HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-44RESOLUTION NO. 12-44 V~HERE&S, the State ~ar Council of the State Of California has adopted the California Law Enforcement }~utual Aid Plan; and W~4ERE&S, it is the desire of the State War Council that said Plan be approved by this body; i©W, TEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that said Plan, a copy of which is annexed here- to, be and the same is hereby approved. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of BakerSfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 13th day of November, 1954, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, NORR:S, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VEI~t:~AfilM~'N. WILLIS ....................... City of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ~; YOR~f the City of Bakersfield ~ . LAW ENFORCEMENT ~EUTUAL AID PLAN SECTION ONE PURPOS__E The purpose of this plan is to coordinate the dispatch and use of law enforcement personnel and equipment whenever, because of enemy action, disaster, civil disturbance, or other cause, any local law enforcement agency requires the dispatch to it of law enforcement assistance from any other jurisdiction. _S. CTION. DEFINITIONS a. '~State Law Enforcement Coordinator" as used herein means the person appointed by the Governor in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision b of Section 1532 of the California War Powers Act, b. ~Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator'L as used herein means the person selected in any region of the state by the county law enforcement coordinators of such region to act such capacity. c. uCounty Law Enforcement Coordinator'L as used herein means the person selected in any'county by the chiefs of the police delmrtments, the sheriff and the heads of the other l~ en- force~ent agencies within such county to act in such capacity. d. "Region"' as used heroin means those areas designated by the Governor as 'tprotective regions" in accordance with the authority contained in the California ~ar Powers Act. e. '~Coordinating Centers" as used herein means those loca- tions where law enforcement coordinators receive and trans- mit information and requests for aid. "Emergenc~~ as used herein means the existence, or threat- ened existence, of conditions, resulting from enemy action, '~isaster, civil disturbance~ or other cause~ of such magnitude that a local law enforcement agency requires the dispatch to it of law enforcement assistance from any other jurisdiction in order to effectively combat the same. SECTION THREE AID TO BE FURNISHED Each city, city and county; tovmship~ county and state law enforce- ment agency shall render to each other city, city and county and county law enforcement mutual aid as herein provided, provided, however, that no city, city and county, termship, county or state law enforcement agency shall be required to unreasonably deplete its o~m law enforcement agencies in furnishing mutual aid hereunder. SECT:(ON FOUR LOCAL COMM~ND AND REQUESTS FOR I',~TUAL AiD a. Whenever an emergency as herein defhed exists, the Chief of Police or Sheriff inwhose jurisdiction the emergency occurs, shall be, and continue to be, in command in connection with all matters pertaining to law enforcement. He may request such law enforcement mutual aid as is required from other juris- dictions and agencies within the county (d~rectly or through the Coordinator) provided, however, that when the cause of the emer- gency is of such a nat~zre that more than one jurisdiction is en- ds~gered~ then such request shall be made in the first instance to the County Law Enforcement Coordhator. If such sufficient law enforcement mutual aid is not i~nediately available in the county in which the emergency exists, the Chief of Police or Sheriff, as the case may be, shall request such additional aid as is required from the Co~mty Law Enforcement Coordinator who shall transmit such request to the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator. The Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator shall thereupon through the County Law Enforcement Coordinators of his region request such law enforcement mutual aid as is required and available from the law enforcement agencies within the region. In the event suf- ficient law enforcement mutual aid is not available within the region, the Regional Law ~forcement Coordinator shall request the additional aid required from such other Regional Law Enforce- ment Coordinators as he deems advisable who shall transmit such rec!uests through their respective Co~mty Law Enforcement Coor- dinators. Each law enforcement department and agency receiving any of the aforementioned requests shall comply with the same h so :~'ar as it can do so without unreasonably depleting its ovm law enforcement perso~mel and equipment. b. n~enever any Chief of Police or Sheriff requests mutual aid directly from any other 1~ enforcement agency within his county, he shall immediately ~mform the County Law Enforce- ment Coordinator of such request end shall thereafter keep him fully advised as to all developments in connection with the emer- gency. c. ;Vhenever any Cmmty Law Enforcement Coordinator receives any request for mutual aid or any information concerning the existence of an"emergency within his county he shall immedi~' ately advise the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator of such request and fi~nish such irfformation to him. -2- d. V~:enever any Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator rece:i.ves any request for mutual aid or is informed of the e:dstence off any' emergency within his region he shall im~nediately advise .the State Law Enforcement Coordinator of such request and furnish such in:~'ormation to him? e. Uhenever any la~ enforcement department or agency receives any direct request for mutual aid or dispatches any mutual aid~ the head of such department or a~ency shall immediately noti-- fy his County Law Enforcement Coordinator of the same. f. Uhenever any County Law Enforcement Coordinator is unable to communicate a request for mutual aid to his Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator~ he may mke such request to any County Law Enforcement Coordinator within the region and shall thereafter~ as soon as possible~ inform the Regional Law Enforcement Coordina- tor o:(' the action taken. SECTION FIVE ........ 