HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 08-41 RESOLUTION DE~LARATO3~Y OF P~LISY NO. 8-41 'WHEREAS, some of the several departments of 'the City have heretofore operated to some extent independently of the office of the City Manager, with certain resultant lack of harmony and efficiency; AND, VfHEP~AS, it is the desire of the City Council to coordinate all of the departments of the City Gove~snt ~ndeP the supervision, direction and control of the City Hans.ge~ in order to secure the greatest possible benefits from and advantagsc of the city-manager principle of murdcipal govern~snt, and tk~s secure efficiency, eliminate waste, and to effect further improve- ment in the administration of municipal affairs within the City Limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it be the dsclarsd policy of the Council and of the City Gorefigment that the several functions of the respective departments of the City be coordinated and operated through and under the general supervision of the City Manager; that all buying of supplies and equipment, the placing of all insurance, and the control of the help allotted to the several offices be cleared through and app~cved by the City Manager; and for the purpose of better efficiency the Co~%ncil hereby respectfully requests the heads of the several ~espective departments of the City to fully and continually cooperate ~7ith the.City ~anager, with the view of reducing over-head, avoiding duplication of functions, eliminating unnecessary expense and securing the highest degree of efficiency for the several respective departments. ............. o0o .............. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Baks~sfield, at a reg~a~ meeting thersof held on the 23rd day of June, 1941~ by the follow- ing vote: AYESt CLEMENTS, MARMADUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, SOLLERS, VERCRMMEN HOES: _~ ............................................................ ABSENT, _~ .......................................................... io 'Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakei~sfield. APPROVED by me this 23rd day of June~ 1941. NAYOR of the City of B~ersfi~f~j':~ '