HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 07-47 ~ES0tUTION NO. 7-47 WHEt~AS, the Bakersfield ~nd Kern Electric I~ilwey Compa~ ~s su~itted tc ~e City Co~cil cf the ~ty of ~ersfield its propos~ for the i~ation as ~ int~ pa~ of ~d coor~ted ~th its present system of motor ~s lines, ~ extension of its e~sti~ ~ester Avenue - 8th Street - ~ta Vista ~s into the ~ Addition, ~d re~uting of ~ts exist~ ~ute 2, ~ Cresta- West 19th Steer bus line in the ~line - Keith M~tion a~a, ~sc the rerouti~ of a port.ion of its ~ute 5, ~o~ Niles ~ses to pr~ide ~rect se~ice dur~ p~ periods into ~etropolit~ ~ersfield, all as more p~rti~ar~ ~scribed in a ~p of Proposed ~es su~itted to the said City ~cil, ~d ~~, it ~p~s t~t s~d ~ges ~d extension~ are neces~ ~d appr~riate for the public ~nve~ence of the people of the City of ~rsfield ~ territe~ cont~ous thereto; ~W, ~~, BE IT ~0~D t~t tM City ~cil of tM City of B~ersfield is in favor of ~d approves the said edition ~d ex- tensions to the said ~s syst~ of the ~ersfield ~d Ke~ ~ectric ~il- ~y Co~ ~d does hereby reco~end favorable action thereon ~ the ~blic Utilities ~ission of the State of C~ifo~ia. 0 I ~ ~I~ t~t the foregoi~ ~solution ~s passed ~d adopted ~y the Co~cll of the City of ~ersfield, at a refer meeti~ ~ereof held on the ~ ~ ~ of ~~ , 1947, by the follo~ vote: City Clerk ~d ~-0fficio Cle~ of the Co~cil of the City of ~ersf!eld. ZD s ~, o . , 1947 ~he City of ~ersfield.