0 R G A N I Z A T I 0 N a. ~a each county there shall be a County Law Enforcement Co- ordinator~ who shall be appointed by a majority vote of the heads of the law enforcement departments and agencies within the co~mty immediately upon this plan becoming effective~ who shall be an e:~perienced law enforcement officer~ and who shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. b. In each region there shall be a Regional Law Enforcemen'~ Coordinator~ who shall be appointed immediately upon this plan becoming effective by a majorzty vote of the County Law En- :Cotcement Coordinators within the region, who shall be an e~per- ioncod law enforcement officer and who shall hold such position at the pleasure of the appointin.r{ authority. .a. In each county there shall be established a Coordinat.tag Center v~hich shall have on a twenty-four hour basis~ two- way shortwave radio faci!ities~ if the same are available bithim the cotmty~ as well as adequate.telephone communications° The Couaaty Law Enforcement Coordinator shall arran~e to man such Co~ ordinatin/,j Center continuously on a twenty-four hour basis either personally or b'~/his duly authorized m~epresentatives. b. In each region there shall be established a Coord~aatinB Center which shall have on a twenty-fom~ hour basis~ two- way shortwave radio facilities~ if the same are available within the region~ as well as adequate telephone cozmmunications. The -3- Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator shall arrange to man such Cocrdfi~atin~j Center continuously on a tvrenty-foua~ hem~ basis ei "'] e _ _.~n. ~ personally or by his duly author'ized representative., SECTION SEVEN .q.O Ii.~_]H U N I C AT I 0 NS Request for mutual aid shall be transmitted by either rad~.o~ te!e- phone~ telotype or messenger~ whichever means my be avai].ab!e and most expeditious~ but shall. not be broadcast indiscriminately by means of coramercial or amatem? radio broadcasts. .S_S~CT iO___,i! .jE,!.pH, i ......ADD iTIONAL DUTIES OF COORS !NATORS a. Each Comaty Law Enforcement Coordinator shall compile and keep current a list of special law enforcement eelailment and spec:!.ally trained personnel and the number of men in'hi~ de~ partment within his cematy. He shall retain this list at the Co- o:izdinat~m~ Center and shall transmit three copies thereof to his Regional Law Enforcement Coord~mator. b. Each Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator shall compile and keep current a list of all special law enforcement equipment and specially trained personnel and the number of men in h:%s department within his region~ the original of which shall be retained at the Regional Coordinat.%a~2 Center~ two copies of which he shall transmit to the State Law Enforce;uent Co~rd~matoro c. The State Law Enforcement Coordinator shall compile a com- p!e'be list el special law en:~orcement equipment and spe~ia!ly trained personnel and the nmnber of men in his department ~ithin the state~ the original of which he shall retain~ and copies of which he shall furnish to each of the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinators. do Each coordinator shall inform himself as to the assist- ance which can be rendered with.~m his area by the ..eta'be Guard end shall make arrangements :~'or the utilization of the same when required. Each coordinator shall inform himself as to the assistance which n~ay be obtained 'Crom the United States Armed Forces within hz:..s area~ as to the circumstances ~mder which it will be/available~ shall make such arrangements as are necessary with the approyiate authorities for its utilization~ and sMll keep his immediate saper:_,.or coordinator fully advised as to any and all such arrangements which have been made. e. Each coordinator within his area shall ascertain the as-- sf,.stance which may be obtained from state agencies and raake qn writinS~ th.e necessar~i' a'crang. ements for the utilization o:{' the same when reqtrAredo f. ~enever any Constable has any information re~rdlng any emergency, he shall report the same to the Sheriff of Cou' EFFEGTIVE DAT__E This plan shall become effective as to each city when it is ap- proved by the ].egislative body of the same, as to the City and Coumty of San Francisco when approved by its Board of Supervisors~ as to the unincorporate¢. area of each c o~ty when approved by the Board of Su~oervisors of such co~ty~ ~d as to state law enforce- ment agencies when aDDroved by the California State Uar Co~cil. In so far as t].is plush is operative by a~eement between the clties; city and co~ty and co~ties of this state~ the benefits of this ]plan shall be available only to such cities~ cnuty and county and cowries as approve the same. Each city~ city and comity and co~mty aoprov~F~ the same shall conthue to be a par- ty to this 'olan ~til it withdraws from the plan by Giving thirty days notice~ ~n writhg of its election so to do to its co~mty co- ordhator and to the Governor~ and the withdrawal of any one or more parties~ either by the givhg of notice as hereh m-ovided or the operation of !aw~ shall not affect the cont~uance of the plan as to the other parties 'thereto. SECTION TEN DULY PROCLAI.r'~3D STATES OF EXTREI,,'S E},{SRGENCY Anything herein to the contrary notwithstandiny~ ~rhen approved by the Ca!ifornf.a State War Co~mcil this plan shall be operative %iaroa[%hout the State dnming any period of 'a state of extreme emer- gency duly !proclaimed in accordance with the provisions of the Ca!if'ornia Uar Powers Act.