HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-44RE~0LUTION NO. 10'44 WtiEREAS~ the City of Bakersfie!d~ a municipai corporation~ organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ca!ifor.nia~. desires to make application and to enter into an agreement for the allocation of btate aid for civilian defense purposes.by the State Director of Finance~ and Wh~3REaS~ said City desires to apply for the payment to it of ~i~2 ~3.01 ~ and WHERE~S~ there have heretofore been made available for expendi- ture by the City Council of the Ci~ty of Bakersfield for civilian defense purposes~ an amount equal.~to .the amount sought to be allocated by the State Director of Finance~ and ~I~REaS~ no funds or moneys or payments have been made to the City of Bakersfield or set aside to be made by the State Treasury or byI any agency Fhich is a part of .the executive department of the State of California~~ N0'~.~-THEI~[EFORE~ IT IS !~REBY REb0L'~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfie!d~ that the City. i:fanager, V. Van Riper~ is hereby authorized~ directed and designated as the representative of the City of Bakersfield~ a municipal corp0ration~' to sign and execute on behalf of said City~ an application and agreement for allocation of State aid to local agencies for civilian defense purposes by the State Director of Finance~ and in Said application and agreement to appl.y for the payment tO the City. of Bakersfield of ~2~3.01~ and in particular to sign and execute an agreement with the State of Cali, fornia for the payment of said money. o0o I t~REBY CERTii~ that the foregoing Resolution was Dassed and ado~.ted by the Council of the City of Bakersfie!d~ at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7'_ _ .day of September, 19447 by the following vote= AYES: CARNAl(IS, MAflMADUI(E, NOIII1P3, SIEMON, SMITH: VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: ~ ABSENT: _~ ..... ' ................................... ~ity Cler k 'of the' Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED BY .IiYtX T~IS//~day of September~ 1944. I:iAYOR of the City of Bakersfie!~