HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-48RESOLUTION N0. gO ~0. ~0-48 RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING AND DETEP~TINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF ~AGES TO BE RAID TO CERTAIN CRAFTS AND TYPES OF WORtG~EN E~PLOYED ON PUBLIC WORK IN THE CITY OF B&ERSFIEr. D, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the provisions of the Labor code of the State of California require that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, before it awards any contract for public work, or otherwise under- takes any public work, shall ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the public work is to be performed for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of wor!nnan; and WEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did, on the 24th day of March, 1947, pass and adopt Resolution No. 77, ascertain- ing and determining the then general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman needed to execute any contract for public work undertaken by the City of Bakersfield, and ~ERE.AS~ the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for certain crafts and types of workmen has changed since the passage of said resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman listed below to be as follows: C..1.as.sific__ation Rate per hour Apprentice engineer, including fireman, oiler, greaser .... Asphalt plant fireman ..................................... t .................. 5"' Boxman or mixer box operator (concrete or a a ... Carpenter .......... .................. ...... Cement dumper igA one c c or larger mixers handling bulk cement) ................................ Cement finisher ............... ~a'~iAa .......... Concrete or asph~ ~rGAd~Aa, Aechanical m or finishing machine operator ........................... 1.9o Concrete mixer operator--paving type and mobile ~ixer .... $2.00 concrete mixer operator--skip type ....................... 1,775 Concrete curer--impervious membrane ................... 1.52~ Drivers of dump trucks (4 yards but less than 8 yards water level ) ....... water level ) ...... water level ) ..... ........... ..... Drivers of d~p trucks over wate~ ..... Flagman .................. . Heavy duty repairman ..................................... Heavy duty repairman-helper .............................. Laborer .............. Operators and tenders of pne~atic and electric tools~ vibrating machines and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein .. .... . ................ . Rei~orcing iron worker ................................. non .................... Tractor operator-blld cra or shovel or boom attac~ents .......................... Universal equipment operator (shovel~ dragline~ derrick~ derrick-barge, clamshell or crane) .................. Water truck drivers--under 25OO g~lons .................. Water truck drivers--2~OO gallons or more .......... .. &ny classification omitted herein not less A~A .......... 1.725' 1.7875 1 1.35' 1.90 2.o25' 2.00 1.8~ 1.9o 2.10 1.5'75 1.6o, .- 1.3~ Overtime -- one and one-half (11/2) times the above rates. Sundays and holidays (except watchmen, guards and flagmen)-- one and one-half (11/2) times the above rates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rates set forth above for the aforementioned classifications and types of workmen shall prevail over those set forth in Resolution No. 77 for the same classifica- tions and types of workmen~ insofar as they conflict. The rates of wages, including overtime, holiday and Sunday rates, above specified are subject to the effect~ if applicable hereto~ of executive orders of the President of the United States and to any modification thereof and to any and all lawful orders of the President insofar as the or any other authorized Federal officer or agency, same may be applicable to any contract. In case of any inconsistency~ the rates fixed by any such applicable Federal order, whether higher or lower, shall control. ........ o0o 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar meeting thereof held on the 21st day of June, 19~8~ by the following vote: AYES: CARNAl(IS, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER, SIEMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: _-~ ......................................... AISf. NT: ~ ~~C ~ of the Cit ler~ Council of the City of Bakersfield. RESOLUTION NO. ~ RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING Ai~H) DETEi~ilI~IIqG TKE PREVAILING R[~.TE 0F ';IA~GES TO i~E P~ID T0 C~T~IN CRAFTS A~.~ TYES OF iJORi~EN EM~OY~ ON ~BLIC i'JORX iN T~E CITY 0F BAI~RSFI~D, C~ IFORNIt. V~tEREAS, the provisions of the Labor code of the State of California require that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, before it awards any contract for public wori.~, or otherwise under- takes any public work, shall ascertain the general prevailino~ rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the public work is to be performed for each craft or type of wortman needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of workman; and V~IERE&S, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did, on the 24th day of March, 1947, pass and adopt Resolution No. 77, ascertain- ing and determining the then general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman needed to execute any contract for public work undertaken by the City of Bakersfield, and W]~REAS, the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for certain crafts and types of worlcnen has changed since the passage of said resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman listed below to be as follows: Classification 2ate per hour .Apprentice engineer, including fireman, oiler, greaser .... Asphalt plant fireman .................................... Asphalt raker and iron~r .. .... . ........................... Boxman or mixer box operator (concrete or asphalt plant)... Carpenter .......... ........ ...... handling b~k cement) .............................. .. Cement finisher . .. ......... finishing machine operator . .................. . ....... 1.9o Concrete mixer operator--paving type and mobile mixer .... $2.00 1.775 Concrete mixer operator--skip type ....................... Concrete curer --impervious membrane ................ Drivers of dump trucks (4 yards but less than 8 yards water level ) ... ..... water 1 evel ) . .... ...... Flagman . ...... . ....... . ..... . Heavy duty repairman ....... ............ . ................. Heavy duty repairman-helper .............................. Laborer '" ' ' .... Operators and tenders of pne~atic and electric tools, vibrating machines and similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein .......... ........ . ....· Rei~orcing iron worker .................... ......... . .... Tractor operator-b~ldozer, tamper . , shovel or boom attac~ents ...., .. ..... .. ~ · · · · · · · · ~ · · Universal equipment operator (shovel, dragline, derrick~ derrick-barge, clashell or crane) ................. . Water truck drivers--under 2~00 g~lons .............. ·... Water truck drivers--2~O0 gallons or more ........... . &ny classification omitted herein not less ~ ......... · 1.?z~ 1.7875 i.9!~5 1.35 1.90 1. 1.35 2.0255' 2.00 1.85 i .90 2.10 1. ~7~ i .6o 1.35 Overtime -- one and one-half (11/2) times the above rates. Sundays and holidays (except watetmqen, guards and flagmen)-- one and one-half (11/2) times the above rates. BE IT FURTIER RESOLVED that the rates set forth above for the aforementioned classifications and types of workmen sh&ll prevail over those set forth in Resolution No. 77 for the same classifica- tions and types of worlmnen~ insofar as they conflict. The rates of wages, including overtime, holiday and Sunday rates~ above specified are subject to the effect, if applicable hereto, of executive orders of the President of the United States and to any modification thereof and to any and all lawful orders of the President or any other authorized Federal officer or agency, insofar as the same may be applicable to any contract. In case of any inconsistency~ the rates fixed by any such applicable Federal order, whethor higher or lower, shall control. ........ o0o ........ I H~4REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar'meeti~ thereof held on the 21st day of June, 19~8, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER, SIEMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: _-~ ........................................... .iJlSENT: K'~X~'~'~. ,- '" V. V~n Z~il}er 'City ~'ar~ and Ex-0f~icio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. .~PPROVED this 21st day of June, 3.958. Jake Vanderlei NAYOR of the City of BakerSfieldS"