HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 3-45the tIousing .~uthority of the County of l,:ern has been duly authorized to.exercise its ~}owers mader the Rousing Authorities LaF of the State of C~lifornia and desires to operate in the City of Bakersfield; and ~F.i-L~~ a housin~ authority has not been authorized to transsct business in the City of Bakersfield~ and '~&S?,]~iaS~ Section 3(f) of the Housing authorities Law of the State of California prohibits the,~iousing authority of the Coumty of Kern to operate in any city located in the Cot~nty for nhich a local authority has not been authorized to transact business unless the consent of the governing bodyof such City shall have been obtained; i~0~Y~ Ti~FOig]~ BE iT ~tE6OLVDD by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield: -~ (f) of the Housing Section 1. That, pUrSuant to ~ection ~ ;,-~uthorities Law of the State of California~ consent is hereby given to the Housing .,:~uthority~ of the County of l:.7ern to operate in the oity oi' Bakersfield in managing the emergency war houses built and/or to be built for the emplQyees of the Santa ~,'e and bouthem ~acific ~ai!roads~ only. Section 2. The ,City 'Clerk is hereby authorized to furnish the Housing Authority of the County of Kern and appropriate officers sn6'. agencies of the Federst Government v:ith such certified copies of this ~esolution as may be necessary for their purposes. Section 3. This Resolution sh~!! take effect immediately. - ..... o0o-- I ?LEREbY ¢JERTilrY that. the foregoing liesolution was passed and adopted by the Council of]ithe City of Sal~ersfie!d~ at a reg~ar meeti~ thereof held on the 26th day of ]..lar.ch~ 194~ by the following vote: "-~'ity Clerk and, :,3x-Officio Clerk of ~he Council of the City of 3akersfield.