepared and submitted to this Council a proposed budget covering expenditures necessary to perform the operations of the various departments of the City for the fiscal year 1948-49, and V~EREAS, the City Council has studied, reviewed and revised this budget and is familiar therewith, NG'/, TEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts hereinafter specified, as found and determined by this Council~ or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated and allocated, subject to the conditions hereinafter named, for the use of the several departments of this City and for the purposes dcsignated for the fiscal year beginning July l~ 1948~ and ending June 30~ FR~THEGENERAL FUND ll-O10 City Council - Legislative Functions 7~790.00 ll-020 City Council - Specia! Activities 18,650.00 ll- 030 City Clerk - A&ninistration of Office 5~827.50 ~3.-032 City Clerk - Printing of Ordinances 1~850~00 11-034 City Clerk - Nominating Election 4,980.00 11-035 City Clerk - General Election 1,470~00 11-036 City Clerk - SpecialElections 2~785.00 ll--040 Planning Engineer - Administration of Office 11~270~00 ll-041 Planning Engineer - Special Surveys 5,550~00 ll-060 Police Court - Administration of Office 17,538o00 ll-070 City Attorney - Administration of Office 10,359,00 l!-071 City Attorney - Special Legal Aid 3~600~00 11--!00 City ~anager ~ A~inistration of Office 24~822.00 ll-106 City Manager - Contingencies 18~000o00 ll-llO City Manager - Civil Service Board (Fire) 655.00 ll-1].l City ~i~nager - Ci'vil Service Board (Police) 655~00 11-!12 11-190 ll-200 ll-210 11-211 11-220 11-230 11-238 1!-2,44 11-3oo 1"1.-310 1].-4oo 11-406 n-4o8 n-41o 17--45o 11-456 n-46o 11-5oo 11-5o9 11-51o 11-5n -u-545 n-55o n-58o 21-57o 21-574 21-577 City Manager - Civil Service Board (Misco) Health Officer - Health Service Purchasing Agent -Administration of Office City &seeseer - Administration of CffiCe City Assessor - Special Surveys City Treasurer - ~dministration of Office City Auditor - A&ainistration of Office City ~uditor - Eiscel3aneous Transfers City Auditor - Compensation Insurance Building Inspector - Inspection Dixdsion Building InSpector - City Ha],l Maintenance Fire Department - Supervision and Fire Fighting Force Fire Department - Buildings & Equipment-~aintenance & Operation Fire Department - Hydrants-Fater Service & Maintenance Fire Department - Alarm & Communications-Operation & Maintenance Police Department - Law Enforcement & Administration Police Department - Maintenance of Communications Police Depart'nent - Custody of Prisoners City Engineer - Administration'of General Office City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer City Engineer TOTAL - Administration of Field Office - Engineering Division - Street ~aintenance - Sewage Treatment - Sewer Maintenance - Pound Naintenance & Operation FRODETHE PiRKFUND City Engineer - Maintenance of Parks City Engineer - Maintenance of Center Parkings City Engineer - Maintenance of Trees TOTAL 2,495.00 2,400~00 10,972.00 2h,854.oo 12,745.00 16,552.20 15,742.50 37,632°66 24~380.00 30,830°00 28~712.54 262~805.23 30,052°70 13,713.60 18,730.60 239,495.36 9,228.00 '5,5oo,oo !0,654.10 15,485.o7 37,284.00 121,325.81 2!~802~15 20,145.85 6,104.79 1,155,44~.66 53,980.44 16,243.73 42,525.83 112,750.00 22-o5o 23-320 24-54o 25- 2 25-455 25-59o 26-420 31-5n 31-518 31-543 32-452 32-515 32-516 33-592 FROg{ THE RECREATION FUND Recreation Commission - Administration of Office TCTAL FgOM THE LIBRARY FUND Building Inspector - Library Maintenance TOTAL F~O~ THE REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL FLeD City Engineer - Refuse Collection City Engineer - Refuse Disposal TOTAL FR.~ THE CAPITAL OUTLAY FUnD Fire Department - Capital] Outlay Police Department - Capital Outlay City Engineer - Capital Outlay--Parks City Engineer - Construction - Capital Outlay TCFAL FROM THE SPECIAL FIRE A~P&r INSTALLATION FUND Fire Department - Payments on Lease Agreement TOTAL FROM THE TRAFFIC SAFETY FL~ City Engineer - Street Maintenance-~aterials City Engineer - Street Lighting City Engineer - Street Cleaning TOTAL FR@~ THE MOTORs VEHICLE LICENSE FEE FUND Police Deparbment - Enforcement of Traffic Regulations City Engineer - Traffic Signals City Engineer - Traffic Signs and Painting TOTAL FRO}'~ THE HIGHWAY USERS ~ TAX FUND City Engineer - Street Improvement--Najor Streets TOTAL 12,499.50 12,499.50 914o10 914.10 122,922.57 7,443o82 130,366.39 .75,077o50 10,700~00 10~600.00 239,900.00 336,277.50 55,775.71 55,775.71 47,700.00 34,961.12 66~146°07 148,807.19 66,285.00 4,520°24 30,207.46 101,012.70 239,216.00 239,216.00 35-5o2 37-591 41-232 42-233 43-234 44-235 51-610 52-612 54-h65 56-2o5 FR0~E ~..E POST-WAR PLA~ING AI~D ACQUISITION FUND City Engineer - Post-~Vsr Planning T~U~ E~OM TE G~O~ T~ FU~ City Engineer - Sts.te Hi~w~ Maintenance T~ F~OM EE 1912 S~ BO~ City Au~tor - Bond Interest and Red~ption T~ FROM THE 1912 CITY ~LL B0~ City Au~tor - Bond Interest ~d Redemption T~AL FRG THE 1912 ~B~Y BOND FUE City Auditor - Bond Interest and Redemption T~ FROH ~E 1912 FIE DEP~T~.~I~ B01~ F~ City Auditor - Bond Interest and Redemption T~AL FROM TE EQ~MS~ ~E~NCE ~ ~ F~D City E~ineer - Eq~pment ~I~ntsn~ce ~sion T~ ~0M THE EQ~E EP~CD~ F~9 City E~ineer - hrchase of Mobile Equipment T~AL ~OM TE FI?~ DEP~EI~ EQ~P~)~ EPL~CEEE Fire Dep~ment - Aut~otiv~ Eq~ent Replacement FROI.K THE POLICE DEP~RTI~ EQ~EE EPMCD~i~T FLeD Police Department - Autcmotive Eq~pment Replacement T~ FR0~I TE ST0~ F~ Purchasing Agent -Sts. tione~ Stock T~AL 50,428.00 50,428.00 25,52o.oo 25~520.00 6,431.25 6,431.25 4,593.75 4,593.75 826.88 826~88 1,837.50 1,837.50 76,576.89 76~576.89 5~,3OO.00 50,300.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 10,200.00 10~200.00 1,000.00 1~000.00 71-113 74-240 FRO~ THE FIREI~N'S DISABILITY AND RETIREY~NT FIHqD City Manager - Fire Department Pension Board FROM THE EI~PLOYEES' RETIREmeNT SYSTE~ FLBD City Auditor - Employees' Retirement System TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 32,640.31 32,640~31 79,544.71 79,544.71 $ 2~646~963.04 ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CE.~_IFY that the foregoing Resalution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ on the '3Oth day of August, 1948, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER,-~ VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NO,:.c. ~ .......................................... .................................. ,L/_~OR 0Zthe City of Bakersfield ~~Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.