HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 6-42P~ESOLUTIQZ NO. 6-42 WHEREAS, Walter Osborn has faithfully served the City of Bakersfield as City Attorney for many yssrs, ANDV~EAS he has resigned such position as of July l, 1942, NOW, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOL~ BY T~.~ COU~qUIL OF TL~ CITY OF BAilERSFIELD that it extends its uhole-heartod th~s and appre- ciation to said Walter 0sborn for his loyal and effective ~rk on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, and said C~a~cil hereby expresses its high regard for said Walter Osborn as'a public official and as a private citizen, AND BE IT FURTIER RESOL~D that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and that a copy be sent to Walter Osborn as a symbol of the friendship au~d esteem in which he is held by this Council. COUNCILMEN ATTEST ~ CiTY CLEHK Dated at Bakersfield, California, this ...... day of ~'uly, 1942