HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 61-39RESOLUTIOY~T No. 6~!~.39 A RESOLUT!9},~ ACCF. PTING TKE OFFER OF T~ t~Y!TED STATES TO Z.V. CITY OF I,'XE?,SFIELD TO AID BY UAY OF GPdfi~T I!q' FII'YA~CING T~ C0}YS~UCTI0!~ 0F ADDiT!O~Y8 TO ~ ~7AC-E T~EA~.~NT PL.~,YT, B~(ERSFI~D, C~iIFORN~_ BE IT RESOLIED by the City Cotreel! of the City of Bakersfield 1. THAT the Offer of the Dialted States of ~nnerica to the City cf Ba?mrsfie!d, California, to aid by way of Grant in nancing the construction of additions to the Sewage Treatme~± Plant, a copy of vf~ich 0ffsr reads as fo!lows~ be -and the sac is hereby in all r~spects accepted:. FEDEleZL UORIZS AG~IYCY hb!ic Uorks A~ministration City of Bahersfie!;.~- Bakersfields., California Uashin~ton~ D. C.~ Dated: Oct. 23, 1939 Docket No. Calif. 1892-F The United States of ~saeriea hereby offers to ramend the con-~ tract created b~ the acceptsnee ~ the City of 8~ersfield~ on October 17, 1938, of the 0ff. er made by the United States of ~merica and dated October 18 19~8~ (1)by striking out ~, 4 rand 5 of Paragraph I of said 0ffer~ the wor~s ~'construction of a sewage disposal ~!mt end cf extensions to a sewer systsm~ inc!udi~g necessary !S. berato~ e uipment rand the acquisition. of necessary lind and rights of way~ end inserting in lieu thereof the words "construction cf a sewage treatment Flint and of e~ tensions to a sewer system, including necessary laboratory equip- ment md site improvement; (2) striking out, in line 9 of said Paragraph !, the figures "$90 9~9~' ~8 insert~ i~ lieu thereof the figures and striking P[ Sr'[ph 2 of said Offer md inserting in lieu thereof a paragraph to read as follows: "2. By accept~.ce of this Offer 'end the Applicsnt coven~_ts comFlete the Project wit~ all practicable dispatch, md in any event by January 15, 19~0." UNITED STATES OF ..all!RIGA Federal ~Vorks A~ministrator By (Signed) E~ l'.:. Clark an~,m~ e, nmm~ss~_ener of i~abli~0'Vks 2. THAT SAID City of Bakersfield agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions of said 0ffer~ including Terms and Conditions annexed thereto an!~. made a part thereof° 8. 'TH:kT TI~ City of Bakersfield be and is hereby authorized md directed fort~vith to send to the Federal Vferks Agency~ Public ~5ork A~inistration three (8) certified copies of the .proceedings of the City Council of the City o'f Bakersfield in co~_ection v~ith adoption of this Resolution, setting forth this Resolution in ful!~ and such further documents as proofs in coxection v~ith the ac- cept~ce of said Offer as may be requested by the Public ~2fork AS_ministration. ..... oo0oo I ~REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Balmrsfield on the 9Q~tday of October, 1989 at a regular meeting thereof by the following vote: ~YF_.5: BO~EN, ~'~Rwt'~'DU~E' ~ct/IT, LLP, H, PFiOLY, .~t~/tFi'lA, SOLLE. RS, WILSOH Ckty Cle ! Clerl~ of th~ Council of the City of Bakersfield, EXTRACTS OF T!-~ -v. ZIvffUTES OF A REGULAR ~ETII_ffG OF TI~ C0~ICIL OF T~ CITY 0F BA~RSFIELD~ CALIFOR~IA, :~LD II'~ TB~ COL~!CIL CH~ABER 0F T}~ CI~ i~Z., B.~XERS~!ELD, C~LIF0~!~~ BEGD~,TI~G AT E!GH~ O'CLCCK P. ~'~. 0CT~ 80, 1939 "The United Crates of .~nnerica Hereby offers to am. end the contract created - etc." Upon a motion by McMillan ~ seconded by B~l~r -~' Boden , the ~ouncit of the City of CsJ_ifornia, thereby accepted the .offer of the United States f~.erica ~o the City of B~ersfield to aid by ws~j of Grit in nancying the construction of Additions to the Sewage Treatment Plant. ......... oo0oo I, V' Van Riper~. City Clerk of the City of Bs]~ersfield~ State of California, hereby certify the foregoing mud annexed to be a-full, true and correct copy of a portion of the original ?,]ir~rtes of a Regular Z~[eeting of the Council of the City of Bakers- field held on October S0, 1989, on file in this office and that I have compared t.be same with the original. V. Van Riper City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersf-lo!d, C~ ifornia.