HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 06-47R~SOLUTION NO. 7S NO. 6-47 1. V~H~REAS the' State o~ California under Chapter 47, Stat- utes of'lql~4 (4tb Extra Session) has aOoroDriated funds for allotment'by the Director of Finance tb Dr'0vide financial assistance to local Ag~encies defined therein as counties, cities or cities an~ cormties for the purpose of defraying not to exceed one-half 'the cost of preDarin engineenng field surveys engineering or architectural ~esigns, and work- in and,,detai!ed drawings ~and soecifications (hereinafter ca~!ed Plans' ) reeuired for postwar public works projects described as "~ecific Drojec%s" in Said Act; and 2 V~HEREAS the CITY OF BA~ERSvI".ELD heroinafter designated · ~s i'loc~l [~gen ," desires ~o ~ ~ly to the Director of Finance and/or thec~ostwar P~:blic ~Zrks Reyiew Board, as the case may be, for sin allotmen~ of the State s share of 'the estimated cost of OreDaring the completed plans heroinafter mentioned and there has been prepared and presented to this Legislative Body for consideration an application for such purpose; and 3. WHEREAS, Local Agency has provided o wi 11 ma e avaii - able upon approval of the 'aforemen~ionred applikcation, mfficient' funds to prepare th~ completed plans herein men- tioned; and/or the Postwa~ thxblic ':~orks Revifew Board, as the caseja be recuestin allotment of Four Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Dollars (~,3~0.00) being not more than one-half the cost of preparing said comsieted olans, or _.or such amount as m_ay be · proved by the Director bf Finance and/or the Postwar 1~ l ic ~orks Review Board (said allotment to be used for the purpose of defraying the cost of predating said comD!eted plans re- quired), for a soecific oroje~ct to be undertaken b ,~local a~ency and described as:; T~ff_.XTUN AVE~NJE OV~RCROSS~N.G. 5. BE Im ~]RT.~HER RESOI~VED that the estimated cost of Dre- D~ri[q 'mS}{ ~1 s is Si, ht Thousand Six Hundred Forty Do]_ lars ( ~S,640.OO~nand that Local A~ency has marie provision for paying one-half or more of the cost of preparin~ such plans. 6. ~f~ IT FURTHER R'~S(~LVf~D that for the purposes of this aP- plication J. HOLF~LDEi~, Cit Engineer~ Room ].Y City Hall, Bake'rsfield, ~alifornia, be and ~e hereby is designated as the authorized agent of Local Agency and is hereb~ authorized and directed to sign the above mentioned apnlicat~on on be- half of t~e Local ~g~n_cy and submit the same to the Director of Finance and/or the Postwar Pub] ic ~ork~ Review Board to- gether with a certified statement of t~e estimated cost of preparing such plans and such other information as may be re- eui'red; and said authorized agent is further authorized and directed as the reDresentativ~ of Local Agency, to conch~ct 'b all negotiations and conclude all arrangements, including su - mission to the Director of Finance of ai~plicat~ons for re- imbursement, ,wh~ich may be necessary to secure reimbursement for the State s share of the exoenditures made in preparing said completed plans. I H~REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and. adopted by the Council of the-City of Bakers- field, at a regular meeting thereof held on the y~ day of O~g , 1947, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAlItS, CROSS, NORRIS, RYDER, SIEMON, VANDERLE!, VERCAMMEN NOES: ........... ~ .................................. ABSENT: ............... ~ City Clerk and Ex-Of~icio Clerk of t:he Council of_ ~he 0i~ of E~e~s~ield APPROVgD this ~ d "1947 of the City of B},TAYOR