HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 9-43 i~VPtF~S, under date of'?'!~nne 22, 1943, the Steel Recovery Corporation requested in writing. that Resolution No. 68 heretofore pas~.Sd by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, be amended to include 'therein a .provision rel.ating '~ the release of certain corporate Federal agencies from any ands all liabilities~ claims and obligations ii~erent in or arising out of the contract of January 28, 1943, and/or of any worl~ done by Wesley F. Waldon,contracto~ there'~der. NOW, TEREFORE,.BE IT i~gLVL~9 BY TiE COUD~CIL 0Y TE CITY OF B~RSFiELD, that Resolution ~. 68 passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a reg~ar meeting thereof held on the 14th day of June, 1943, .be amended to read as follows: "Resolution No. 68." V~[EREAS, the work of remo'~ing the rails and. repairing the streets under that certain contract of january 2~, 19~3, between Steel ltecovery Corporation, successor to Uar Materials, Inc. ~ and Wesley F. '~¢aldon, has been performed and completed on ~l streets where the rails were exposed, Vj~S, it is deemed advisable by all parties to the contract dated January 28 1943 that the said contract be cancelled as to the , , work on those streets where the .rails are now covered, and' '~IEREAS, upon the written request of the contractor~ 'jesley F. Z.l.fatdon~ dated LZay 6, 19~, addressed to ti~e Steel Recovery Corporation, said bteel Recovery Corporation; :_made Imown its desire to cancel said agreement as the same pertains to all rails now covered~ hvOW~ TI~R~0t~iE~ BE IT .F~SOLV~D BY THE COUt~CIL OF T~E CITY OF B~fi~RSFI~D~-that the ca.~tion of that part of the. con.t_r.~ct of January 28 ~ , 1943~ which relates` ~b the removal of the rails on streets that have been resurfaced and where the rails' are now covered, to-wit: on 19th Street between F and Oak Streets and on Chester' Avenue between ~°th ~=;i29th Streets, is hershey approved. ';I-~!r-~ ~> !E .!T FURT=ER RESOLVED that the City of Bakersfield hereby relieves Steel Recovery Corporation, VJar ~zaterials,. Inc., I~et~s Reserve Company, Steel R~ove~:~orporation as agent for ~etals Re s~e Corn any and ast~euccessor 'to VTar Eaterials~ Inc ~ former agent for ~TetalS ReServe .Comps~ny, of a~ and all liabilitieS, claims and obligations i~rent in or arising out of said contract of j~uary 28, 1943, and~or of~a~ w6rk done byv~esle~ .F. W~don~ the Contractor thereunder -. BE~.IT ~RT}IR '~]0~ that the provisions of Resolution No~. 66 of the City of Bakersfield as the same applies to the Bakersfield & Kern Electric Railway COmpany, shall remain in f~l force. and effect. ,, I I~]EEBY CEETIFY. that ,the.' foregoing 2esolution.v~as passed and adopted by. the 'CounCil'Of the City of Bakersfieldi at 'a regular meeting 'thereof held on the 28th day of ~une, 1943, by 'the follo~,,~,ing vote: AYES: CARNAl(IS, MARMADUI'(E, ;~iF,;5, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: ~~___~ ............ . ............. Ci ' Clerk of'the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me ,~28th Day of June., I~~he City of Bakersfield. 19~3.