HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 1-44FCESQLUTTO,~q~ NO. 1-44 ~A RESOLUTION REQUESTING. Ti~E COi~Y- PLETiON OF 2:~EB BAKEHSFiELD-TE~CHAPI HiGi~AY. ~ ~fi~I{EAS, the State'of California, through"its Department of ~blic Works, has heretofore commenced the improvement of the State Highway between the City of BakerSfieldand the City of Tehachapi, and ~TiTZREAS, due to shortage of necessary material 'the work has been 'indefinitely postponed, and WHETS, said highway is the o~nly'thor.oughfare between the floor of'the San Joaquin Valley and the' MojaVe 'area, and Wi~EEiiEAS, the present road is through mountainous terrain and the curves on the same make traffic exceedingly slow and .hazardous, and that with the completion of the new road suclQ curves and traffic hazards will be eliminated, and ' ~EREAS, said road is necessary to handlea vast amount of'war material, butane, army,"navy and marine caravanS,-and neces- sary .products between the air base at Moja~e and. Muroc and 'the oilfields and commercial houses. in the City of Bakersfield; NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT. RESOLVeD by the City Council of the City of BakerSfield, that the State.Dep·artmentof. PublicWorks, Division of. High~vays, be requested to take every. possibie step to complete the new high~vaybetween Bakersfield'andTehachapi, in the. County of Kern, State of California.' BE iT FURTi-~R ~SOLVED, that the City Council .cooperate with the said State'of California, Division of Highways, to.the end that the said bottleneCk in the transportation'necessary for war material be eliminated between said'points. 000 ......... - · I HEREBY CERTIFY that the fore~oing*Resoiuti0n was passed and adopted by the Council.Of thS city of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10t~~ day of January, 1944, by the following vote: '~ AYES: CARNAKI$, I%",ARMADUKE, ~ SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN CounciZ of the Clty of., BakersfleZd. ' ~the City of Bakersfiel~'..~ "